Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Nana Robs Lin Lin's Fudge

Fourth World: Nana Robs Lin Lin's Fudge

0For the past two days, Wen Qinxi groused about Qie Ranzhe like a broken record. The man was an unapproachable iceberg to the rest of the world but a beast in bed. Wen Qinxi liked it but didn't like the backache that came afterwards so he protected his backside using this excuse for the past two days.     

Qie Ranzhe had also developed a special habit lately. Whenever he passed by Su Xin he would take it upon himself to smack the man's ass or knead it with great fanfare. He wouldn't even feel ashamed to do it in front of the woman who gave birth to him making it even more awkward for Wen Qinxi.     

The pig teammate Qie Ranzhe wasn't at all helping him get into Madam Qie's good side. These past two days, it seemed like a grey cloud was hovering above her head further complicating matters.     

Madam Qie felt she was going to be blinded by her son's shamelessness so she decided to take a trip to a spa and relieve some tension but just as she was about to step out of the door, a group of old acquaintances showed up at her doorstep.     

These women were part of her clique but their relationship had become a little constraint over the years after the Su Xin incident. The type of friendship they had was no longer the kind to just drop by without notice which meant they had another purpose.     

The only new thing in her life was Su Xin and it was safe to assume they were here to watch the good show and figure out the situation. The group leaders were naturally Madam Kai and Madam Zhao.     

One had a son who had just confessed that he likes Qie Ranzhe and wanted mummy dearest to help. The other had a daughter who was recently defiled by Su Xin and another daughter that was head over heels for Qie Ranzhe.     

The rest were in the peanut gallery hoping to catch a drama much more interesting than the dog blood series on TV. One can only imagine how this was going to end.     

Madam Qie tried to convince them to go with her to the spa instead but those women found their way inside. Old Lu wasn't expecting a bunch of women to show up at their doorstep which meant he wasn't prepared. These ladies hadn't visited the Qie Mansion for more than a decade and they barely had any guests throughout the years. This meant he was forced to serve them some tea while the chef prepared some dishes.     

Once the maidservant delivered hot brew and some biscuits, Madam Qie seemed dissatisfied so she asked, "Bring over some of the fudge in the fridge."     

The maidservant who had no idea what happened at the island villa opened the fridge and took out three containers without the steward's knowledge. The contents were extremely colourful with cranberry bliss fudge, key lime pie fudge and mint chocolate chip fudge among many. Why so much fudge? It was because Qie Xieling wanted to show off his dad's skills to his music class so he had Su Xin make it for him.     

Grandma Qie naturally had no idea Su Xin made that for Qie Xieling. She assumed the chef made it which is why she asked. Besides it never crossed her mind that Su Xin could boil water let alone make fudge.     

The maidservant brought over the fudge which these snobbish women bypassed at first claiming to be managing their calorie intake.     

"I heard your son brought Su Xin to the Qie mansion?.... Is it true," said one of Madam Kai's lackeys before taking a sip of her tea.     

Without giving Madam Qie enough time to respond, Madam Zhao chimed in. "You truly are stupid. You know what that vixen is capable of so why did you bring him into your home? Tsk, tsk.... now that the Su family is reduced to dust he leeches onto your son after defiling my daughter. So much for being friends."     

Scolded, Madam Qie's face flushed wanting to kick these bitches out of her house. They weren't wrong, Su Xin was a ticking time bomb but it was for this exact reason she brought him to her family home. This was the only way she could closely monitor him and prevent him from hurting her son. What right did these women have to question her decision?     

Just as she was about to spit venomous words, Madam Kai interjected. "Don't disrespect Madam Qie like that," she said reprimanding Madam Zhao before turning to Madam Qie, "I understand what you're going through. Your son's reputation is on the line and you needed to keep a close eye on Su Xin."     

Madam Kai placed her hand on Madam Qie's hand in a comforting way and said, "No need to mind them but don't you think you can provide some type of shield for Qie Ranzhe's reputation?"     

Her way of thinking was simple. Su Xin's reputation was as filthy as mud dirtying Qie Ranzhe's standing in the underworld. Such rumours like henpecked husband and unrequited love were circulating affecting Qie Ranzhe's dominance as the leader of the underworld.     

But if he was to bind himself to another powerful family no one would dare question his authority. Ever since he united the underworld a lot of people silently coveted that position and Su Xin would most likely be Qie Ranzhe's downfall unless he forms an alliance.     

Madam Qie understood what they were saying but Qie Ranzhe was as stubborn as an ox. No one not even her could force him to do what he didn't want to do. The only way she could get him interested was striking some type of deal but who would be good enough to marry her son. Well, it seemed she didn't need to look further because Madam Kai made a suggestion.     

"Our sons both prefer same-sex partners and they have been friends since childhood so how about we arrange a marriage between them. Your son can keep Su Xin as a concubine and make Kai Zi his main wife," said Madam Kai putting forth her agenda.     

While Madam Qie was getting manipulated by her group of devious fiends the family of three came from the back garden after a great game of Chinese chess. Qie Ranzhe figured he couldn't convince Su Xin to do this and that by ordinary means so he decided to strike a deal with him.     

Wen Qinxi stupidly chose Chinese chess confident in his gaming skills.     

So the three of them went into the back garden and played with Qie Xieling as the referee. If Wen Qinxi won he would get a week off and Qie Xieling would get two sleepovers but they seriously underestimated Qie Ranzhe. He didn't pick sports because that was Qie Ranzhe's golden finger but who would have thought his golden finger stretched to board games.     

The three walked into the kitchen with two of them downcast and the third one wearing a radiant smile. Wen Qinxi took out some drinks from the fridge but didn't notice something was missing. While Wen Qinxi was pouring out some soda for Qie Xieling, Qie Ranzhe got hold of Wen Qinxi's phone and his face turned a few degrees colder.     

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