Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Getting Wasted With Your In Law

Fourth World: Getting Wasted With Your In Law

0Qie Ranzhe was extremely livid about the amount of disrespect from his mother's book club that he stormed out of the living room and went to his study doing who knows what. Wen Qinxi initially wanted to follow behind him and cool the man's jets but Madam Qie suddenly spoke in a croaky voice clearly expressing her emotions. "What changed your mind?"     

This question had Wen Qinxi pause in his tracks staring straight at the woman. His face was riddled with confusion. "Uh?" he asked unable to conceal his vexation.     

Madam Qie tightly clutched the hem of her dress and slowly raised her head to face him. "I am asking you why you decided to be with him now.... didn't you always run away in the past? So what's your purpose?" she said in a brittle voice as an inexplicable feeling arose in her heart.     

She never interfered in her son's affairs in the past. When he came out of the closet, she accepted it. Even if she didn't accept it, it would be pointless because she could never control her son. Growing up Qie Ranzhe was always cold and aloof that she assumed he would stay single for the rest of his life.     

But the day her son met Su Xin everything changed. She liked him but the more they interacted she felt that boy was trouble. Su Xin possessed a hollow heart. The kind of person who had no loyalty but her son was happy so she didn't say anything. Mostly because they weren't dating and it seemed Su Xin wasn't interested in her son. Assuming he would eventually get over it, she took a step back.     

As a result, she witnessed first hand Qie Ranzhe's blackening heart. She thought Su Xin's past escapades would be enough to deter Qie Ranzhe and for over a decade it worked. Who would have thought Qie Ranzhe would run to Su Xin like a lovestruck puppy the minute he didn't make a break for it.     

She honestly thought that Qie Ranzhe was just messing around with Su Xin and keeping him around for Qie Xieling but the truth was that he was keeping Su Xin around for himself. That look in his eyes while defending Su Xin exposed his feelings. It's safe to say Su Xin has her son wrapped around his pinky finger.     

The obsession in his eyes was as clear as day but that wasn't the biggest shocker. It was Su Xin who gave her the shock of a lifetime. This man obviously felt something for Qie Ranzhe so what was up with all that running? Was it like a life's journey to enlightenment or something? Sleep around with multiple people then come back after a moment of epiphany? She couldn't understand it so she asked.     

"What do you really want from him. Come here... sit. Let's talk this out," she said as Old Lu brought in a hard strong baijiu and poured it out for the both of them. This was entirely on purpose, a means to get the truth out of Su Xin.     

Unlike Su Xin, Madam Qie was a veteran when it came to liquor and she would surely last longer than Su Xin. "Drink it," she said as Old Lu handed a shot glass to the man.     

Wen Qinxi didn't know where this was heading but he complied. This wasn't the first time he had drunk with an older lady. When he came of age, his mother tricked him into drinking together. She said she wanted someone to accompany her drinking but in truth she just wanted someone to reminisce with her about her late husband.     

The drinking party of two ended miserably as it turned into drunken cries. Wen Danzhe walked in only to find his mother and brother in tears embracing each other while calling out their father's name. Words like 'you bastard Wen Tao why did you leave me with these two brats' were uttered by Mama Wen. That was the last time Mama Wen drank in front of her kids.     

This time he would be drinking with his supposed mother in law. He didn't need a fortune teller to tell him how this would end. But since she wanted to drink then bring it on.     

Wen Qinxi felt the astringent liquid burn his throat while placing the shot glass on the tray. With a grimace on his face, he finally answered the question. "I love him and... I want to stay with him," he confessed earning him a look of scrutiny from Madam Qie.     

The woman drank a shot with her piercing gaze fixed on Su Xin. She drew in a breath of cold air and slammed the glass on the table. "You think I was fuckin born yesterday?... Such a fuckin liar," she said as Old Lu refilled their glasses once more. He had a bad feeling that this was going to end in tears but the fierce gaze from Madam Qie stopped him from saying anything.     

Wen Qinxi took two more shots unwilling to defend himself. What was the point? This woman wouldn't believe him anyway. 'This is going to end badly boss,' whispered the system that hadn't shown its face in a long time.     

'What am I supposed to do? Refuse her? She will make my life a living hell,' replied Wen Qinxi with a fake smile directed at Madam Qie.     

'Buy her an expensive handbag or something. I am certain she will hug your thigh and call you Xifu. Trust me,' said the system that was just here to watch the good show, "better yet, a pink diamond. Trust me women like stuff like that."     

Wen Qinxi snorted as his cheeks turned numb. He decided to mute the distractive system.     

"I would only fuckin believe that when pigs fly..... do you, do you see a fuc-fuckin piggy flapping around," said Madam Qie with the liquor already getting into her head.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't fairing any better either. Give him beer or wine, he can handle it. Give him spirits and everything goes to shit. "Don't worry, I will... I will book flights for a drift of pigs and... and ta-da pigs will be flying. Then, then you will believe me," said Wen Qinxi before downing one more shot.     

Old Lu could see the way things were headed weren't right so he refused to be an accomplice holding on to that bottle. "Lu, pour me some more liquor! Can't you see I am, I am drinking with my daughter in law," she said but the steward didn't move, "*hiss*, so stingy?"     

With his IQ dropping at an alarming rate, Wen Qinxi took the bottle from the old man and poured out some more before staggering a little handing it over to his mother in law. "Here, mother. I will take care of it for you," he said with a radiant smile.     

At that moment Qie Xieling was standing at the top of the stairs planning on going downstairs to have his dad coax him. With his foot on the first step he witnessed Nana patting his dad saying, "Xin-er, you might be a terrible person but this, this is good. You, you make a great bartender."     

"Oh God, nana is drunk," murmured Qie Xieling before turning around in slow steps so as not to be noticed. When nana gets wasted Qie Xieling is always the victim.     

She doesn't act crazy, it's just that she raffles his hair a lot and pinches his cheeks calling him my little dumpling. Just the thought of it send goosebumps all over his body. Just like that, the teenager vanished without a trace.     

"It's, it's not good to, to eat... without drinking. Ho-how about we drink," she stammered mixing up her words.     

Old Lu facepalmed and corrected her, "Madam, don't you mean it's not good to drink without eating?"     

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