Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Snatching Snacks In A Private Jet

Fourth World: Snatching Snacks In A Private Jet

0The convoy drove out of the compound with the sun peeking out of the horizon. In under thirty minutes, they reached the aerodrome with a private jet on stand by.     

It was only an hour after take-off did Qie Xieling finally wake up. He was sitting next to Su Xin but his daddy was nowhere in sight. Qie Xieling rubbed his sluggish eyes and peeked above the seat only to find his daddy sitting further away with his burning gaze in Su Xin's direction.     

He smiled at his daddy before sitting properly asking, "How long was I asleep?"     

Wen Qinxi whose ears had turned red from being stared at like that pulled Qie Xieling into his embrace and said, "Why does that matter?" while kissing the top of Qie Xieling's head, "Are you hungry?"     

"En," replied Qie Xieling. He wanted to ask why his daddy was sitting at the back when they had plenty of space but he didn't want to put a damper on Su Xin's great mood. The two ate breakfast together chatting it up making Qie Ranzhe feel left out.     

It's not like he didn't try sitting next to Su Xin but the vicious glare that was sent his way had him unconsciously moving further down the aisle. Machu couldn't help but feel sorry for his boss so he sat next to him. He tried to distract Qie Ranzhe but his boss gave one-word answers his gaze locked on Su Xin like an obsessed stalker. When Su Xin moved the man's boring gaze would follow him. When he couldn't see him, he would stand up and follow. The one time Su Xin stood up to go to the bathroom, Qie Ranzhe almost followed. If it weren't for Machu this crime boss might have finally received a membership to the mile-high club. As if, Su Xin would have most definitely punched Qie Ranzhe if he dared.     

Two hours in flight, it seemed the boss was behaving a little normal now. He wasn't staring at Su Xin that much but things took a different turn when everyone even Machu received snack packets from Su Xin except Qie Ranzhe. People either got dried meat or dried fruit with Qie Xieling hogging three packets each.     

Qie Xieling noticed his daddy didn't get one so he asked Su Xin, "Where is daddy's snack packet?" while eyeing his daddy who had just refused Machu's offer.     

Wen Qinxi didn't turn his head to look at Qie Ranzhe's reaction. Instead, he reclined his seat and answered seriously, "He's not hungry." He couldn't physically hurt Qie Ranzhe but could only pull such tricks.     

It was surprisingly quite effective because Qie Ranzhe was clenching the seat's armrest displeased. Qie Xieling, he could understand but why did the rest get snacks except him. Granted, the snacks were just regular name brand but they were from Su Xin. He also wanted one. Feeling heavy easterly winds coming from Qie Ranzhe, Machu could no longer bear the pressure. He quietly moved away lest this tornado swept him away. Qie Ranzhe was so depressed that he didn't notice Machu's cautious actions.     

One would think he would get over it soon but in Qie Ranzhe's mind, this wasn't over. Waiting for the two people to fall asleep, Qie Ranzhe stood up and in cautious steps, he approached the two individuals who were sleeping peacefully.     

With his hands in his pocket, he hesitated for a moment towering over Su Xin. He slowly took out one hand from his trousers pocket and caressed Su Xin's sleeping face his eyes brimming with doting affection. The back of his hand felt a pleasant sensation as his skin brushed against Su Xin's. For a moment, it seemed Qie Ranzhe had forgotten why he was here in the first place.     

This drama unfolded right in front of Machu and two other bodyguards. The two men pretended not to see anything but Machu was crossing his fingers that Su Xin doesn't wake up and catch his boss in the act.     

Qie Ranzhe seemed to be stuck in his own bubble unaware of the onlookers. It was after a hostess opened the curtain that he remembered what he was here for. He placed his index finger on his lips and gestured for her to keep silent. The air hostess was obviously confused but didn't dare make a sound retracing her steps. Qie Ranzhe moved over to Qie Xieling's seat and carefully grabbed one packet of the dried meat as well as one packet of dried fruit before fixing the boy's blanket.     

Just like that, Qie Xieling was robbed in his sleep. He only realised he was missing two packets of snacks when they arrived at the airport. Wen Qinxi felt the little hand part from his and looked down only to find Qie Xieling frantically searching his satchel.     

"What are you looking for?" asked Wen Qinxi as they stood at the bottom of the airstair.     

"I am missing two packets of snacks," said Qie Xieling seeming upset. As soon as the others heard this, they scattered in all directions with Machu staring at the culprit who was putting on his sunglasses. His heartless boss robbed his own kid's snacks but wouldn't say anything.     

"Don't worry about it. I will buy you more," said Wen Qinxi trying to comfort the poor kid. Just as he was closing the zipper on Qie Xieling's satchel, a crimson SUV approached the airport apron with its aggressive engine sound suffusing the atmosphere.     

Wen Qinxi's hair stood on end as the vehicle parked right next to him. He had no idea who it was but he could tell nothing good was going to come out of this. The first thing he saw when the chauffeur opened the door was six-inch pink heels followed by slender legs that could only belong to a model. His heart leapt up to his chest in fright seeing the lady dressed in white pull down her sunglasses.     

When their eyes met, Wen Qinxi felt like running back into the private jet and fly away. He couldn't fly a plane but he would do anything to get away from that woman. Unconsciously he took a step back holding Qie Xieling's hand for support.     

The gorgeous woman was none other than Madam Qie the scariest woman alive in this world and she had major beef with Su Xin. She didn't even look at her son heading straight for Su Xin.     


A loud slapping sound echoed in the air as a slap landed on Su Xin's face. Qie Ranzhe wanted to stop his mother but he knew if stopped her she will do even worse things to Su Xin.     

Wen Qinxi felt his cheek heat up as a throbbing pain spread to his eye and temple. She slapped him once more before taking Qie Xieling's hand and dragged him away. By the time Qie Xieling snapped out of his shock, he had already been led to the car by his grandmother's assistant.     

While Wen Qinxi was rubbing his sore cheek that had scratch marks from the viper's nails, Madam Qie stopped in front of her son and said, "You better know what you are doing."     

With that said she strode over to her car with an arrogant aura that made the atmosphere thick and heavy. How unlucky is this nerd with in-laws?     

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