Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Tampering With Fire

Fourth World: Tampering With Fire

0There is a proverb that goes 'tampering with fire will burn you even in the coldest regions' but Kai Zi seemed to not have heard it before. If he had he wouldn't have travelled down this path.     

It never crossed his mind Qie Ranzhe would show up at this exact moment. If he had known he would have just shot Su Xin and ended it earlier. It's just that his character wouldn't permit him to give the pest a quick and easy death.     

He stood up slowly with an eerie smile on his face while tapping the gun in his hand on his thigh in a rhythmic manner. Qie Ranzhe had brought an entire army that immediately surrounded the area cutting off all possible escape routes for Kai Zi.     

"Ran-ge, we have been friends since childhood.... don't tell me you are going to break off our relationship for this slag man?" asked Kai Zi his tone indignant. This was a genuine question he had been repressing at the depth of his heart.     

He had been by Qie Ranzhe's side for years yet he wasn't even worth a hair of this traitorous viper. Just because the man changed for a few months Su Xin's credibility trampled over his in an instant. This made zero sense to him which is why he had to ask.     

This entire time, Qie Ranzhe only had his eyes on Su Xin with a lasting sense of anxiety. He wanted Kai Zi to be as far away as possible from Su Xin and had to come up with a plan.     

Kai Zi also noticed the taut look on Qie Ranzhe's face an obvious sign of worry. He let out a self-deprecating laugh that almost seemed crazed. Like a mental patient in a horror movie, his laughter vanished abruptly replaced by an expression as dark as the bottom of a charcoal pot.     

"You only see him..... even, even now you can only see him. Shit!" swore Kai Zi before he began to pace up and down like he had lost his mind.     

"What's so special about this dirty piece of trash? Why can't you see me? Is it because I can't give birth... is that it?.... Answer me!" rambled on Kai Zi while waving his gun at the unconscious Su Xin.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond holding his breath. He was blaming himself for this. He should have locked up Su Xin from the very beginning. From the moment Su Xin ran off to deal with Su Long by himself he should have locked him up and not listened to his mother's advice.     

When he was betrayed the first time he wanted to lock up Su Xin and tame him but his mother said you can't lock up someone to make them like you. That same advice carried forward to the day Su Xin got ambushed alongside his mother. While coaxing her, he suggested confining Su Xin at the Qie Mansion with bodyguards following him around.     

He would only allow Su Xin to go outside with him but his mother strongly rejected the idea saying that even a rabbit would bite when cornered. He couldn't help thinking this way. He is but a selfish man who doesn't want to lose his precious gem.     

Now, he regrets it. He regrets listening to a woman whose husband was gunned down despite having no connection to the underworld whatsoever. That's right, Qie Ranzhe's father was a simple man who loved painting but he was killed as revenge to his brother-in-law who had deep ties in the underworld, the late leader of Hei Xue, Qie Ranzhe's uncle.     

This was one of Hei San's biggest regrets so before he departed from this world he instructed Qie Ranzhe to wash their organisation clean to prevent further bloodshed. If his mother couldn't protect his father then why did he listen to her     

advice? The deeper he dove into this dark path the more flawed his logic.     

"Kai! Zi! Get the fuck away from him!" yelled Qie Ranzhe striding forward his icy gaze brimming with indifference as though looking at a stranger.     

Kai Zi drew his weapon and aimed at Qie Ranzhe with a panicked expression. He licked his dry lips in anxiety and stammered, "Do-don't come, come any closer. Ran-ge, I will end the both of us if you keep coming clos-," but he didn't even get to complete his threat because Qie Ranzhe's chest made contact with the muzzle of the gun. He wanted to go through with it but he hesitated.     

His moment of weakness cost him everything because it was at this juncture that Machu shot him squarely in the ass. "Fuck.... AAAAAAHHHHH! You shot me you fuckin piece of shit!" swore Kai Zi rolling on the ground with a grimace.     

Everyone, "....."     

Qie Ranzhe's brow rose while staring at Machu with a blank expression. Machu shrugged his shoulders and said, 'What?.... I thought he was going to kill you," before holstering his weapon.     

"So you fuckin shot me in the ass? Aaaahhhh.... fuck you Machu," complained Kai Zi while Qie Ranzhe kicked away the gun.     

"Just get Xin-er in the car and get a doctor to check him out," said Qie Ranzhe to Machu before crouching down in front of Kai Zi.     

Machu felt wronged so he expressed his grievances while walking over to Su Xin. "He said I shouldn't kill you so I had to pick the least fatal fleshy part," he said before getting a group of men to carry Su Xin. One of the men accidentally placed his hand on Su Xin's ass and felt a cold pressure mounting up behind him despite it being a hot summer night.     

Vexed, he looked behind only to meet his boss' fierce glare that made him almost let go of this hot potato. Machu also felt the spine chilling glare and reprimanded him, "Hey, watch where you are putting your hands. Tsk, are you tired of living? You have so many parts to touch, touch elsewhere."     

Qie Ranzhe, "...."     

"Touch elsewhere my foot. Give him to me and carry the rest," said Qie Ranzhe beckoning them over. He initially wanted to deal with Kai Zi first but he instantly turned into a green-eyed monster as soon as someone lay a hand on his lover.     

"Sigh* ... so hard to please," muttered Machu wishing to extricate himself from this situation as soon as possible.     

"Ran-ge, what are you planning to do? You can't kill me otherwise I will destroy the entire empire you worked so hard to create. Just, just be with me okay and I won't ruin you," said Kai Zi in deep heavy breaths with beads of cold sweat on his forehead. He still had the damning information about Hei Xue's operations in hand.      

Qie Ranzhe received Su Xin's unconscious self and embraced him into his arms in a princess carry and said, "it's a sensible proposal." His response had Kai Zi leaping with joy internally while thinking he should have just done this from the start but a bucket of cold water was poured on him right after.     

"But..... unfortunately you no longer have that advantage. Next time don't put my birthday as your passcode," said Qie Ranzhe before riding into the sunset with his damsel.     

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