Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: My Heart Only Beats For You

Fourth World: My Heart Only Beats For You

0If there is one pathetic person in this world it would be one who doesn't know what's good for them and one such person is Kai Zi. The fact that Su Xin didn't take the bait and laughed instead felt like all his efforts went to waste. He couldn't understand where Su Xin's confidence stemmed from. It was obvious that Qie Ranzhe hadn't divulged the details of their relationship so why was this man treating his words as a joke?     

Despite having failed to sow discord, he decided to take another route to achieve his goal. Not even the coolness from the muzzle of the gun on his temple could deter him.     

He was sweating bullets but that didn't stop his trap from spewing nonsense. "Laugh all you want but you aren't worthy of him. You are just a dirty slut who hides behind women. Hahaha, you even hid behind his mother instead of facing me like a man. Oh, that's right you are half a man, a freak of nature. No wonder you w-.... AH! Fuck!" swore Kai Zi as a heavy-handed punch landed squarely on his jaw.     

Contrary to his expectation, Su Xin wasn't throwing a fit. Instead he seemed calm with a murderous aura surrounding him. This script wasn't right in the slightest. The word freak was Su Xin's sore spot.     

He remembered this one time Su Xin's cousin called him that in public and he lost his cool bashing the man's car in broad daylight. But it turns out Kai Zi's strategy didn't work.     

Well, Wen Qinxi was extremely livid. Those words had affected him but because he was treating Kai Zi's words as those of a dying chicken desperate and pointless he remained calm kneeing the man in the stomach with a powerful force.     

Kai Zi curled up into a ball grimacing in pain but Wen Qinxi didn't let him lie down on the floor. Instead, he lifted him by the collar and whispered in an icy tone, "Count yourself lucky.... but consider this my last warning. Stay the fuck away from my husband if you know what's good for you. Do you understand?"     

Only the heavens know how badly he wanted to end Kai Zi. This man was responsible for Qie Ranzhe's destruction all because he didn't return his love. What kind of messed up logic was that? Wen Qinxi knew the odds were currently not in his favour otherwise he would have killed him already.     

He straightened up the man's expensive suit and put on a sly smile before turning to walk away but of course, Kai Zi wasn't done with him. He had been given a free pass but he was just too stupid to take it. Besides, he had the backing of all his bodyguards so what should he be afraid of?     

"Haha.... who said you can leave? I am not fuckin done with you. Such a fuckin dipshit just like your son," he said after letting out an eerie laugh.     

Oh man, now he had really done it. Kai Zi had finally achieved his goal that is agitating Su Xin to the point of losing his mind. Wen Qinxi could tolerate insults towards himself and Qie Ranzhe but not the ones towards Qie Xieling. Why did this fool have to bring him in this?     

His fists clenched tightly pausing in his tracks with red-rimmed eyes. He felt a raging pressure mounting up within him seeking an outlet and so without thinking much about it, he turned around and swung his fist at Kai Zi.     

The man saw stars his vision descending into darkness as he tumbled to the ground. Before the bodyguards could react, Su Xin was on top of him stricking his face multiple times. Just as the bodyguards grabbed Su Xin to take him along with them as instructed a loud gunshot pierced the air.     

When the men turned around they saw Qie Ranzhe, Machu and several men in black suits pointing guns at them. Wen Qinxi was too immersed in beating the shit out of Kai Zi that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. A rush of adrenaline was coursing his veins making him seem as though he had been injected with chicken blood.     

Machu wanted to go and pull him off Kai Zi but Qie Ranzhe stopped him with an expression that seemed to say 'let him do as he pleases'.     

"I have been with him through several lifetimes and I will be with him in the next so you better fuckin know your place," said Wen Qinxi before lowering his fist once more but before he could strike the half-awake half-unconscious Kai Zi his fist was suddenly held mid-air by a strong arm. Because he was still in a berserk state of mind, he tried to free himself from the tight grip but how could he match up against Qie Ranzhe.     

He was about to retaliate when his entire person was hauled off Kai Zi. "Put me the fuck down! I am not fuckin done with him... Kai Zi you fucker, wait for me to come back and end you!" yelled the struggling Wen Qinxi but the more he struggled the tighter the hold. He had beaten Kai Zi black and blue already but he wasn't satisfied. The man had the balls to insult Qie Xieling then he had the balls to take a beating.     

Qie Ranzhe only put him down when they exited the theatre via the backdoor. In a dark alleyway, Wen Qinxi was pressed against the wall by his lover creating an ambiguous atmosphere. Wen Qinxi was breathing heavily his eyes fixed on the door as though making plans for his escape and continue fighting. At this moment he seemed like a senseless bully but Kai Zi had it coming.     

Qie Ranzhe gripped Su Xin's chin and forced him to look at him.     

He wanted to ravish this man right here and couldn't tolerate Su Xin's mind wandering elsewhere instead of focusing on him. Watching Su Xin beat Kai Zi made his blood rush inexplicably. It was incredibly hot watching his man beat up someone for him but Kai Zi couldn't die as yet.     

He had heard rumours about that so-called black material collected by the Kai family and he had to get his hands on it so Kai Zi couldn't die right now but his days were most certainly numbered.     

"Several lifetimes?" asked Qie Ranzhe with their gazes locked together as though searching through each other's souls. Wen Qinxi felt his heartbeat quicken as Qie Ranzhe leaned over to kiss him but he was still angry that he didn't get to beat the white lotus some more so he swatted the man's hand off his chin.     

"How many times?" asked Wen Qinxi shoving Qie Ranzhe off him with a dark expression.     

Qie Ranzhe staggered a little as he wasn't expecting this turn of events. He caught Su Xin's hand and pressed it against his own chest while taking a step forward with a blazing intimate gaze. Qie Ranzhe brushed Su Xin's cheek with his thumb as a glint of obsession flashed through those gorgeous phoenix eyes.     

With their foreheads pressed together, he said, "Once.... it happened once when I was too wasted thinking it was you."     

Wen Qinxi's anger cooled by several degrees but he still had some grievances so he lowered his eyes asking, "If you weren't interested in him then why did you keep him beside you when you knew he liked you?"     

Qie Ranzhe lifted his chin and replied confidently, "I didn't know. I told him if he wants more out of it then we can't be friends.... at that time he denied it saying we are just friends and it meant nothing. It was my fault that I believed him... Believe me, baby, my heart only beats for you... Do you hear it?"     

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