Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lingerie In Highway Scandal

Fourth World: Lingerie In Highway Scandal

0Both Wen Qinxi and Qie Ranzhe had different ways to deal with Kai Zi and punish the wicked. As the saying goes there are many roads but one destination. Qie Ranzhe's method was ruthless but slow and Wen Qinxi's route was most definitely fast yet subtle. Each of them acted separately and that's because the overprotective husband put Wen Qinxi on 24/7 watch.     

His actions implying that Su Xin should stay as far away as possible from trouble but Wen Qinxi eats trouble for breakfast especially after entering this game. So how could he obediently sit down and watch everything go to shit? Nope! Wen Qinxi managed to leave the mansion but this time he was so cautious he even wore a disguise.     

If anyone deserves the chameleon art of disguise award, it would be Wen Qinxi. How or when he thought of dressing like an old uncle at a fish market? No one knows. But when Qie Ranzhe found out he felt like going back home to spank a grown man. He pretended not to notice anything and asked his men to follow him closely.     

Wen Qinxi on the other hand was so pleased with his disguise that managed to shake off Qie Ranzhe's security. If he can fool those bodyguards then he can most definitely fool Kai Zi's minions. Proud of himself he paraded into the old warehouse belonging to the Su family which was their designated meeting place.     

When he walked in, he found Li Meimei fiddling with a safe and a pair of headsets on. Casio was messing with a sports car. Only heavens know where on earth he got that car. Ting-ge was having a video call yelling into the laptop like a grandma who couldn't hear what the other person was saying and could only shout at the top of his voice.      

"It's side to side, twirl then shimmy not twirl, side to side and do whatever it is that you are doing. Hey, hey, Dai-er! I see you get back in line," yelled Ting-ge seeming like he would get into the laptop and demonstrate whatever it is to the people he was talking to.     

Curious, Wen Qinxi walked over to see what this giant was yelling about. What activity could possibly involve a combination of side to side, twirl then shimmy? Well, Wen Qinxi soon got the answer when he saw a group of five year old girls dressed in blue tootoos. It seemed they were rehearsing and Ting-ge, the big friendly giant was their instructor.     

Wen Qinxi leaned down watching the good show while asking, "Part-time job?"     

Ting-ge shook his head and said, "No, it's volunteer work. It's my niece's dance class... Hey Liu Liu, what are you doing? You aren't supposed to lick that, seriously!"     

Wen Qinxi raised his brow with an amused expression before walking over to a nearby desk but just as he took two steps, Ting-ge suddenly had a moment of epiphany attracting the others' attention.     

"Wait what are you wearing?" asked Ting-ge fairly certain Su Xin had a few screws loose in his brain.     

"AAAAAHHHHHH! Shit! You fuckin scared me Gege," screamed Li Meimei when she abruptly turned her head only to find a weirdo uncle staring at her. The poor girl was frightened to death. She pulled down her headsets and as expected began to roast Su Xin. "Oi, is this some type of kink you and bad boy Qie are into these days? Yes, boss, get down and dirty for your man," she said with a sly smile that showed off her canines.     

"Mei-Jie at least he's getting more sex than you.... haha," said Casio while slamming the hood of the car shut.     

"Burnnnnn! Now that's a good one," said Wen Qinxi bumping fists with Casio. It felt good watching Li Meimei tongue-tied for once but their victory was short-lived.     

Li Meimei threw a cloth at the pink and blonde-haired Casio before disclosing unnecessary information. "FYI, I got laid two nights in a roll. That waitress followed me back home like a lost pup and yes we ahem... ahem you know what I mean?"     

"Okay TMI, I really don't want to know the details," said Wen Qinxi hoping that would shut her up. Li Meimei was exactly the type to share with zero restraint.     

"Oh wow, says the guy who threw lingerie on the highway. Go on, tell us how a grown man like you wears a lace black thong, huh?" said Li Meimei with a cunning smile. It was on national television as breaking news but no one knew the identities of the people involved so how did Li Meimei know that it was the r-rated Santa Claus, Su Xin that threw xxx things to a bunch of cars like Father Christmas throwing candy canes to a bunch of children on Christmas.     

"Okayyyyy, time to move on. Let's discuss business, shall we?" said Wen Qinxi attempting to veer the conversation in an acceptable direction but Li Meimei wouldn't be Li Meimei if she took the hint.     

"No, no wait. I prepared a slide show....," she said before turning her phone screen for all to see, "Exhibit A, a classic cut out black leather underwear with.... ouch.... hahaha you can't silence me," she said with the latter part a result of Wen Qinxi trying to snatch her cellphone. "Exhibit B... ai so kinky Gege....," she carried on running away from Su Xin while laughing herself to death.     

Such were the childish antics between this group of compatriots and Wen Qinxi wasn't upset about it. He had experienced even worse teasing from Wen Danzhe which meant Li Meimei's teasing was merely horseplay.     

She only backed down when he finally showed her a sample picture of the Kai family vault successfully diverting her attention. Like an excited kindergartener, she admired one of the world's most secure vaults. It was her dream to break into such a sophisticated vault and make a long lineage of Robin hood ancestry proud. The Li family had four generations of thieves with one motto 'steal from the rich and enrich impoverished communities'.     

Her itchy fingers desperately wanted to get into that vault and now she had an opportunity. The Kai family had deep-seated roots in the black market diamond trade and that vault contained it all but Wen Qinxi wasn't interested in the illegal diamonds in there.     

His main focus was the black material on the Qie family and other organizations that the Kai family collected over the years. It was an unspoken rule in the underworld to stay out of each other's business but the Kai family secretly gathered information from their allies and enemies alike with clear intentions.     

If only this information was digital it would have been easy for Wen Qinxi to steal it but old man Kai was a paranoid man with heavy distrust for the digital age for a good reason. So everything was in hard copies and Kai Zi being the CEO of the Kai Family business was the only one who had access to this information.     

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