Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Shirtless Water Balloon Champion

Fourth World: Shirtless Water Balloon Champion

0While Kai Zi was planning to steal Qie Ranzhe from Su Xin's clutches, Wen Qinxi and Qie Xieling were hiding in a treehouse dropping water balloons at the ladies from the other team.     

They even carried up two buckets of water balloons which meant they wouldn't run out of ammunition till the end of the game. While keeping watch, Qie Xieling decided to take the opportunity and probe Su Xin for information.     

"Are you... are you going to leave after summer vacation? I... I asked daddy to have you stay till the end of summer vacation but now that it's about to end... I... I don't want you to leave," said Qie Xieling not daring to look at Su Xin. He didn't want his dad to be forced to stay by his side but he was also selfish. He wanted Su Xin to stay by his side. It was his dream to come out of the school gates and find Su Xin waiting for him every day. He didn't necessarily expect Su Xin to do that for him but he at least wanted to see him every day.     

Wen Qinxi felt his heartache hearing such words coming out of Qie Xieling. Of course, he wouldn't leave but this kid had no reassurances after being abandoned more than a dozen times. "Lin Lin, look at dad for a minute," said Wen Qinxi staring straight at Qie Xieling. He needed this child to understand that this character might have made plenty of horrible decisions in the past but he would never leave him and he would use the rest of his time in this world to make up for all the pain he caused.     

Qie Xieling reluctantly looked into his dad's eyes, his lips pursed into a straight line. He clenched his fist out of nervousness. As much as he wanted to hear the words 'I will never leave you' he didn't want them to be forced. He didn't want to force Su Xin to stay with him.     

"I am sorry for breaking your heart in the past and abandoning you. But I promise from now onwards things will be different... I will never leave and promise to spend the rest of my life making up for my past mistakes. I love you Lin Lin more than you could ever understand," said Wen Qinxi in a sincere tone that convinced Qie Xieling mending his broken heart.     

His words seemed to melt all his grievances away. Qie Xieling embraced Su Xin as a wave of emotions wailed up within him. With the floodgates opened, Qie Xieling began to cry letting out all his frustrations. Wen Qinxi patiently soothing the kid vowing to never hurt him as Su Xin did.     

After crying it out, the two emerged out of the game victorious with Qie Xieling holding a trophy engraved 'Water Balloon Champion' courtesy of Wen Qinxi. He had pre-ordered the trophy to give it to Qie Xieling so it could save as a reminder for the best summer ever. The two were so excited that they walked into the house shirtless like a footballer celebrating victory.     

The two were engrossed in their celebration as they triumphantly walked upstairs swinging their damp t-shirts with Qie Xieling raising the trophy as the servants jeered them on. Unexpectedly, they bumped into Qie Ranzhe and crew while going up the stairs putting a damper on their celebrations.     

"Why are you two shirtless?" asked Qie Ranzhe while the servants scurried away in fright.     

'This again,' thought Wen Qinxi but he didn't dare say it aloud.     

Qie Xieling, on the other hand, didn't hesitate to speak. "They are wet so we had to take them off. Daddy look, I won a trophy," said Qie Xieling showing off his well-deserved trophy.     

Qie Ranzhe wanted to scold them further but faced with Su Xin's dewy snow-white skin and that mermaid line, his words of rebuke got stuck in his throat. His eyes darkened averting his gaze as he said, "Go put on some clothes otherwise I will confiscate that trophy."     

As soon as he said those words, he left in large strides vexing the two culprits. Kai Zi followed behind not forgetting to berate him in such a low voice that only Wen Qinxi could hear. "Slut," he murmured before disappearing in the blink of an eye.     

Wen Qinxi scoffed choosing to ignore insignificant things but just as he took two steps, Kai Zheng blocked his path and said, "Interesting," with a seductive smile. One can only imagine the lewd thoughts on his mind.     

"You must have a fuckin death wish, pervert," whispered Wen Qinxi unwilling to have Qie Xieling hear him use vulgar words.     

Wen Qinxi didn't want to bother with a stupid cannon fodder NPC so he led Qie Xieling to his room and the two took a relaxing bath. After bathing the two chose to have dinner in Su Xin's room otherwise, Wen Qinxi might actually strangle someone.     

Right after getting ready for bed, Qie Xieling realised he left his watch outside. He was about to run outside in the dead of night to look for it when Su Xin stopped him.     

"Wait for me here and I will go get it for you," said Wen Qinxi before exiting the room. He didn't want a thirteen-year-old walking around at night in the dark garden looking for a watch so he chose to go instead.     

As soon as he reached the kitchen, he found Machu standing by the open fridge chowing on yesterday's leftovers that he cooked.     

Machu, "..."     

Wen Qinxi "....."     

Machu put down his chopsticks and said, "Don't blame me. You didn't cook today and I had cravings."     

Wen Qinxi didn't bother to stay any longer leaving the man to his indulgence but Machu put down the bento and followed him outside. "Where are you going?" he asked walking beside him through the garden.     

"Machu, have you ever heard of a saying curiosity killed the cat?" asked Wen Qinxi using Qie Xieling's phone to light up the ground.     

"Yeah, I have but that's because that cat wasn't clever enough," replied Machu before noticing a dim LED light coming from a nearby shrub. "Are you looking for this?" said Machu picking up the watch but just as he was about to hand it over he saw something he shouldn't have.     

That is to say during the day Qie Ranzhe can see outside the garden but at night it's whoever is in the garden that can see Qie Ranzhe's office and what he saw was surely going to upset someone. "Oh shit!" swore Machu without thinking attracting Wen Qinxi's attention.     

Because Wen Qinxi had his back facing the house he hadn't had the privilege to see the film playing behind him. "What?" asked Wen Qinxi trying to grab the watch out of Machu's hands.     

Thinking that if Su Xin sees this his boss would get into trouble, Machu tried to remedy the situation by coming up with a way to distract him.     

"Xin-er, how about you help find my... um, my pen that I lost in the maze in the afternoon. It's, it's very important. Since I helped you find the watch then you can... um help me find the um, um," said Machu snapping his fingers trying to recall what he said he needed help with.     

"Pen," said Wen Qinxi looking at Machu suspiciously. Something was definitely off and it had something to do with whatever was behind him but judging from Machu's attitude, he wouldn't let him turn around.     

"Yes pen," now let's go but as soon as he turned to lead the way, all hell broke loose because Su Xin decided to turn around. Wen Qinxi's heart sank at the bottom of the Mariana trench when he saw Qie Ranzhe and that white lotus kissing. This marked the evolution of the nerd as he grabbed a rock and flung it at full strength straight into Qie Ranzhe's office window.     

Qie Ranzhe who had just been taken advantage of by Kai Zi was about to push the man away when a loud crashing sound startled the two of them. The expensive window shattered into a million pieces in an instant with the culprit looking up at them with a deadly stare.     

The two husbands locked gazes for a second but Wen Qinxi couldn't look anymore. His heart was as broken as that window but what was he to say? What right did he have to say anything? Angered to death, Wen Qinxi walked away without uttering a single word. His actions spoke volumes and Qie Ranzhe got the message loud and clear.     

"Boss, really?" said Machu looking up at Qie Ranzhe in astonishment. He was about to say more when he heard a smashing sound coming from the kitchen. "Oh shit, I got to go," said Machu darting towards the kitchen. He had to stop Su Xin before he does something out of anger. He didn't want to be a light bulb but it seemed he couldn't get away from this situation whether he liked it or not.     

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