Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Another Love Rival

Fourth World: Another Love Rival

0To be more exact it translated to 'your son is mine and there is nothing you can do about it'. Wen Qinxi was a bit confused but he did a good job hiding it. What vexed him was Kai Zi's actions. If they were friends with Qie Ranzhe and Kai Zi adored Qie Xieling why did he betray the man in the end?     

Wen Qinxi was curious but whatever the reason, it didn't matter because he was going to stop Kai Zi from ruining Qie Ranzhe in the end. It was for this reason that he didn't dwell on it much with his gaze falling back on the game console.     

Qie Xieling wanted to go back and carry on playing with his dad but Kai Zi kept embracing him while introducing the tall handsome man who had his gaze set on Su Xin this entire time. Qie Xieling naturally noticed this odd gaze and felt like taking a towel to cover Su Xin's face. 'Who does he think he's looking at?' said Qie Xieling internally with his dark eyes staring at this frivolous man.     

Qie Xieling didn't even shy away from Kai Zheng and asked an awkward question. "Uncle, what are you looking at?" he asked almost standing on his tippy toes to make himself look taller.     

Kai Zheng was so embarrassed that he stopped staring while nervously laughing but glancing over in Su Xin's direction. To his dismay, it seemed the man didn't even notice him. "It's um..... it's a good painting," he said pointing at the painting hung on the wall past Su Xin.     

"Good painting indeed but please refrain yourself from staring too long at things that don't belong to you otherwise....," said Qie Xieling with an innocent face that made one not take his words seriously but his eyes were as frosty as the south pole, cold and unfeeling.     

"Otherwise what?" said Qie Ranzhe who had shown up at some point without anyone noticing. Qie Xieling lowered his gaze making him seem guilty but in truth, he had a slight grin on his face. "Xieling stop talking nonsense and go do your homework... and don't come out for two hours," said Qie Ranzhe in an imperative tone that made it hard for Qie Xieling to defy.     

Biting the nail on his index finger, he walked over to drag along Su Xin but who would have expected Qie Ranzhe to forbid him. "By yourself. Su Xin can't go with you," said Qie Ranzhe his deadly stare on his son.     

Qie Xieling could easily accept punishment but he couldn't accept the punishment without Su Xin. What if this tall stranger takes his dad away. Two hours was more than enough time to make a grown man disappear. He was prepared to stand his ground glowering at his daddy in dissatisfaction.     

He was about to do the unthinkable and openly oppose Qie Ranzhe in front of outsiders when Su Xin pulled him into his embrace and whispered something in his ear. "Dad has a surprise for you now, be good and do as daddy says. When the two hours are up, come to the back garden, okay?" whispered Wen Qinxi before showing the kid a sweet smile that melted Qie Xieling's heart.     

Qie Xieling shook his head and ran upstairs ready to start the two hours. The earlier it starts the earlier it finishes. The two didn't notice the awkward gaze directed at them, each peculiar than the next. Machu was amused, Kai Zheng was mesmerised but Kai Zi was thunderstruck, his face a weird shade of sickly pale. Qie Ranzhe, on the other hand, was a jumble of feelings resembling a disorienting mosaic.     

He knew Qie Xieling's relationship with Su Xin had improved but this was a bit too much. Anger, resentment, joy, concern were just some of the feelings wailing up within. He couldn't blame his son for being enchanted by Su Xin and it was for this same reason that he wasn't going to let Su Xin go.     

"You guys seem to have a lot to talk about so... I will be heading out," said Wen Qinxi after being stared at like he had something on his face.     

He was about to step away when Kai Zi ambled over to Qie Ranzhe and embraced him saying, "Ran-ge, I missed you," in a coquettish tone that could be interpreted a thousand ways but Wen Qinxi could only think of one meaning.     

Believing he was overthinking it he turned to leave but Kai Zi addressed him directly. "Don't go as yet, Xin-ge. I just wanted to introduce you to my brother Zheng-ge. I have some business to discuss with Ran-ge so I was thinking you could keep him company."     

When Wen Qinxi turned to face the annoying white lotus, he saw that the man's arm was intimately wrapped around Qie Ranzhe's shoulder and Qie Ranzhe the man who wouldn't even let Machu touch him didn't push Kai Zi away.     

'Fuck!' swore Wen Qinxi with his suspicions confirmed. He thought he had to deal with only Zhao Huangzhi but it turns out he has other love rivals. That arm was a true eyesore. He didn't want to hang around and get force-fed his husband's dog food. He slightly nod at Kai Zheng acknowledging his presence but didn't intend to hang around him so he said, "Your brother, your problem. I am not here to fuckin babysit."     

When he said this the two brothers were taken aback but Qie Ranzhe had a slight smirk on his face. Who knew what he was thinking. Machu on the other hand was just eating melon seeds with the steward. This show was more interesting than the real housewives.     

Just like that, Wen Qinxi walked out without looking back. There was a raging storm brewing within initiating the evolution procedure. If he stayed any longer he might actually bitch slap someone.     

"Oh wait, Su Xin," yelled Machu running after Su Xin. Wouldn't this be a perfect time to rub off some goodwill on the food god?     

Once Su Xin was gone, Qie Ranzhe shrugged Kai Zi's arm in a friendly manner but to Kai Zi, this was an outright rejection. With a stiff smile, he watched Qie Ranzhe exchange formalities with Kai Zheng. Outwardly, he appeared calm but his mind was chaotic. Su Xin seemed like a different person and from the looks of it, he was here to stay.     

This was seriously putting a damper on his plans. He had to take care of it and establish his territory before Su Xin grows a tail as long as the yellow river. Kai Zheng politely refused to join them in the office as business wasn't his forte. His forte was someone else but of course, he couldn't say that aloud.     

Qie Ranzhe knew what he was up to but didn't make it hard for Kai Zheng to meet up with Su Xin. If anything this was an excellent opportunity to see where Su Xin's loyalties lie. The person he was more concerned about was Machu. If Su Xin seduces his brother he planned on chopping off Su Xin's head and hang it on top of Mount Tai.     

With that in mind, he led Kai Zi to his office, a place with the best view of the back garden. This marked the beginning of the interesting show.     

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