Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Underwear On A Windscreen

Fourth World: Underwear On A Windscreen

0A revving sound of an engine reverberated the air with a torqued off lady tightly clutching the steering wheel. She was clutching onto it till her knuckles turned white. It was obvious what Madam Qie's decision was but they had a job to complete so their leader in a purple skull mask raised the rifle preparing to shoot the tyres while saying, "This is your last warning... handover Su Xin otherwise this will end in bloodshed."     

"What did he say? I didn't hear shit," exclaimed Wen Qinxi taking the driver's gun from its holster. The man's loud bellows were drowned in the sound of the engine roaring which meant Madam Qie and Wen Qinxi barely heard anything.     

"That's the fuckin point," she said before resolutely pressing down on the accelerator moving the car in reverse. The reason why she was revving the engine in the first place was to prevent dirtying her ears with their bullshit. Wen Qinxi's body was jerked backwards as a round of bullets rained down on them. Their pursuers stopped shooting and hopped into their cars chasing after them.      

"Shit!" yelled Wen Qinxi struggling to regain stability while pressing down on the button to open the window.     

Just as he regained his footing his poor body was jolted to the side causing him to fall on top of the driver. The man grimaced in pain but Wen Qinxi couldn't worry about that right now.     

He got off him while yelling, "When was the last time you drove a car? I am seriously questioning how you managed to get your driving license," while positioning his head out of the window returning fire to the enemy.     

"Less talking more shooting!" yelled Madam Qie driving through oncoming traffic. Honks and angry bellows followed as the bullet-ridden car flew past the unsuspecting vehicles. Cars had to abruptly veer to the side to make way and prevent an accident.     

But amongst the wheat, there was chaff that wasn't paying attention. A red convertible full of teens joy riding on the highway didn't read the situation in advance only managing to get out of the way at the last minute. Despite swerving out of the way in the nick of time, the side of that luxurious convertible was scratched leaving an unsightly dent.     

Half of Wen Qinxi's body hung off the window due to the impact with his hair blown by the wind like in a wind tunnel. "Oh, fuck me!" yelled Wen Qinxi trying to crawl back into the car but before he could even try a shot rang out as the bad guys caught up with them. Wen Qinxi was taken by surprise but his survival instincts kicked in firing his weapon.     

The bullet accurately pierced the windscreen of the vehicle pursuing them killing the driver in an instant. The high speeding vehicle abruptly hit the brakes before flipping three times heading straight for the red convertible. The teens scattered in different directions saving their lives but the one who was driving before felt like he should have just died. "Fuck!" swore the teenager while holding his head, "I fuckin took it without my dad's permission. I am so dead!" Well, let's just say that was the lesson for the day. Kids, don't take your dad's car without permission.     

Anyway, back to the high-speed chase. Madam Qie checked her mirror only to find her son's husband struggling to get back in the car so she yelled, "Stop messing around and get back in!" after rolling down her window.     

"Thank you for that captain obvious," said Wen Qinxi in a sarcastic tone. Madam Qie wasn't angered by his response in the slightest. In fact, an ominous smile crept up her face the next instant. She pressed down lightly on the brake with her right foot over the accelerator. In a split second, she turned the wheel sharply to the left and lifted the hand brake. As soon as the car's tail spun she pressed down on the accelerator and released the hand brake performing a perfect 180 degrees car spin like a pro drag racer.     

Wen Qinxi was tossed back into the car as a smile crept up on Madam Qie's face. He didn't even have enough time to recover before they flew along the highway head-on with oncoming traffic and two more vehicles following behind them. Wen Qinxi struggled to get up asking, "What the hell are you?... Are you a fuckin terminator?" but Madam Qie didn't answer driving like a mad man sorry mad woman down the road.     

Wen Qinxi crawled to the back of the vehicle and returned fire to their pursuers. He managed to deal some damage but it wasn't fatal enough so much so that he ran out of bullets without shaking them off.     

"I am out!" yelled Wen Qinxi scanning around for anything he could use. His view fell on the brown shopping bags as an interesting idea popped into his mind. Madam Qie tossed her gun to him as the black vehicle pursuing them drew closer.     

He grabbed the brown shopping bag and poured out the lubricant on the underwear making it sticky. He then flung the contents at the car that was slowly approaching theirs. The contents of the shopping bags flew out sticking to the windscreen.     

"What the fuck?" yelled the driver who was blinded by a rain of lewd lingerie making him momentarily lose control of the vehicle. Using the wipers he tried to swat away the slutty underwear obstructing his view. Because he couldn't see he wasn't able to dodge the incoming bullets. His front tyres were shot in an instant causing his vehicle to veer out of control. The second car was also caught up in this mess which meant they were able to shake off their pursuers.     

The three drove back to the mansion evading the police and emergency service vehicles on the way. The mansion was chaotic with the livid Qie Ranzhe barking out orders. He was in the study with Qie Xieling when he heard the news. Gathering his men he was about to head out to find them when the two showed up in a bullet-ridden car.     

The anxious Qie Ranzhe ran over to open the door and pulled Su Xin into his arms angering Madam Qie. The two were busy embracing each other tightly force-feeding everyone with some good old fashioned dog food when pink stilettos struck them one after the other.     

"I fuckin drove us out of the mess yet no one is asking me if I am okay? Such ungrateful bastards!" yelled Madam Qie while scanning around to find something else to throw at them.     

Machu would have asked if she was okay but he was preoccupied taking the injured driver inside. Besides, if he asked he might have been the one to have pink stilettos thrown on his face because he wasn't the one she wanted that question to come from.     

"Mum, stop throwing things... I was wrong," said Qie Ranzhe protecting Su Xin from an incoming cellphone.     

"Give me back my shoes!" she yelled unable to find something else to toss. Old Lu picked up the stilettos and handed them over only to have the shoes flying again. Frustrated, she stormed into the house looking for strong liquor to calm her nerves.     

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