Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lin Lin's First Kiss?

Fourth World: Lin Lin's First Kiss?

0And so the crime boss confessed without even realising it. It wasn't about a contract or physical attraction but love. He fell head over heels for this man without even noticing it. "My heart is beating for you and you alone."     

Wen Qinxi felt his ears heat up at such sugary words. Feeling bashful he pushed Qie Ranzhe away saying, "So fucking cheesy," with a light smile.     

He knew he was done for in the second world. He had already fallen for his astringent boss but each time Qie Ranzhe reciprocated his feelings he felt an indescribable joy that one had to experience to understand it.     

"Still mad?" asked Qie Ranzhe casually placing his hand on the wall in a classic wall slam.     

"Enough talking," said Wen Qinxi before clutching Qie Ranzhe's collar drawing him closer for a passionate kiss but just as their lips touched they were suddenly interrupted.     

"What are you two doing in a dark alley..... Are you kissing?" asked the curious Qie Xieling while Madam Qie tried to cover the kid's eyes and protect his innocence.     

Qie Ranzhe sighed in frustration and responded, "Yes, we are. Now go to the car and leave us alone," without shifting his position. It was evident that he seriously wanted to continue but the light bulb Qie Xieling wasn't going to let that happen.     

The poor kid had heard the gunfire making him worry to death but when he saw Machu return with no ounce of anxiety he enquired about Su Xin's whereabouts. Who would have expected he would walk up to such a scene.     

"I am hungry, nana says we have an appointment at a restaurant so quit fooling around and let's go," complained Qie Xieling while patting his growling tummy.     

Qie Ranzhe was about to refute and use the parent card to get him to go back when a sly smile appeared on Su Xin's face. "Yes daddy, we are hungry so how about we put a pause on whatever this is," said Wen Qinxi with a teasing tone while making his escape.     

Qie Ranzhe held Su Xin's hand whining, "No, no, no, five more minutes. Come on," but this crime boss lost miserably. In less than ten minutes they were sitting in a private room feasting on a grand meal while chatting it up.     

Qie Ranzhe was still dissatisfied making him a lot more clingy than usual. He was holding onto either Su Xin's waist, hand or shoulders at every opportunity. This behaviour and the kiss in the alley earlier had Qie Xieling curious so he asked, "That... kiss. Do you do it often? How, how does it feel?"     

Qie Xieling's question was followed by the clanking sound of cutlery being dropped out of shock. Qie Ranzhe chortled lightly while taking a sip of his beer with a sly grin plastered on his face. Madam Qie on the other hand smacked the kid upside his head reprimanding him.     

"That, that can only be done when you are in university. Actually no, you can only kiss someone on your wedding day... fudge! What am I saying? You are forbidden," said Wen Qinxi making a mess of things. He was just too shocked and wasn't expecting to be addressing such things so early.     

"So... you two had your first kiss on your wedding day?" asked Qie Xieling narrowing his eyes at the two as though saying 'don't you dare lie to me'.     

Madam Qie couldn't believe where this conversation was headed so she tried to remedy the situation. "Eat more," while shoving a piece of beef into her grandson's mouth.     

Just when she thought she had succeeded, Qie Ranzhe spoke opening up a can of worms. "No, we did a lot of kissing before that. Like lots and lots of kissing," while starting at Su Xin with a profound gaze.     

Wen Qinxi gave him a look that seemed to ask 'why the fuck would you say that?' but Qie Ranzhe was unmoved.     

Instead, he chose to add fuel to the fire. He turned to look at Qie Xieling and emphasized, "Lots of i-," but he didn't get to finish when a wonton was shoved in his mouth.     

"So when did you have your first kiss?" he asked staring at his dad like a sly reporter whose goal is to catch celebrities in compromising positions.     

Wen Qinxi facepalmed pleading the 5th amendment refusing to answer but he was soon met by Qie Ranzhe's stern expression that seemed to express his desire to know the answer.     

He really wasn't certain on how to answer the question. In the real world, he only managed to kiss a girl in university under Wen Danzhe's urging. Thinking about it now, it was a mere peck in a truth or dare drinking game. Looking back at it he couldn't understand how his younger brother always got him to do things with ease.     

As for Su Xin, this character was a veteran that kissed a girl in a closet during a game of spin the bottle at eleven. Not just a simple peck but they were a little handsy as well.     

Wen Qinxi was busy weighing his options when he heard Qie Ranzhe ask, "Who was it," staring at him with a burning gaze. Wen Qinxi gulped and decided to use his real-world experience as Su Xin's past endeavours had nothing to do with him.     

"At twenty-one, a peck in a truth or dare game," said Wen Qinxi feeling like that's the most unromantic first kiss ever.     

Qie Ranzhe relaxed a little but his hand was still clasping Su Xin's waist tightly. He downed the rest of his glass and said, "Your dad at twenty-four," staring at Su Xin. Wen Qinxi couldn't believe it eyeing Qie Ranzhe suspiciously. Feeling the boring gaze burning through his skin, he turned to face Su Xin and explained further, "Pecks don't count."     

'Of course, they fuckin count,' thought Wen Qinxi before glancing over at Madam Qie who was oddly silent acting invisible. It seemed she didn't want to answer that question.     

"Nana, how about you?" asked Qie Xieling truly curious. If he didn't talk to his family about this then who else would he speak to?     

"Fine, fine I will tell you. I ambushed your grandfather when we were ten years old. We were friends but some girl wanted to deliver a love letter to him so I grabbed him and smooched him. After, after that, I told him to take responsibility and ten years later we were married," she explained giving full details on how she became Mrs Qie.     

Everyone, "..."     

"Wow," said the tongue-tied Qie Ranzhe while Wen Qinxi snickered in amusement. Now he knows where Qie Ranzhe's shameless black-bellied behaviour comes from.     

"Remember you only have one first time. Just make sure you won't regret it in the future," explained Wen Qinxi after laughing himself to death but he realised his advice came too late after what Qie Xieling said next,     

"Oh, I was kissed by a classmate today...."     

"Shit! Who is it? I am going to kill them... I am going to fuckin kill them!" yelled Wen Qinxi getting up to get Qie Xieling's phone. It took Qie Ranzhe's full strength to restrain him otherwise his wife might storm to someone's house in the middle of the night to spank their kid. The only thing that held him back from assaulting that kid was because Qie Xieling was kissed on the cheek.      

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