Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Watching His Own MV (NSFW)

Fourth World: Watching His Own MV (NSFW)

0As the robe loosened, Qie Ranzhe turned away before dashing out of that room like he would die if he spends a second more in that room. Like a stupid cod, he fell for the same bait twice. All he knew is that he had to get out of there otherwise it would be game over for him.     

Wen Qinxi fastened his bathrobe and chuckled as he slumped on the couch. Recalling how Qie Ranzhe ran off like his arse was on fire, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but laugh. It seemed tonight the both of them would be suffering in abstinence.     


Qie Ranzhe had it worse as he uncomfortably walked over to his office. He would have gone to his room and taken a long shower but he wasn't sure if Qie Xieling was still there so he chose to head to his office. He shut his door with a loud bang and poured a glass of water with a slight tremble in his fingers.     

Two glasses in and the heat in his body didn't recede. In fact, it increased making his junior brother painfully hard. He didn't know what Su Xin was playing at which is why he refused to push the man down and fuck him senseless. This meant he had to endure it.     

He poured another glass and decided to delete the footage. When he put cameras in Qie Xieling's room it was for safety reasons since he was mostly not around. He never thought that one day, it would capture such a lewd scene. Just as he was about to click on the delete button, his wet finger slipped clicking play instead.     

He should have rushed to pause the footage but who was he kidding. Qie Ranzhe was mesmerised vowing to watch it once and delete it right after but the more he watched the greater the addiction.     

Just as the footage got to the good part with Su Xin about to take off his bathrobe, the door was suddenly opened.     

"Ran-ge yo-," said Machu but he was cut off when a stapler hit the door followed by a loud roar,     

"Get the fuck out!"     

Machu, "..."     

He quickly closed the door and ran away as fast as lightning. He didn't know who pissed off Qie Ranzhe but he didn't want to suffer torment for something that had nothing to do with him.     

While Machu was saving his own skin, the CEO who had just been interrupted carried on with his x-rated film featuring him as the protagonist. That is after he used a remote to lock his door. He didn't want to be entangled with Su Xin as the saying goes once bitten twice shy but that didn't mean he couldn't keep this for his personal use.     

The sound of a zipper unzipping filled the room releasing a joystick as stiff as a ramrod. Qie Ranzhe pulled over a box of tissues with his gaze fixed on the enchantress who hadn't featured in his spring dreams for a very long time.     

His hand enveloped his joystick while watching the footage. Lewd sounds permeated the soundproof room with the video replaying in a loop.     

The voice of Su Xin came from the laptop saying, "I am not fuckin with you... I just want you to fuck me," drove Qie Ranzhe insane as he sped up his movements responding,     

"Yes baby, I want to fuck you so hard.... ah fuck yeah.... shit... I want to fuck your ass and make you cum..... ah, yes."     

This went on for a good while with the CEO quenching his thirst imagining Su Xin crying out his name under him. Memories of that sweet night resurfaced in his mind as he blissfully stroked his throbbing member.     

The sound of his flesh slapping against Su Xin flushed perky butt. The sweet moans of the man gasping under him. All these memories flooded his mind as a pleasurable sensation spread all over his entire body while shooting out a huge load.     

His foggy mind finally cleared up as he reached for the box of tissues wiping away the evidence. After cleaning up, Qie Ranzhe leaned back in his chair, his other hand lazily placed on his forehead. Feelings of guilt, resentment and anger filled his mind.     

He couldn't understand how someone who broke his heart countless times would have such a hold on him. It was even worse the second time around driving him mad. He couldn't understand what was so special about Su Xin that he would become this shameless.     

Despite having repressed the fire within him, he still felt the urge to sleep with Su Xin but logic detects that would make him the dumbest man alive. He had to figure out a solution and cure his addiction before it's too late.     


While someone was trying to suppress his desire for Su Xin, the culprit was in his pyjamas while shopping online. He couldn't buy a lot of things because once summer vacation was over they would have to leave this Villa and go back to the main house. It's just that he had had enough of these clothes and wanted to get something special for Qie Xieling and Qie Ranzhe.     

While browsing, Qie Xieling entered Su Xin's room and sat right beside him with a trace of worry in his gaze. He had no idea what his dads talked about but he heard his daddy swearing out loud in his office which never happened before. Su Xin must have infuriated his daddy.     

"Is he, is he kicking you out?" asked Qie Xieling with a brittle voice. He had already mapped up a perfect plan in his mind. If Su Xin gets kicked out, he would get Uncle Machu to help him find an apartment close to his school for Su Xin.     

This way he would go over to the apartment during the day and go home at night. If his daddy forbade him then he would skip class and go over for a visit. With that in mind, he approached Su Xin to present his solution.     

Wen Qinxi wrapped his arm around Su Xin's shoulders before rubbing his hair affectionately saying, "It's nothing you should worry about. Me and your father, we are good.... besides, he can't get rid of me that easily."     

Relieved, Qie Xieling lay his head on Su Xin's shoulder saying, "Okay," in a lowered voice. If Su Xin says there was nothing wrong then he would naturally believe him. Though he would begin to have doubts when Qie Ranzhe avoided Su Xin like the plague in the next three days. At that time he would also repeat the very same question.     

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