Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Suggestive Photos

Fourth World: Suggestive Photos

0The last statement was said to the two men while nodding at the fearful waitress who was now hiding behind the counter. "Hey!..." called out Li Meimei but Su Xin didn't look back. She then turned to stare at the two men asking, "Was I that bad? Should I apologize?"     

Ting-ge nodded his head but Casio shook his head out of fear that his ear will get pulled again. "Which of you is telling the truth?" Casio immediately covered his ear in defence selling himself out.     

While Li Meimei was offering her sincere earnest apology to the terrified waitress, Wen Qinxi was entering Black Bloods headquarters with a cup of coffee for his lofty husband. As soon as he emerged from the rotating glass door, he was met by Machu's glistening face. It seemed he had been waiting for him at the entrance for a very long time.     

"Food god, you took your sweet precious time," he said leading him to the elevator, "because of your late arrival, you gave others the opportunity to slander you."     

Wen Qinxi glanced in Machu's direction as the elevator doors shut. "What are you talking about?" he asked with a raised brow.     

Machu looked at him as though searching for something before looking away with a hint of disappointment."Tsk, tsk... you didn't even bring a bento with you? You just rocked up empty-handed."     

Wen Qinxi raised the cup of coffee with a 'what the fuck is this then' expression but he didn't probe further because the elevator doors opened once they reached the executive floor. He soon understood what Machu meant when he saw Qie Ranzhe's look of disappointment.     

The man looked him up and down even behind him as though looking for something. "Forget it, boss, I guess you will be eating him for lunch," said Machu before shutting the door giving them some space.     

Qie Ranzhe lowered his head pretending to be seriously looking over some documents. He was the one who got bit last night and smacked but his lover didn't make him a delicious meal to make up for it. His train of thought was disrupted when Su Xin placed a cup of coffee on the table before walking away to the nearby couch.     

"This is?" asked Qie Ranzhe finally willing to talk.     

"For you," said Wen Qinxi leisurely tossing his body on the couch. He took out his phone and said, "I also ordered some lunch. If I didn't have to make Lin Lin a new batch of fudge, I would have made you something." The last line was said while glancing over at Qie Ranzhe who was staring at him with an unreadable expression.     

"What's wrong?" asked Wen Qinxi sitting up straight. He was here for punishment but it seemed he had committed another offence. Qie Ranzhe strode over with the cup of coffee in one hand and a stake of papers in the other. He tossed the papers on the coffee table before sitting down at the opposite end. The papers separated in Wen Qinxi's full view. In fact, they weren't papers but printed pictures from a few minutes ago.     

A picture can be interpreted a thousand ways but the angle at which there were taken was highly suggestive. Whoever took these pictures had only one thing in mind. Sow discord and break them up. Hence the beginning of the game show 'What it looks like' vs 'What actually happened'.     

Image number one     

What it looks like: Li Meimei was gazing at him lovingly with her hands cutely propping her head.     

What actually happened: Li Meimei was asking if the crime boss was working him overtime in bed.     

Image number two     

What it looks like: Toes touching under the table like teenagers having a secret affair. They can't touch each other in public and could only do it in secret.     

What actually happened: He was kicked under the table by Li Meimei to get his attention.     

Image number three     

What it looks like: Li Meimei was going to kiss him pressing his cheeks lovingly.     

What actually happened: Li Meimei was squishing his face while asking if he was trading his body with the overbearing crime boss for money.     

There were plenty more of such suggestive imagery but the icing on the cake was the lump sum of money he transferred to her. This would have undoubtedly sealed any man's fate in divorce court with their wife awarded all assets and a large amount of alimony. Wen Qinxi slumped on the couch shaking his head in astonishment.     

Qie Ranzhe took a sip of his coffee studying his man's handsome face. He wanted to say something but the delicious hot beverage caught him by surprise. He still couldn't fathom how this man knew his preferences and he wanted to ask him but this wasn't the right time.      

Back to the issue at hand. He also had men follow Su Xin but their report wasn't as suggestive as these images which meant Kai Zi's man manipulated angles to provide a deceptive picture. How can Qie Ranzhe not see-through Kai Zi's plan?     

"What do you want me to say? It's not what it looks like?" asked Wen Qinxi vowing to tear whoever did this to pieces.     

"You don't have to explain. I already know what's going on," he produced three bank statements and asked, "What I don't get is why you are paying these three idiots... What are you up to?"     

Wen Qinxi felt the ice shards forming on his heart melt away. It seemed he hadn't been misunderstood at all. He had instead had his plan exposed earlier than expected. He bit his lower lip before leaning forward staring straight into Qie Ranzhe's eyes. "How do you know that nothing is really going on between me and Li Meimei?"     

A smirk appeared on the lips moist from the coffee as Qie Ranzhe leaned in closer stopping only when their noses were about to touch. "Because you love me but that doesn't mean I am not jealous," said Qie Ranzhe before sliding his hand at the back of Su Xin's neck planting a domineering kiss as though laying claim.     

Just like how NASA planted a flag on the moon after the moon landing to lay claim Qie Ranzhe planted a prominent lip hickey on his lover to let the entire world know who he belongs to.     

Wen Qinxi drew in a breath of cold air hissing in pain. "Ran-ge, why can't you just put a ring on my finger and lay claim instead of biting me like a little puppy," complained Wen Qinxi walking over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. The previous lip hickey had almost disappeared only to get marked again.     

"That's not a bad idea. Then how about we get married and broadcast it live so everyone can see," he said before taking another sip of his coffee. He was sitting leisurely on the couch like this entire incident had nothing to do with him.     

Qie Ranzhe's gaze was fixed on Su Xin finding the bitter coffee especially sweet. Maybe that's what being in love feels like but this crime boss was too silly to notice that he had fallen hard.     

"I will buy you a ring soon but the lip hickey will do for n-," he said but he didn't get to finish his statement because of a knock on the door. He wanted to chase the person away but Zhao Huangzhi stormed in without waiting for his response.     

"Ran-ge, Su Xin is cheating on you," she said breathing heavily like she ran all the way here.     

Qie Ranzhe, "...."     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

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