Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Matching Set Of Lip Hickeys

Fourth World: Matching Set Of Lip Hickeys

0Qie Ranzhe might be a grown man but right now he was acting like a spoilt brat in Wen Qinxi's lap. He had finally confessed his feelings which took him a long time to realise but Su Xin didn't respond. He was fairly certain Su Xin felt the same way but the man didn't answer him making him feel nervous.     

An awkward silence filled the room with the occasional chirping of the cicadas in the distance. Qie Ranzhe was starting to panic as he burrowed his head deep into Su Xin's abdomen. Just when he was about to say something, Su Xin finally spoke but it was against his expectation. He was being scolded instead.     

"Qie Ranzhe! Are you going to let me go or not?" asked Wen Qinxi after concealing the beatific expression on his face replacing it with a stern look.     

Qie Ranzhe felt goosebumps all over his body being called by his full name in that tone. It reminded him of the time his mother was upset with him as a child. She would call out to him in the same way and now his husband had adopted the same tactic.     

"When I asked to pick you up you told me that you were at a movie theatre with your friends. Since when is crawling in an air vent the movie theatre. Were you in the audience or the actor? You keep lying to me.... so how am I supposed to let you go? You don't trust me and run around doing dangerous things. What would I do without you?" complained Qie Ranzhe unwilling to take off the burlap sack and face Su Xin's angry face.     

"Maybe we should do things differently.... that way you won't leave me," he carried on with his flawed logic that could have one facepalming.     

Wen Qinxi heaved a deep sigh then said, "Fine, I promise I won't run around doing dangerous things without you ever again. Now.... be obedient and let me go." He was sincere in his words but he had little hope that the man throwing a temper tantrum would believe him.     

To his surprise, Qie Ranzhe took off the burlap sack but before he could utter a word, his lips were suddenly sealed in a tyrannical passionate kiss sucking out all the oxygen in his body. 'Great, not only is he holding me hostage now he wants to kiss me to death,' thought Wen Qinxi feeling rather breathless.     

Qie Ranzhe was so enthusiastic that he lost himself in the moment forgetting the type of situation they were in. He held back earlier when he washed Su Xin's unconscious body. Now that the man was awake it was about time Su Xin paid the piper. Qie Ranzhe's hands caressed Su Xin's chest as their bodies warmed up from the fierce passion.     

Ever since he said the L-word an inexplicable thirst arose within him. He wanted to punish Su Xin for making him worry but Su Xin wasn't on the same wavelength mainly because his hands were still handcuffed.     

As soon as his lips left Su Xin's to explore the man's jade-like pinkish neck, Su Xin took the opportunity to speak. "If you don't stop seducing me you won't get laid for an entire week," threatened Wen Qinxi in a serious tone. He meant it as it was clearly written all over his face.     

Qie Ranzhe paused his actions eyeing Su Xin like he was a beast. What kind of threat was that? "Don't glare at me. I can make it two weeks if you like," said Wen Qinxi with a smile on his face.     

"Baby, why are you such a buzzkill?" complained Qie Ranzhe while unlocking the handcuffs. Fine, he couldn't keep Su Xin locked up but he can do something far worse than that. What could be far worse than locking up Su Xin? That would be bringing him along everywhere.     

If Wen Qinxi knew what Qie Ranzhe was thinking he would have volunteered to be confined in the Qie Mansion. A clingy Qie Ranzhe was much difficult to deal with. It was only after walking out of the room did Wen Qinxi find out where he was. This was the basement of Hei Xue's office building and judging from its set up it was a place where only dark things happened.     

Qie Ranzhe had his arm around Su Xin's waist while explaining to him what happened after he passed out. The crime boss also confessed to stealing the files in the Kai Mansion vault before Su Xin got his hands on them.     

This angered Wen Qinxi so much that he felt like biting Qie Ranzhe's lip and he really did it. By the time they got to the executive floor conference room, there was a slight red crack on Qie Ranzhe's lips giving the couple a matching set of lip hickeys.     

The matching set was hard to miss showing itself off in front of Wen Qinxi's accomplices who had been locked in the conference room. As to why they were locked in? It was because Li Meimei was obsessed with unlocking things. They even had to post a guard outside the conference room because she would most likely pick the lock.     

"Wow, what were you two up too?" asked Li Meimei with her gaze moving back and forth between the two slightly swollen lips. "So while some of us were locked in here you two were getting down and dirty," she said folding her arms across her chest before leaning in to sniff Su Xin, "Tsk, tsk, tsk even had time to take a shower too."     

Wen Qinxi was puzzled but received enlightenment when Casio pointed at his bruised lip while asking, "What happened? Is it from the car accident?" He was feeling especially guilty for failing to get away from Kai Zi's men and landing them in a car accident. He had never had an accident before in all his driving years even when drag racing. But today he failed and got Su Xin injured.     

Actually, it was because of his good driving that there were minimal injuries. Even the car wasn't completely totalled demonstrating his unparalleled skill. Besides minor bruises and lacerations, no one broke anything.     

"Oh, this? I accidentally bumped into someone so don't worry about it," said Wen Qinxi while side-eyeing the culprit who retaliated earlier and bit him back. If there is such a thing as an unromantic kiss it would be the one they exchanged in the elevator. It would be better described as a game of 'you bit me so I bite you back' with no clear winner.     

Qie Ranzhe pulled up a chair and sat down before pulling Su Xin's wrist drawing him closer. The unsuspecting Wen Qinxi was tricked into sitting on Qie Ranzhe's lap out of the blue. By the time he realised it Qie Ranzhe had already wrapped his arms around his waist. This fixed him in place giving him no chance to escape.     

He rested his chin on Su Xin's shoulder making the onlookers who had been force-fed dog food shyly look away except for Li Meimei whose skin was as thick as a crocodile's.     

"Mr Qie, you don't have to show off. We know he belongs to you and none of us is interested in him," exclaimed Ting-ge feeling like he was about to be blinded.     

"En," said Qie Ranzhe with a beaming smile but he didn't let go of Su Xin. Wen Qinxi felt his face heat up in embarrassment but he could only obediently sit there because Qie Ranzhe was holding onto him tightly.     

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