Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: She's Backkkk

Fourth World: She's Backkkk

0One stubborn man dealing with another stubborn man proved to be more difficult than expected. Wen Qinxi had never had to coax a grown man before. He tried to rouse Qie Ranzhe's interest by doing certain things but nothing seemed to work.     

Even the magical words 'sexy daddy Ran' didn't seem to quench Qie Ranzhe's anger. To be more precise, Qie Ranzhe was giving him an ice-cold shoulder locking himself up in his study for an entire day.     

After failing to use food and sweet words to get his man to forgive him, Wen Qinxi was running out of options. Since none of his plans were working out for him, Wen Qinxi decided to go out buy a few things and pick up Qie Xieling. That would at least get his mind off things.     

As soon as he opened the door to the apartment he found an unexpected guest standing by the door with a fancy shopping bag. It seemed the cold war between him and Qie Ranzhe had attracted vultures to their doorstep. Who knows how she found out there was trouble in paradise. Such a coincidence only happens in a K series dog blood drama and yet here she was.     

"Ran-ge," said Zhao Huangzhi in a flirtatious voice with her hand midair. It seemed she wanted to knock on the door when it was suddenly opened. Her bright smile sank when she saw who it was.     

"What are you still doing h-," she asked but didn't get to finish her statement when a loud bang was heard with the door shutting right in her face.     

Wen Qinxi didn't forget to lock the door while he was at it. He walked to the sink to fill up a glass of water. He gulped down the entire glass in one go but his face was so hot that a glass of water couldn't cool him down.     

Another soft knock was heard but it was thoroughly ignored by Wen Qinxi. He decided to call Qie Xieling and let him know that he won't be able to pick him up. If he as much as steps out of that door he was certain that homewrecker will wiggle her way in.     

He initiated a video chat with his son which was picked up in the next second. Qie Xieling seemed to be walking down a corridor with a black case strapped at his shoulder. "Dad," he said with a beaming smile, "I am going to the auditorium. Is there something the matter?"     

Wen Qinxi felt his heart softened seeing Qie Xieling and said, "Your daddy is in a bad mood so I need to stay and comfort him. Wil-." His sentence was rudely cut off by the knocking and yelling sounds that became louder. He was so grateful Qie Ranzhe's office was soundproofed otherwise this green tea bitch would attract his attention.     

The voice sounded familiar to Qie Xieling so he asked, "Is that Auntie Huangzhi. You don't know her but she lives in the same building two floors below."     

This new piece of information was so shocking that Wen Qinxi's fingers trembled while holding the phone. "How long has she been living in this building?"     

"Oh, not so sure but she moved in after us. Her father did some business with daddy for a while. After that, she moved in and often cooked for us or take me shopping." Just as Qie Xieling said this someone suddenly called his name. "Coming..... Dad, I have to go. Keep daddy company and you can make it up to me with some fudge tomorrow. Bye."     

With that said, the line was cut before Wen Qinxi could respond. From that information, he knew exactly what was going on. The fact that Su Xin slept with Zhao Hua was no coincidence. This wicked witch from the west had something to do with it.     

Annoyed, he walked over to the door, opened it and came out to face her. It's better to mark one's territory in advance lest some ambitious people try to snatch his man away.     

Zhao Huangzhi truly believed it would be Qie Ranzhe opening the door this time so she had put up a happy front but her face sank like a bucket of cold water was poured on her.     

"Why is it you again? Where is Ran-ge?" she asked with a look of disdain all over her pretty face. She had witnessed the underground parking scene and knew that Su Xin had screwed up again. Thinking Su Xin would be kicked to the curb by now she ordered some sweet desserts and expensive wine for her male god.     

That male god was actually in his office watching the entire thing through surveillance. In all truthfulness, he was playing hard to get as punishment for Su Xin so the man wouldn't scare him like that next time. His plan was going well that is until he saw Su Xin heading to the door.     

He was about to message him and ask Su Xin where he was going when Miss Zhao showed up at the apartment door. They were friendly with each other and he was doing good business with Mr Zhao but he never had any intentions of dating her.     

He had also made his position clear to her but that didn't stop Zhao Huangzhi from pursuing him. He mostly ignored her and let her be but now it seemed he had to set clear boundaries.     

Curious to know how Su Xin would handle this situation, Qie Ranzhe decided not to intervene and watch how this was going to play out.     

It was a pretty good show indeed because Wen Qinxi was going straight for the kill especially after previous experiences. "Ran-ge is a fuckin married man and you can't address him informally like that lest people misunderstand," said Wen Qinxi venting out his frustration on this person who chose the wrong time to show up.     

Zhao Huangzhi scoffed thinking she had just heard the funniest joke of the year. "Says the guy who slept with too many women to count. You even slept with my sister yet you are coming at me acting like a saint. Ha! What a fuckin joke."     

"Oh no, you misunderstood me. I am not a saint but the fuckin devil," he said with a fierce gaze that made her flinch in fright, "so let me make things clear. Ran-ge belongs to me and if you dare show yourself in front of him again I will make you disappear from the face of the earth. Do you understand?"     

The threat was effective as it had Zhao Huangzhi shaken within but her name was Zhao Huangzhi after all so how could she show weakness.      

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