Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: The L-Word

Fourth World: The L-Word

0"Ran-ge!" he yelled after Qie Ranzhe but he was ruthlessly ignored. It was over. Qie Ranzhe was going to slowly torture him and ruin his family all because of that slut Su Xin. Just like that Kai Zi was dragged into the car along with his men never to see the light of day ever again.     

A few hours later, the so-called slut finally rose from his slumber after playing a round of cards with the system while waiting for the final judgement. He lost to that AI six times so when he woke up he was already in a bad mood which only worsened when he found out he was handcuffed to a chair with a burlap sack on his head.     

He was confused at first with his mind foggy from the car crash but once he recalled everything he instantly began to panic. He started struggling with the handcuffs his heart pumping as fast as a high-speed train.     

"Shit..... shit, shit shit!" he mumbled with the rate of swearing increasing as he panicked further. He was frazzled by this stifling situation that he didn't realise his body was washed and he was wearing clean clothes. Anyway who would notice that if they thought they were going to die.     

'Jolie, can you check on Baidu how to get out of handcuffs?' he asked but the system didn't respond like it was taking a vacation. Wen Qinxi completely lost it so he began to yell like an angry customer after receiving the wrong order.     

'You fuckin shitty system. You better show your fuckin face right now. I swear if I get skinned alive I will erase you out of existence... Oh, so you don't fuckin believe me? Wait until I get the fuck out of here,' said Wen Qinxi restraining himself from swearing at it using even more vulgar words.     

A string of messages popped up further infuriating the nerd.     

System: I do believe you.     

System: Don't, don't be angry.     

System: It's just inconvenient for me right now.     

'Inconvenient, you must be fuckin kidding me. Well, I am sorry for fuckin inconveniencing you when I am about to fuckin die,' yelled Wen Qinxi feeling like strangling this stupid system.     

System: Boss, calm down.     

System: Here are six ways to escape handcuffs.     

System: Use a bobby pin or break the chain with a bolt cutter.     

'Seriously Jolie? Do I look like I have a fuckin bobby pin or bolt cutters?' complained Wen Qinxi before letting out a sarcastic laugh.     

System: Well,.... that's a bit of an issue.     

'A bit?.... It's a fuckin huge problem,' replied Wen Qinxi questioning the intelligence of his creation. If it had a physical form he would have pinched its ears to restart its IQ.     

System: Oh, here is a good one.     

System: You just have to break your thumb to get out of the handcuffs.     

System: That doesn't require any tools.     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

Even a slight pinch to his skin would have him teary-eyed while yelping out in pain so let's not talk about breaking his own thumb. But the system had on a look of quickly praise me extremely proud of itself.     

'You must be fuckin crazy,' replied Wen Qinxi as he started struggling again while trying to shake off the burlap sack over his head.     

System: Well, then take a pick.     

System: Skinned like salmon or break your thumb.     

"You....!" said the dumbstruck Wen Qinxi.     

Notification: System Offline. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact technical services and report the error.     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

Struck silly by the stupid system, Wen Qinxi swore to high heaven. Amidst his extreme vulgar slurs, a lamp was suddenly lit in the dark room. What he forgot in his angry rant was that the system was like a ghost in the presence of one person.     

If only he had calmed his mind and thought it through he would have known he wasn't in danger at all. But let's forgive this nerd for tossing his genius IQ off the window when terrified. Thus the term scared silly.     

"Whose there?" asked Wen Qinxi with his head turning left and right in search of his captor. His head moving inside the burlap sack was extremely comical but Qie Ranzhe wasn't in the mood to laugh.     

He strode over in leisurely footsteps and crouched down in front of Su Xin. Wen Qinxi could see a vague figure in front of him through the burlap sack so he lifted his foot to deliver a powerful kick at the assailant.     

To his dismay, his foot was caught mid-air by a powerful hand making him panic further. Planning to use the other foot, he lifted it but both his feet were suddenly pressed down at the thighs making it hard for him to make a move.     

The warm hands decided to explore caressing both thighs with great interest. Wen Qinxi was about to fight for his dignity when a familiar scent wafted into his nose.     

He immediately calmed down and yelled, "Qie! Ran!" through gritted teeth. This idiot had taken things too far. He was about to explode in anger but Qie Ranzhe lay his head on his lap with his hands wrapped around Su Xin's waist.     

"Baby, I am upset," he said sounding wronged as his head sank into his lover's abdomen.     

"Are you fuckin crazy! Let me go..... Ouch! What the fuck," yelped Wen Qinxi after this beaver bit his abdomen like a toddler. Wen Qinxi couldn't help but think, 'What a fuckin weird way to vent out one's grievances.'     

"Bite me again and I won't talk to you for a week. Now..... be good and let me go," said Wen Qinxi deliberately softening his voice to coax this big baby.     

Unexpectedly, Qie Ranzhe shook his head and said, "If I do you will leave me again."     

"OMG, I will fuckin leave you if you don't let me go. Hurry up!"     

Qie Ranzhe heard him loud and clear but he didn't say anything sinking deeper into that embrace as though trying to swallow him whole. He silently savoured this sweet moment breathing in the divine scent of his lover.     

After tearing Kai Zi from limb to limb he needed this. He was so angry that he tore the man apart causing an unsightly scene that made the Kai family throw up in repulsion.     

It had to be done by his hand so he could warn other families and let them know Su Xin's position in his heart. When he described that position to his mother she simply answered, "Love, it's love." It was then that he realised Su Xin wiggled into his heart for a second time but this time the feeling was amplified that he couldn't think straight.     

He couldn't bare losing Su Xin so he chose what seemed like the most logical route to him in order to protect his heart but of course, his psychotic method wasn't well received.     

"Ranzhe, you better fuckin let me go right now or I won't say a word to you for an entire month," threatened Wen Qinxi wondering what was going on with this silly CEO. Was he going to be locked up for the rest of this world?     

"I love you," whispered Qie Ranzhe making this nerd's heart melt into a puddle. Qie Ranzhe finally said the words Wen Qinxi loved to hear the most.     

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