Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Queen Bee or Drama Queen?

Fourth World: Queen Bee or Drama Queen?

0Qie Ranzhe ambled into the living room with a spring in his step. Not only did he get to eat his wife but also managed to trick him into signing a contract that will provide him with endless benefits in the future. Everything seemed to be working in his favour but as the saying goes when something good happens something bad follows.     

As soon as Qie Ranzhe walked into the room he saw Qie Xieling sitting on the couch writing on a piece of paper with a calligraphy brush. He was ever so familiar with this punishment as he was subjected to it over ten times in his childhood and twice as an adult. It's just that he was naughty growing up so it made sense for him to be punished a dozen times but Qie Xieling was obedient and never caused trouble.     

This kid was so well behaved that the word punishment was foreign to him but now he was being asked to write 'I should respect my elders' a thousand times. Though the kid loved school his expression right now was that of a tormented lamb at a petting zoo.     

"Morning mother," he said grasping the attention of the two people in the room. Qie Xieling perked up accidentally smudging the sheet of paper. He was thrilled to see his daddy and was hoping to find Su Xin following behind.     

Just as he stood up his grandmother smacked her folding fan on the coffee table making the boy sit back down quickly.     

"Mn," replied Madam Qie as her son walked over and kissed her cheek. Qie Ranzhe ruffled Qie Xieling's hair and sat next to him asking,     

"What crime did he commit? Xieling is usually well behaved."     

Hearing this Madam Qie snorted coldly and replied, "Ask him what he did," but she didn't give Qie Xieling the chance to confess, "He kicked up a fuss in the car yelling at me like I am his friend."     

She then turned to Qie Xieling whose hands were sore from all the writing, "Do you know what you did wrong?"     

Qie Xieling's little hand tightly clasped the brushed swallowing the words he wanted to say. He knew grandma's character too well. A direct confrontation would never work on her. In other words, it can only end badly but yesterday he acted on impulse.     

He exploded in anger resulting in this unfortunate ending. If he continued being stubborn he might not be allowed to see Su Xin ever again. This woman looks like a pushover but she's a tough nut to crack.     

For his own good, he nodded his head seeming sincere before carrying on with the punishment. The faster he finishes the earlier he gets to see Su Xin.     

Madam Qie seemed satisfied as she leaned back in her seat, legs crossed exuding an air of superiority. Qie Ranzhe took advantage of his mother's relaxed appearance to state the purpose of his visit.     

Actually, the word visit would be the wrong term because for the better part of the year he lived in the Qie Mansion but because he brought back Su Xin he decided to move to the apartment.     

"I came to get Xieling," said Qie Ranzhe his gaze fixed on his mother. He wasn't certain how she would take it but he had promised Su Xin and if he still wanted to eat from the cookie jar he had to comply.     

Madam Qie seemed to find it amusing as she chuckled lightly while tapping the armrest with her long nails. "He's good.... ha! That vixen is really good," said Madam Qie her eyes as cold as a glacier. She couldn't understand what kind of method that man used but she had to admit it was pretty effective.     

Qie Xieling pretended not to hear anything with his head lowered writing seriously. He had no intention to interfere. When you see an incoming tsunami you don't dive into it, you run. Besides, he didn't want his punishment doubled.     

Qie Ranzhe could understand her meaning but he wasn't in the mood to argue. He went straight to the point. "I will take him to the apartment after he's done with his punishment," he said with a solemn expression.     

"Hahaha... you have grown bold. Do you think you are too old to be punished? Tsk, what kind of potion did he use on you that both of you dare to disobey me?" she said her beautiful features turning ugly, "You have always lived in this house but for him, you are planning on moving out and taking my grandson with you. You have surely grown bold."     

Hating iron for not being steel, Madam Qie fought off the urge to take off her slipper and smack some sense into her son who was using his small head to think instead of the big one.     

"Keep him at the apartment and visit him as you please but my grandson is not going anywhere with you. Do you see how disrespectful he was to me yesterday? Blame that bad behaviour on Su Xin. Tsk... now my arithmia is acting up," she said before turning to look at the old butler, "Old Lu get me my medicine. These two are planning to shock me to death." She said this pointing at the two who were staring at her like she was a drama queen. The whole arithmia thing was a weapon she used ever so often and it had since lost its effectiveness.     

The butler hesitated for a moment before exiting the room in hurried footsteps. He also knew this act and it wasn't good for the Madam to take medicine when she wasn't sick. If he brought it, she would drink it just to complete the grand performance and manipulate the two.     

Thus each time she does this he delays delivering the medicine hoping they would resolve the issue before his return. This time was no different. As soon as he walked out into the corridor his footsteps became as slow as a turtle. A turtle is actually pretty fast. He was as slow as a sloth.     

Madam Qie was growing impatient seeing that these two weren't taking her seriously. This Su Xin was truly troublesome. She used to like him before because when she found out her son preferred men she had given up hope of having a grandchild but who would have expected a pie to fall from the sky. She was so happy she wanted to throw the wedding of the year and welcome her new in-law.     

Excited she expressed her joy bragging about Su Xin to her circle of friends and the big wedding she was planning. She didn't expect Su Xin to blindside her like that. It was at one of her fundraising dinners did she find out that the Su Xin she was busy bragging about was caught in bed with her best friend's daughter. She lost so much face that day that she didn't dare show herself at such events.     

Just when she thought her son had moved on, the vixen shows up turning her family against her. 'Not going to happen to this queen bee,' she thought abandoning the pity party. It wasn't working anyway.     

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