Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Pampered Princess

Fourth World: Pampered Princess

0Just when he was about to convince Qie Ranzhe to let him go, the door was pushed open and Machu walked in holding three folders. As soon as he saw these two people abusing single dogs, he looked away and hurriedly distributed the folders while grumbling. "I think we need to put up a suggestion box or better yet sign a petition otherwise I will really go blind from this lovey-dovey situation," he complained in a barely audible voice.     

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat it louder this time?" asked Qie Ranzhe with an evil smile on his face.     

"No nothing, I said I hope Su Xin can cook for us today," said Machu jumping from the frying pan straight into the fire.     

Qie Ranzhe eyed him with a glare icy enough to freeze hell over and said, "He is mine so why would he cook for you? Baby, if you dare cook for him I will make you do yoga at night."     

"What the fuck does that have to do with me? This is between the two of you. If I happen to cook and he helps himself then how is that considered my fault?" said Wen Qinxi while trying to wiggle off Qie Ranzhe's lap.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't answer and directly explained to the group what was in front of them. This was payment for helping Su Xin as long as they agree to keep what happened tonight to themselves. As for the Kai family? It was burning to ash this very instant.     

As soon as he said this, he dragged Su Xin out of the door without looking back. He had a score to settle with Su Xin for lying to him and he couldn't wait any longer.     

They left behind three people who had their jaws dropping to the floor. The amount stated in this document had them astonished to the point of losing speech. "Se-seven figures?" stammered Li Meimei gawking at Machu in disbelief, "Did your boss rob the national treasury or something? This!...."     

Machu smiled and said, "I take it that you are satisfied? Now hurry up and sign. The food god might be cooking today and I don't want to miss out."     

Casio was already making a list of cars he was going to buy while Ting-ge was imagining himself having a basement full of big boy toys a collection of the century. The two hurriedly signed while Li Meimei eyed the contract suspiciously.     

"You must be asking me to sell my soul, right? Otherwise why this much?" She asked narrowing her eyes at the messenger.     

"There is no such thing. It's either you sign or I will take it as your refusal," said Machu taking away the other two's contracts. His finger reached over to take away Li Meimei's contract since she wasn't interested but the girl held on so tight with the paper barely moving an inch.      

Machu let go and Li Meimei nervously chortled while saying, "Uncle don't be upset. I will sign it. Let's, let's not be rash.... hahaha."     

"Fuck. Who is your uncle," swore Machu before taking the signed contract away and storming out of the conference room.      

Li Meimei, "..."     

"Are men also sensitive about their age?" whispered Li Meimei but Machu's voice made her jump like she had seen a ghost.     

"I heard that!"     

"Tsk, tsk... you really don't know when to shut up do you?" said Ting-ge while Casio shook his head in sympathy.     

While Machu was feeling sensitive about his age, Qie Ranzhe didn't go back to the Qie Mansion for selfish reasons. If he went back home those two would hog Su Xin to themselves leaving nothing for him.     

To appease them he initiated a video call that only lasted twenty seconds because he snatched the cell phone afterwards and said, "That's good enough for proof of life. You guys will see him tomorrow."     

"Wait, no it's barely a minute. Dad-," said Qie Xieling but he didn't get to finish complaining when the video call was cut off.     

Madam Qie didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why his son was in a hurry. She ruffled the kid's fluffy head and said, "Do you want to buy something to give to your dad when he gets home tomorrow?" An aggrieved Qie Xieling nodded his head while pouting. His daddy was indeed too greedy for his dad.     

While Qie Xieling was calling his daddy names, Wen Qinxi was slumping on the couch like a zombie. He was passed out for a long time earlier but his limbs were a little sore making him lie on the couch the very moment he entered the apartment.     

The couch was so comfy that he could fall asleep here but how could Qie Ranzhe let him off that easy. Qie Ranzhe strode over to the couch after changing into his slippers and directly straddled Su Xin while kissing his neck. The thing poking Wen Qinxi's thigh made it obvious what this crime boss wanted but it didn't mean he would give in without putting up a fuss.     

"Ran-ge, I am hungry," said Wen Qinxi with his hands on Qie Ranzhe's shoulders.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't immediately respond carrying on with teasing his neck like he was eating some type of delicacy. "En, how about you feed me first then we can eat. I have been craving your taste for so long," replied Qie Ranzhe with his warm breath brushing against Su Xin's neck.     

"But my muscles are sore," complained Wen Qinxi trying to get this greedy person off him.     

It seemed to work because Qie Ranzhe stopped and gazed at his lover with a radiant visage that made him especially handsome. "I will give you a massage. How about that?.... Let's eat dinner first."     

Qie Ranzhe really kept his word and didn't cause trouble. Once dinner was delivered he fed Su Xin claiming that he should move less because of his muscle ache.     

Qie Ranzhe's actions were too exaggerated that Wen Qinxi couldn't help but think, 'Isn't this the so-called fattening a cow at the market?' He was especially pampered like a princess falling right into Qie Ranzhe's trap.     

The massage was so good that when Qie Ranzhe told him to take off his t-shirt he didn't resist. The pleasure stemming from the skilled oily hands had him entranced that he couldn't help but let out a satisfied groan.     

But it didn't stop there because Qie Ranzhe took off his pants all in the name of massaging his legs. Maybe it was the burning incense or the soothing oil but Wen Qinxi was very complaisant.     

By the time he realized he was lured into a trap his underwear was already off and Qie Ranzhe was giving him a hand job. This experience was completely out of this world making him utter provocative words with glistening eyes. After showing this kind of face, how could the horny crime boss possibly let him go? Not in this lifetime.     

This night had a happy ending for these two but not for Madam Qie. What began as buying dad something ended up turning into a full-fledged affair. The arts and crafts table was scattered with a lot of messy things because Qie Xieling decided to make his dad a gift.     

His dad always did fun things with him and he wanted to show his appreciation. As nana taught him, one should learn to appreciate the ones around them because it's when we appreciate them that they feel special. He wanted Su Xin to know that he loves him and appreciates him from the depth of his heart.     

"Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it." – Ann Brashares     

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