Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fouth World: Slight NSFW

Fouth World: Slight NSFW

0Wen Qinxi who had just overworked himself sat up straight and said, "Greedy," while wiping away the mess with his t-shirt. Qie Ranzhe kept ogling at him while gently caressing the man's cheek. He wanted Su Xin to look at him but the man kept his head lowered while busying himself.     

"I am going to take a shower," said Wen Qinxi attempting to get off Qie Ranzhe's lap but he was held in place by the dissatisfied crime boss.     

"Xin-er, don't be like this," said Qie Ranzhe trying to coax his lover into giving up the goods. He passionately kissed Su Xin conveying his intentions but that didn't stop Su Xin from getting up in the next second.     

"We have plenty of time," was the sentence Wen Qinxi threw out before he left the study. He was right, they had plenty of time but this wasn't enough to convince Qie Ranzhe.     

Five minutes later, Qie Ranzhe snuck into the bathroom where Su Xin was standing under the shower. Because of the sound of running water, Wen Qinxi didn't hear him come in. He only found out when his waist was suddenly encircled by strong arms.     

"Baby, I want more," said Qie Ranzhe in an aggrieved tone that had Wen Qinxi's heart melting. Burying his head in the crevice of Su Xin's neck, he kissed the man with their bodies pressed together.     

One can only imagine how that ended. Qie Ranzhe resisted the urge to penetrate his lover so as not to scare Su Xin away. He resigned himself to other means driving his hot rod through the thigh gap between Su Xin's legs while stroking his man's stiff member under the shower.     

This was an experience for Wen Qinxi. He especially liked the versatility in lovemaking with Qie Ranzhe. By the time they were done playing, Wen Qinxi was pruny from standing under the water for so long.     

He feared being bashed by conservationists for wasting water but boy it was fuckin worth it. He left the bathroom first and sprawled on the bed in his bathrobe. Wen Qinxi closed his eyes making dinner plans. He was about to doze off when Qie Ranzhe climbed on top of him naked and started kissing his neck trying to start something.     

"What are you doing?" asked Wen Qinxi eyeing Qie Ranzhe whose head was lowered on his neck.     

"Nothing," replied Qie Ranzhe lying through his teeth.     

Wen Qinxi felt like he had woken up a beast from hibernation. Feeling helpless he said, "You say you are doing nothing yet you poking me with your thing." It turns out this man was already turned on and he was trying to rouse his lover's interest once more.     

Qie Ranzhe raised his head and slowly unfastened Su Xin's bathrobe. With the flawless temptation coming into full view, Qie Ranzhe lowered his head and brushed his lips against Su Xin's chest.     

Enticed, Wen Qinxi let this man do as he pleased. It felt amazing being tease like this so Wen Qinxi had no complaints. Qie Ranzhe kissed, licked and sucked Su Xin's skin as though eating some kind of delicacy.     

His lips moved up to the pink bead on Su Xin's chest and teased it with his tongue making the man beneath him shudder in excitement.     

A sly smirk appeared on his face knowing that he had already won the battle. With Su Xin's fingers running through the back of his head drawing him closer, Qie Ranzhe knew he had successfully seduced his lover.     

He slowly caressed Su Xin's body all the way down to the man's stiff member but just as he reached his destination, his wrist was suddenly grasped. Confused he raised his head to look at Su Xin feeling wronged.     

"I will let you do whatever you want as long as you bring back Lin Lin tomorrow," said Wen Qinxi rubbing Qie Ranzhe's hand with his thumb. Qie Ranzhe nodded his head in agreement.     

"Oh, and you deal with dinner. You worked me overtime.... too tired," said Wen Qinxi already feeling the ache in his thighs.     

Qie Ranzhe nodded his head with a radiant smile before carrying on. Wen Qinxi was tossed left, right and centre to Qie Ranzhe heart's content. They were both men but Qie Ranzhe's stamina was terrifying. He only regained his freedom after going about it two more times.     

He almost wished they had gone all the way to appease this rod stick that seemed unfamiliar with the word excessive. As soon as Qie Ranzhe left to get dinner, Wen Qinxi took the opportunity to doze off just in case dinner would work up this man's appetite once more. He only woke up in the morning with Qie Ranzhe nowhere in sight.     

Feeling abandoned, Wen Qinxi sat up straight his body sluggish. He wanted to scold the man who worked him hard last night but vanished the very next morning.     

He grabbed the cellphone lying on the pedestal and swiped it open. It seemed Qie Ranzhe had given him back the phone that was confiscated after he was caught in bed with Zhao Hua. It was Su Xin's phone but it was wiped off all contacts with only three numbers in it. It had Machu, Qie Xieling and Qie Ranzhe's number that was intentionally saved as DaddyRan.     

Wen Qinxi who initially wanted to scold the jar of vinegar that even erased Su Xin's friends' contacts found himself laughing. He had to admit, this CEO was too cute. He noticed a notification on the top panel. Swiping down, he found out it was from Qie Ranzhe. Curious, he opened it.     

DaddyRan: I went to get Xieling.     

DaddyRan: There is breakfast in the microwave.     

A warm fuzzy feeling like fluffy clouds spread all over his body as the corner of his lips quirked up. It was moments like these that made this game worth it. Wen Qinxi went downstairs and warmed up his breakfast completely unaware that his movements had activated the surveillance sensors.     

Just as he was about to put the porcelain spoon in his mouth, a ding sound from his phone grasped his attention.     

Outside the Qie Mansion, Qie Ranzhe had just received a notification from the motion sensor in his apartment. It seemed Su Xin was awake but he didn't bother to reply to his message. Dissatisfied, he wrote a message.     

Q: You woke up ages ago but didn't respond to my message?     

Leaning against the car door, Qie Ranzhe waited for a response vexing Old Lu who had just welcomed Master Qie back home. Qie Ranzhe waited for five seconds but the message was still unread yet the camera clearly showed that Su Xin saw the message.     

Q: You are violating clause 3.4     

Wen Qinxi almost spat out his congee reading this message. "What the fuck?" he swore hurrying to reply but before he even opened the interface another message came through.     

Q: I will execute punishment when I get back.     

With that said Qie Ranzhe placed his phone in his pocket ignoring the subsequent messages sent by Su Xin. Grinning like a malicious ghost he followed Old Lu into the mansion.     

Baby Xi:?     

Baby Xi: You must be fuckin with me, right?     

Baby Xi: Are you mad at me?     

Baby Xi: QAQ     

Thus this nerd learnt to read through contracts especially when they're from Qie Ranzhe. It's just when it comes to Qie Ranzhe his IQ goes down the drain making him do stupid things like this. Talk about the black-bellied husband taking advantage of his naive wife.     

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