Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Pink Stilettos Flying

Fourth World: Pink Stilettos Flying

0Wen Qinxi lifted his head from Qie Ranzhe's chest and whispered, "You should probably go appease her... she's really pissed off."     

"En," replied Qie Ranzhe before embracing the man tighter. A minute ago he thought he was going to lose this man and seeing him safe, he just had to embrace him a little longer before letting go. "One more minute," he said before kissing the top of Su Xin's head.     

Madam Qie only got appeased two hours later after giving Qie Ranzhe the run-around. Her son had a major incurable husband-complex that was hard to treat. She could only accept it that is after extorting a weekend trip with just the two of them.     

While Madam Qie was extorting a weekend trip out of her son, Wen Qinxi was mourning the loss of his sexy underwear. Sacrifices had to be made but why did it have to be the brand new lingerie? Anyway, they did a great service otherwise he might have been stuck in some cold dark basement with a sackcloth over his head.     

This had him thinking about his future plans. That asshole Kai Zi actually had the balls to send people after him. There is no one else in this world who had such deep hatred for him.     

Now that Kai Zi's plan had failed it meant he would speed up his efforts to take down Qie Ranzhe. He had already been caught striking the hornet's nest so how could the king of hornets let him go. Qie Ranzhe was most definitely going to retaliate so Kai Zi would be forced to act first. Wen Qinxi decided to meet up with his gang the very next day and get ready for Kai Zi's next move.     

While Wen Qinxi was coming up with a plan in his mind, the bedroom door was slowly opened with Qie Xieling's fluffy head of hair peeking through the crack. It seemed he was checking if Su Xin was sleeping not that he would leave if his dad was sleeping. He planned on joining him to be rid of his anxiety.     

The details of today's events weren't explained to him but Qie Xieling was a smart kid after all. He had experienced too many of such things which is why his daddy built a state of the art panic room. What made him particularly anxious today was the fact that Su Xin and Nana were caught in the crossfire.     

The thought of losing his dad and nana too frightened this poor boy so much that he had to come and check on Su Xin.     

Wen Qinxi smiled sweetly when he saw his little minion standing by the door. He beckoned him to come over and the two sat on the bed with Qie Xieling expressing his grievances. The kid was so aggrieved that his eyes reddened in an instant while burying his head in the pillow.     

Wen Qinxi soothingly stroked Qie Xieling's hair while appeasing him. He could understand the kid's frustration so he coaxed him to sleep while reassuring him. By the time Qie Ranzhe came to his bedroom, he found an extra person nestled in his husband's arms.     

He also wanted to express his grievances and vent out his frustration to his lover but it turns out it wasn't going to happen tonight. Su Xin and Qie Xieling were both sleeping peacefully and if he kicks his son out now, it would seem heartless. He took a shower and slid into the blankets spooning Su Xin. The family of three slept in this exact manner painting a harmonious picture.     

Across town, while the family of three were sleeping soundly, Kai Zi was throwing a temper tantrum in his office. He sent those goons to capture his love rival but those idiots couldn't even get the job done right. He had the surviving men gunned down by his own hand at the pier near one of his warehouses.     

He would have had his love rival in his grasp tonight but that little weasel wiggled his way under Madam Qie's protection. After sending Zhao Huangzhi to sow discord he expected Su Xin to be temporarily out of favour. He then planned to grab the opportunity and kill him while the easterly winds were wreaking havoc in their relationship. He thought Wen Qinxi would be kicked out of the Qie mansion for the night but things didn't work out as planned.     

With plan A crumbling to pieces, Kai Zi was forced to go ahead with plan B but he truly didn't foresee Mama Qie protecting Su Xin like an egg. Anyway, there was no point in crying over spilt milk. He had to come up with another plan. What gave him peace of mind was that those men couldn't be traced back to him so Qie Ranzhe would never find out this had something to do with him.     

What he didn't realise was that not only did Qie Ranzhe know but others did too as demonstrated in the next hour. Mr Zhao ambled into his office like he owned the place with a condescending attitude.     

"You think he doesn't know?" he asked before lighting a Cuban cigar. Mr Zhao was representing all the veterans in the underworld who viewed Qie Ranzhe as an impulsive scourge trying to overturn the ways of the old. Their purpose was simple. Takedown Qie Ranzhe and restored order but to do that they needed an insider and that insider could only be Kai Zi.     

Mr Zhao exhaled a few puff rings before carrying on with his sales pitch. "The asshole knows and he's coming after you, your family, even your family pet. The stupid husky of yours... what's its name again?"     

Kai Zi gulped in nervousness as he stuttered, "Be-beastly." He didn't want to believe that Qie Ranzhe knew but if Mr Zhao knew then it meant Qie Ranzhe also knew that it was him behind all of this.     

"Hahaha.... beastly! That's fuckin funny... that dog is anything but a beast," haughtily laughed Mr Zhao before taking a slow drag of his cigar, "Yah, even beastly won't be spared by that devil."     

"So... what should I do? I mean seeing that my elder is here it means you have a plan," said Kai Zi feeling like a trapped animal ready for slaughter. He had been too impulsive coming after Su Xin landing him straight into the fire.     

An eerie smile appeared on Mr Zhao's face giving Kai Zi a bad premonition. He had screwed up big time and didn't know how to deal with this situation. "Cut off the head of the snake before it strikes... We know you know a lot of Qie Ranzhe's secrets and it wouldn't be hard for you to take him down. Join hands with us and let's knock him off his high horse for the sake of your family and mine," said Mr Zhao desperate to lay his hands on Su Xin for humiliating both of his little girls.     

Kai Zi seriously considered the man's words before responding, "As long as you promise me that you won't kill Ran-ge."     

Mr Zhao smiled like a malicious fiend in the cultivation world with a cloud of smoke surrounding him. "No problem.... in fact, you can do with him as you please. Even as a kept lover."     

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