Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lover's Spat

Fourth World: Lover's Spat

0As a golden-red light painted the sky chasing the darkness away, the isolated Villa was bustling with people packing up. Summer vacation was approaching its end and it was about time they returned home. Wen Qinxi woke Qie Xieling up as early as 4 am and helped him get ready which was a struggle on its own. This young master just wouldn't wake up properly so Wen Qinxi was forced to dress the half-asleep Qie Xieling.     

After getting the kid ready and packing their bags, Wen Qinxi took him downstairs with a bodyguard carrying their suitcases. Once he stepped outside, the chief of security pointed at an SUV in the middle of the convoy. He immediately understood his meaning and helped Qie Xieling sit in the back seat. As soon as he placed the kid in the seat, Qie Xieling closed his eyes with his body leaning to the side falling back to sleep.     

Because of this Wen Qinxi had a hard time clipping in the seat belt. He tried three times to no avail. Just as he was getting flustered, he felt a hand slide on his waist as a familiar scent assaulted his senses making his cheeks tingle. His entire body stiffened as his brain's alarm bells rang in his mind. He wanted to push the man away but it proved to be difficult.     

A surge of intoxicating energy spread from the point of contact immobilising him where he stood. This is that one person who could make him feel this way. No matter how pissed off he was all it took was one touch to draw him into Qie Ranzhe's arms.     

"I will do it," said a magnetic voice that sent tingles down Wen Qinxi's spine. Qie Ranzhe pressed down his palm on Su Xin's waist his thoughts heading in a dangerous direction. He found himself leaning down with his target in sight. He wanted to kiss the back of Su Xin's neck and sniff his scent but unfortunately for him, Su Xin moved to the side giving way.     

Qie Ranzhe licked his lower lip as the warmth in his palm dissipated in a flash. Su Xin had moved and still had his back at him so Qie Ranzhe couldn't see his face. It seemed Su Xin was still angry with him.     

Sighing in disappointment, Qie Ranzhe fixed Qie Xieling's seat belt and closed the door. Instead of leaving, he walked over to Su Xin and took out a handgun calling out, "Xin-er," in a soft tone with an ambiguous air to it. He wanted to give him the gun for protection just in case they were met with trouble along the way.      

Wen Qinxi who had just successfully calmed himself down began to panic once more with his body gradually heating up. 'Fuck! Why did he have to call my name like that?' thought Wen Qinxi trying to act as normal as possible.     

"What?" replied Wen Qinxi turning around to face Qie Ranzhe with his thumb on his lips to calm his nerves.     

Sensing Su Xin's uneasiness, Qie Ranzhe smiled and asked, "Is everything okay?" his tone as playful as a teenager teasing his school crush.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't help glaring at him with a dash of impatience. 'What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, I am not fuckin fine you idiot,' thought Wen Qinxi but his mouth was saying the opposite. "Great.... everything is just great," he said with a stiff smile that even Machu could interpret from afar. That smile seemed to say, 'No, everything is not fuckin fine,' but of course, his boss wouldn't understand.     

Qie Ranzhe lowered his head with a sweet smile on his face while checking the handgun. Certain everything was fine he handed it over to Su Xin. This had Machu screaming internally thinking, 'Boss do you really want to give your pissed off wife a gun. Isn't that suicide?'     

As expected Su Xin checked the magazine of the handgun and aimed it at Qie Ranzhe's chest. The bodyguards wanted to intervene but Qie Ranzhe raised his hand gesturing for them to stay out of it. The chief of security was really worried so he asked Machu who was standing right next to him, "Why does the boss not want us to take down Su Xin? I mean... he could get himself shot."     

Machu crossed his arms across his chest, leaned back and replied, "Lover's spat. You don't want to get yourself entangled in that mess."     

Wen Qinxi was not going to pull the trigger but couldn't help it. He was still so angry with Qie Ranzhe. Each time he recalled that scene his heart ached like it was getting tone to pieces.     

He had to make himself clear otherwise Qie Ranzhe would pull this stunt again. "I won't be lenient if you dare fuck with me again," he said before putting down the firearm.     

Satisfied, Wen Qinxi sat in the driver's seat and put on his seat belt before looking back at Qie Xieling's sleeping face.     

Once it was safe to approach, Machu walked over and asked, "Boss, why were you certain he wouldn't pull the trigger? I mean those eyes spelt murder."     

Qie Ranzhe bit his lower lip with a tender smile that had Machu agape. If this isn't love then his name isn't Machu. "He had the safety on..... besides he loves me and wouldn't dare kill me."     

Machu couldn't understand how that entire scenario spelt love but he wasn't one to burst Qie Ranzhe's bubbles.     

"Uh, if you say so... Oh, by the way, if a woman says everything is fine ninety per cent of the time it's definitely not fine. Just a friendly tip. I had to throw it out there," said Machu feeling pretty good about himself but Qie Ranzhe brought him back to earth.     

"But Su Xin is not a woman?" replied Qie Ranzhe walking over to the car in front.     

Machu who had just been caught off guard embarrassedly scratched his head before correcting himself, "Maybe the theory applies to all wives."     

Qie Ranzhe chuckled lightly as he entered the back seat. No one could understand how he was feeling right now. Su Xin always behaved with indifference when it came to him. But this time around things were different. He even pulled a gun on him as a warning. How can this crime boss not be happy? One sentence. They are both crazy.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't want Su Xin to drive but based on his expression just now, he wasn't in a great mood. With that in mind, Qie Ranzhe chose to say nothing and didn't join him lest he aggravates the man further.     

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