Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Is Daddy Bullying Dad?

Fourth World: Is Daddy Bullying Dad?

0"You must have a fuckin death wish," whispered Wen Qinxi but it was pointless because to Qie Ranzhe there were just empty threats. Qie Ranzhe entered his bedroom and lightly shut the door before placing his lover on the bed.     

Qie Ranzhe straddled Su Xin pinning his wrists down and said, "Baby, did you forget your punishment?" before brushing his lips against the man's sensitive skin.     

The angry kitten retracted its claws asking, "What are you planning to do to me," while outstretching his neck to the side for better access. Qie Ranzhe sucked on Su Xin's neck leaving behind a bruise that one could easily identify.     

"Ahh!" moaned Wen Qinxi completely unaware that he was being tied down. It seemed all that teasing was just a distraction for Qie Ranzhe to achieve his true purpose. By the time he realised his hands were cuffed it was already too late. It was a great thing the Qie Mansion had thick walls otherwise his dirty sounds would be heard by everyone.     

Madam Qie on the other hand had been waiting to hear two sets of footsteps but only heard one. Thinking Qie Ranzhe didn't dare bring Su Xin upstairs, Madam Qie relaxed thinking there was still hope for his son to be saved.     

Just as she relaxed she heard a door opening once more. Curious, she tiptoed out of her room after a while ready to reprimand her son for changing his mind. As she reached the stairs she was surprised to find it was Qie Xieling holding a pillow. The kid whispered, "Su Xin," before turning the door handle and entering the room.     

Madam Qie wanted to go in there and take him back to his own room but the kid exited the room in the next second with a face full of confusion. It was then that he noticed his grandmother halfway down the stairs.     

"Did he chase you out?" she asked thinking Su Xin probably scolded her grandson but Qie Xieling shook his head.     

"He's not there," replied Qie Xieling befuddled. He couldn't figure out where Su Xin went.     

Madam Qie, "WTF."     

She knew where Su Xin was but couldn't understand why she only heard one pair of footsteps earlier. It turns out her son carried Su Xin on purpose. Shaking her head in disappointment she said, "How about you sleepover in nana's room tonight?"     

"No thanks," replied Qie Xieling with no regard for this old woman's feelings. Just like that Qie Xieling bypassed her and went back to his room. Madam Qie only broke out of her trance at the sound of the door closing.     

The next morning Qie Xieling had to go to a music symposium to practice for an upcoming junior music festival so he had Su Xin take him. When he got into the car, he found his dad sitting in the back seat wearing sunglasses and long sleeve t-shirt as though hiding something.     

Curious, Qie Xieling asked, "Su Xin, where were you last night? I came looking for you," in puzzlement. He really had no idea that his daddy snatched his dad away. As the saying goes 'you snooze you lose'.     

Wen Qinxi's eyes widened underneath the sunglasses recalling how that sexually depraved man handcuffed him and teased him for over an hour refusing for him to relieve himself. He was toyed with using ice cubes and whipped cream with Qie Ranzhe eating it off him like a hungry beast.     

He was tossed around till midnight. By the time Qie Ranzhe let him cum he was already begging to be fucked. What's funny is that his chrysanthemum was still intact after all that. It seemed Qie Ranzhe planned on teasing him to death. As to the reason why he was wearing sunglasses, it was because he hadn't slept enough and woke up with panda eyes.     

"I slept late.... ahem, playing games," said Wen Qinxi finding a plausible excuse, "learn from me and don't stay up late playing games."     

"Oh," replied Qie Xieling seeming satisfied with his dad's answer but his gaze soon fell on Su Xin's exposed wrists. There were faint red marks on his wrists. The kind you could only see if you looked closely. "What about those?"     

Wen Qinxi regretted that he didn't bake some fudge to shut the kid up as he was running out of excuses. Because he was moving around a lot last night it was inevitable that he would have faint red marks. "You should ask your daddy when he gets home tonight," replied Wen Qinxi selling out Qie Ranzhe.     

Despite working him overtime last night, Qie Ranzhe woke up early and left without saying a word. Because he was a little upset about it he didn't feel bad throwing the man under the bus.     

"And your lip?" asked Qie Xieling pointing at the obvious lip hickey at the corner of Su Xin's bottom lip.     

Forgetting his terrifying panda eyes he lowered his sunglasses and said, "Ask your daddy about that too. We are here. Give dad a kiss," but Qie Xieling flinched leaning back his expression that of surprise.     

"How much sleep did you lose for you to look like that?" asked Qie Xieling vowing to never pull an all-nighter. Even the driver cringed seeing the young sir looking like a genuine panda.     

"You...! Go, go otherwise you will be late," said Wen Qinxi opening the door for Qie Xieling. This kid was too inquisitive and hard to lie to.     

"Okay, okay, see you in the afternoon. Go rest at home," said Qie Xieling before exiting the car. As soon as he reached the entrance of the school, he took out his phone and messaged his daddy.     

Three blocks away, Qie Ranzhe received a message notification. Thinking it was important he opened the message interface only to be bombarded by a barrage of questions.     

Xieling: Where did Su Xin sleep last night?     

Xieling: He had panda eyes and says he didn't sleep well last night.     

Xieling: Why did he have a bruise on his lip and wrists?     

Xieling: Are you bullying Su Xin?     

Qie Ranzhe, "..."     

Yes, he bullied Su Xin but the kind of bullying that had the man begging for more.     

While Qie Xieling was interrogating Qie Ranzhe, Wen Qinxi was about to head to the apartment and sleep some more. He didn't want to go back to a house with only Madam Qie which would make it awkward. So he decided to head for the apartment to take a nap before picking up Qie Xieling later in the afternoon but his plans abruptly changed after receiving a string of messages.     

OldSu: Meet me at the usual place in thirty minutes.     

OldSu: Come alone.     

OldSu: We need to talk.     

Wen Qinxi had managed to retrieve Su Xin's old contact list from his email and there was only one person who Su Xin would save their contact information in such a disrespectful way.     

It was none other than Su Long. The old man probably wanted to negotiate with him to get back the money he robbed. Thinking it was about time they met, Wen Qinxi gave the driver the address from the game files.     

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