Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Kai Zi's Bad Habit

Fourth World: Kai Zi's Bad Habit

0On the other side of town, while others were servicing each other in bed, Kai Zi was sweeping stuff off his table in anger. Not only did he have his ass kicked in front of his bodyguards he also had to watch Qie Ranzhe carry Su Xin away with a lovesick puppy expression.     

That scene caused a piercing pain in his chest as though he was being stabbed by an ice pick straight into his heart. The pain from being punched was in no way comparable to the pain he felt inside.     

While he was throwing his temper tantrum, Kai Zheng strode in with a bag of frozen peas on his face. He had heard the sound of things smashing to the ground coming from Kai Zi's office and decided to take a look. Not even the servants were brave enough to stick around otherwise they might die for something that had nothing to do with them.     

As soon as he entered the room he halted his steps while asking, "What happened to you?"     

Kai Zi slumped into his office chair and said, "What do you think," with his fingers leisurely hanging on his forehead.     

Kai Zheng's eyebrow twitched as a sharp pain flared up where he was punched before it disappeared as quickly as it came. "Did Xin-er do this to you?" he asked sitting in the opposite chair. He knew his brother went to the music festival but he didn't think he would get into a fight with Su Xin.     

"Don't you dare fuckin say it," he said with a glint of anger in his eyes.     

Kai Zheng sighed deeply while pressing down the bag of frozen peas on his face. He had to go back to filming soon but couldn't go back looking like he was hit by a bus. It seemed Su Xin wasn't going to let go of Qie Ranzhe which left him with no choice but to quit. If only his younger brother possessed the same mentality.     

"Just let it go. Qie Ranzhe isn't the only man in the world anyway. How about I get you a night with a top tier actor? I am pretty sure you will get over him in no time," said Kai Zheng trying to cheer him up. It is said in the Kai family that when Kai Zi is unhappy then the entire mansion is unhappy as well.     

Kai Zi abruptly opened his eyes and glowered at his brother saying, "Are you fuckin stupid? This is no longer about getting Ran-ge..... That entire family has taken things too far and it all started with that slut Su Xin!"     

Kai Zheng's brows furrowed not understanding what his brother was raving about. "What do you mean?.... Aren't you overthinking it?"     

"Tsk, so fuckin blind. That pain in the ass started this mess. Do you know why mum went overseas to have another plastic surgery? That brat Xieling insulted mum's face to defend Su Xin. Madam Qie insulted mum in a text calling her an over-tanned used condom all in the name of Su Xin. Su Xin this, Su Xin that, everyone has Su Xin on their lips even you. Now Ran-ge my friend since childhood watched on as that slut disfigured my face. Tsk... that slut has to die. Come a day after the annual celebration I am going to skin that slut alive," yelled Kai Zi before tossing his glass of whiskey straight into the wall.     

"I..., just take it easy, okay? I mean you can't offend Qie Ranzhe. You know how much power he possesses," said Kai Zheng tossing the bag of peas on the table.     

"Not for long," replied Kai Zi seething with anger.     

"How about you kill something to soothe your temper. You know how grandma can't stand loud noises. Let's go outside and you can pick whomever you want to kill tonight," suggested Kai Zheng in a natural tone as though what he was saying was the most casual thing in the world.     

Yes, Kai Zi was a little crazy and when he's upset the only thing that can calm him down is killing someone. This is why the Kai family had an extensive insurance policy for their servants cause one would never know who the second young master will kill next. It was such a well-kept secret that the usually calm and sensible Kai Zi had a dark side that the world shouldn't see.     

Kai Zi seemed to agree and let his brother lead him to vent out his frustrations. It's just that Kai Zheng underestimated his brother's hate for Su Xin by a large margin. Kai Zi had four servants wear a printed face of Su Xin and shot at them while cursing them as though shooting at the actual culprit. That night there was so much bloodshed in the Kai Mansion with countless servants murdered in cold blood.     


Wen Qinxi naturally had no idea how insane that white lotus was and he was about to jump into the pit of fire with no knowledge of it. He was in an extremely good mood while packing up a black duffel bag in the warehouse preparing to set off and rob Kai Zi blind.     

"Gege, you are glowing today. Did something good happen?" asked Li Meimei propping her head up with her elbows on the table? She looked extremely adorable in her black beanie hat and pink lipstick while coaxing information out of Su Xin.     

It wasn't only the glow but that purple bruise on Si Xin's neck that had her curious but of course, Wen Qinxi wasn't going to say anything. She hopped on the table and crossed her legs with her hands lying flat on the surface. "I always wondered how it feels between guys. How about you share and I swear I won't tell anyone?" she said with a sly smile but she didn't get a chance to press the matter further because some car freak was revving the engine like a maniac.     

That person could only be Casio who was enjoying the neon green bugatti gifted to him by Su Xin for the mission of course. He swooned over the best getaway car in the world with a radiant smile. The kind of smile a man usually has for a lover.     

"You piece of shit! Can't you see I am trying to get some information out of Gege? Keep it down," she yelled before turning back to Su Xin with a sweet smile, "carry on. You were saying?" Just as she said that the engine was revved again but this time it was louder than before as joyous laughter escaped Casio's throat.     

"You!.... tsk, get the fuck out of the car," said Li Meimei jumping off the table to beat the crap out of Casio. Well, her threat worked because Casio ran out of the car in an instant but Li Meimei didn't stop there. While the two were playing a game of cat and mouse, Ting-ge stood next to Su Xin and asked, "What's the percentage of success... I mean look at them? They don't look like they can pull it off."     

Wen Qinxi paused as though calculating in his mind before responding, "95%. The 5% is just in case Mei-Jie can't keep her mouth shut." He zipped shut the duffel bag and pat the man's shoulder saying, "Relax, what could go wrong?" before walking away.     

"How about Qie Ranzhe?" asked Ting-ge turning around to face Su Xin's departing back.     

Wen Qinxi tossed the bag into a black van and answered after a slight pause, "Don't worry, he won't be a problem."     

Ha! As if! What this nerd didn't know was that his sneakers had an inbuilt tracker. Whatever step he took Qie Ranzhe would know about it.     

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