Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Food Before Bros

Fourth World: Food Before Bros

0Qie Xieling wasn't stupid, he knew that amount can range from a mouthful to the entire bowl. "Why don't you ask Su Xin to make you some? I am sure he won't refuse," suggested the sensible child to the unreasonable adult.     

"You!.... you won't understand. It's adult stuff. So are you going to share or not?" replied Qie Ranzhe displeased with his unfilial son.     

"Well, because of adult stuff you will miss out. That has nothing to do with me," replied Qie Xieling remaining resolute in his decision.     

"Fine, fine be stingy to the person who gave birth to you," said Qie Ranzhe resorting to emotional blackmail but that didn't work on a veteran like Qie Xieling. Qie Ranzhe had dined in the finest restaurants across the world and Su Xin's cooking was not worth fighting over.     

He rubbed Qie Xieling's hair before turning to walk away when he noticed another bowl covered with a plate right beside Qie Xieling.     

A malicious smile appeared on his face as he casually sat beside Qie Xieling and asked, "Whose is this?" while uncovering the contents. His eyes beamed when he saw it was the same thing Qie Xieling was eating though it had a slightly different aroma.     

Qie Xieling knew very well how his daddy couldn't handle spicy things but he didn't stop him. "It's Su Xin's. He went to get a delivery... I wouldn't eat it if I were you," said Qie Xieling with an evil smile on his face. His daddy was just like a teenager. The more you told him not to do something, the more curious he would become. And sure enough, Qie Ranzhe took a pair of chopsticks and said,     

"Ssshhh, don't tell on me... Just one taste."     

One can easily guess what happened next. Qie Ranzhe didn't immediately feel the heat on his tongue after eating two mouthfuls. At the third mouthful, all hell broke loose as he began to sweat profusely, his tongue on fire.     

He abruptly stood up and opened the tap with his mouth directly under the faucet. The usually calm and collect crime boss had finally met his match.     

His son watched with great interest snickering as though watching a comedy series. This is the exact scene that Wen Qinxi walked into. He had delayed coming back to the kitchen because he was hiding something that Qie Xieling shouldn't see. Only to find Qie Ranzhe with his head under the faucet while his son was in the peanut gallery eating some melon seeds.     

That's when he turned his attention to the now open bowl and a pair of chopsticks. It seemed Qie Ranzhe had helped himself to his food. Wen Qinxi took out a carton of milk and poured it out in a glass before tapping Qie Ranzhe's shoulder.     

Qie Ranzhe turned around about to snap at whoever dared to disturb him when he saw a glass of milk right in front of him. He wanted to refuse but Wen Qinxi directly placed it in his hand. "Water only makes it worse..... drink it," said Wen Qinxi with a hint of worry. He discovered in the second world that Qie Ranzhe's aversion to spicy foods was not only because of the heat but also the stomach cramps that follow after consumption.     

"Lin Lin, didn't I tell you it was spicy? Why did you let your daddy eat it?" asked Wen Qinxi pouring out a second glass.     

"It's not my fault. I told him it's yours but he didn't listen," said Qie Xieling feeling wronged. He didn't disclose all the information but that didn't warrant him a scolding.     

Qie Ranzhe drank the second glass and only managed to speak when the tingling heat subsided. "Is that what you have been giving Xieling?" pointing at the almost empty bowl.     

"No, that's mine. His is non-spicy," replied Wen Qinxi as he sat down next to Qie Xieling.     

"Seriously? No one in their right mind would be able to stand that?" refuted Qie Ranzhe. He had stayed with Su Xin for so many years before they had a falling out. In all those years he never saw Su Xin eating spicy food so what was this? A change in taste?     

Wen Qinxi smirked and took the very same chopsticks that Qie Ranzhe had used earlier and ate the entire bowl in front of him. Qie Ranzhe looked at Su Xin aghast. He concluded Su Xin wasn't human. The man ate the entire bowl without flinching or any signs of discomfort unlike him who had a flushed face with just two mouthfuls.     

"I am curious... why did you eat something that wasn't yours in the first place? Is it that you want me to cook for you as well?" said Wen Qinxi in a mocking tone. The guy dared to ignore him so it was only fair that he teases him.     

Who would have expected Qie Ranzhe to walk out without saying a word? With his flushed face, it was hard to tell if he was angry or embarrassed.     

Guessing embarrassed, Wen Qinxi prepared a full course meal, packed it in a bento and gave it to Machu to deliver it to the timid man's office where he had spent the rest of the day locked up.     

Machu knocked several times with memories of the stapler hitting the door a couple of days ago etched in his brain. He didn't want to end up in the same situation as before so he knocked like an obedient child.     

After getting permission, he walked in and placed the bento on a coffee table saying, "Su Xin made this for you." He was crossing his fingers that the man would be stupid enough to refuse. Like everyone else, he was also curious about Su Xin's cooking. The aroma was enticing so it must be that the food is good as well, right?     

Qie Ranzhe raised his head slightly glancing over the neat bento before looking back at the documents on his desk. "Take it back," he said in a stern voice like he didn't care.     

Machu tried to suppress his joy hugging the bento while heading for the door. "I understand, boss. I will go dispose of it." We all know what he meant by 'dispose of it' but it's not our place to expose the man.     

It seemed Qie Ranzhe sensed something in Machu's voice and said, "No need to trouble you. Place it on the coffee table and I will return it to him after I am done." By 'return it to him' we all know it would be returned empty.     

Machu reluctantly placed the bento on the coffee table but he didn't give up. Wouldn't it be a waste taking back a perfectly packed meal? "Ran-ge, it wouldn't be good to waste food. For the sake of reducing food waste how about I help you eat it?" said Machu sitting down. Since Qie Ranzhe didn't respond he opened the contents and the wonderful aroma filled the room.     

Machu took out a pair of chopsticks but just as he was about to dig in, Qie Ranzhe stood up and sat opposite him. It seemed Qie Ranzhe was going to share with him but this didn't last long. Three mouthfuls in, the bonds of friendship broke with Qie Ranzhe taking away the entire bento with the words 'food before bros' written all over his face.     

Su Xin's food was quite addictive. Addictive enough to have Machu sucking up to Su Xin in the next couple of days.     

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