Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Threatening Each Other Or Shooting A Softcore AV?

Fourth World: Threatening Each Other Or Shooting A Softcore AV?

0Animals like dogs and birds have sensitive instincts, a keen sense of smell and hearing giving them the ability to sense impending storms. Have you ever wondered why dogs freak out before a storm? It's this exact ability that gives them heads up leaving enough time to run for cover.     

It turns out like animals, humans also have this ability known as a gut feeling and ever since Wen Qinxi got into this game, he seemed to be more sensitive to it. For example, in this situation, his intuition was literally screaming at him as soon as Qie Ranzhe's attitude changed. Who knows what got this boss riled up this time.     

Qie Ranzhe's stony gaze remained on Su Xin with an overpowering aura that sent chills down Wen Qinxi's spine.     

It seemed even Qie Xieling could sense something was up which is why he kept his mouth shut his gaze moving between Su Xin and his enraged father. For once in his life, he was at a loss on what to do. He wanted to give them space but he also didn't want Su Xin to get hurt trapping him in a dilemma.     

It seemed he didn't have to stay on the fence any longer because Qie Ranzhe spoke up, his tone steady and indignant. "Take some clothes and go change in my room," he said to Qie Xieling.     

The boy wanted to say something but Qie Ranzhe's icy murderous gaze had the little dumpling swallowing down his words. Qie Xieling fumbled around in the room like a frightened duckling stalling for time but Qie Ranzhe remained stoical with the least bit of impatience.     

Qie Xieling was constantly glancing over to his two dads that he didn't even notice he took out a bundle of clothes instead of a single pair. He even picked a pair of sneakers even though it was completely unnecessary. Hugging his dishevelled bundle in his arms he ambled towards the door and whispered to Su Xin, "Call me if you need my help." Just as he said that the deadly gaze suddenly changed direction amid path like a tornado.     

This startled Qie Xieling so much that he dropped his sneakers scurrying out of the room. The boy didn't even dare shut the door harshly before disappearing down the corridor.     

Qie Ranzhe clenched his jaw tightly tapping the table, each tap as menacing as the first. His gaze swept Su Xin up and down from head to toe. The man's long lashes reflected the light making those almond-shaped eyes even more alluring.     

Qie Ranzhe found himself unable to look away from the man's flushed cheeks with the redness spreading down Su Xin's neck and his slightly exposed collarbone.     

This gave off a look similar to a ripe cherry ready to be popped. Qie Ranzhe felt an inexplicable thirst as his gaze lingered on those enticing glossy lips. Recalling the kiss by the river bank, he yearned for that sweet familiar taste.     

The longer he stared the deeper he fell into this bottomless pit. Su Xin was a beguiling person just like the mythical legend, medusa. Alluring yet dangerous. Qie Ranzhe knew he should stay as far away as possible from Su Xin but he couldn't resist staring at the vixen.     

Wen Qinxi who had just been undressed and caressed inch by inch with those magnetic eyes couldn't help but bite his lower lip. He felt his body heat spreading from his face all the way down south.     

Qie Ranzhe managed to extricate himself from Su Xin's enchantment and strode over slowly in an intimidating posture. In this kind of situation, Su Xin would normally step backwards with a look of disgust in his eyes but things didn't go as expected.     

Su Xin didn't take a step back confidently standing his ground like a fierce cub that had zero chance of winning but still chose to put up a fight. This left Qie Ranzhe with no choice but to stop an arm's length distance away from Su Xin.     

Even then he could still smell the bubblegum scent coming from Su Xin which sent goosebumps all over his body. He didn't like the scent but coming from Su Xin it was tantalizing urging him to take a bite.     

Qie Ranzhe clenched his fist painfully to keep himself lucid and said, "You want to leave?" Memories of Qie Xieling crying each time Su Xin left flooded his mind his lust replaced with surging rage.     

In his anger, Qie Ranzhe moved a step closer followed by a loud bang as he slammed the wall with his fist.     

"Where the fuck do you think you are going after giving Xieling false hope?" he yelled as a cross-popping vein appeared on his temple.     

Wen Qinxi found it amusing and told himself not to smile so as not to further aggravate the angry man. In the end, he failed biting his lower lip suppressing his smile while averting his gaze. He had to admit this scenario was incredibly hot. It would be a shame if he didn't take advantage of it.     

He initially intended to push Qie Ranzhe away but as his fingers pressed against the man's chest to push him away and create some distance, he clutched the man's collar and drew him closer pressing their bodies together.     

Qie Ranzhe was already angered by Su Xin's smirk and when his collar was pulled he was about to erupt like a volcano. But the pressure built from his molten fury was suddenly cooled down replaced with shock.     

Their bodies were pressed together making Qie Ranzhe's entire body heat up especially his face but that was the tip of the iceberg. Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. He felt Su Xin's warm breath brush against his ear as the man whispered like a lustful lover. "How can I bear to leave when I have a sexy husband..... how about you fuck me tonight and we can finally...," paused Wen Qinxi moving his lips closer till his soft lips were brushing against Qie Ranzhe's reddened ear, "consummate our marriage."     

The heat in Qie Ranzhe's face migrated south of the border arousing his junior brother with little effort. A smirk appeared on Wen Qinxi's face as the bulge below Qie Ranzhe's belt poked his thigh.     

He slowly released Qie Ranzhe's collar and caressed the bossy CEO from his firm chest, across the ridges of his abdomen and just as his hand reached the man's belt his wrist was suddenly painfully grasped.     

Su Xin grimaced in pain but to Qie Ranzhe's ears, that sound was incredibly enticing. With a deep inhale, Qie Ranzhe let go of him and moved a step backwards. With an eerie smile plastered on his face, he said, "Su Xin, don't you ever dare fuck with me again."     

His tempting eyes were frosty with a hint of lust. This was a warning to Su Xin but this was Wen Qinxi. To him, Qie Ranzhe was basically a paper tiger. Wen Qinxi stared at Qie Ranzhe with his entire body oozing an amateurish seductive air. The kind of seduction that hooked Qie Ranzhe in the first place.     

Qie Ranzhe followed Su Xin's hands that were slowly approaching the belt of his lose fitting bathrobe. As the knot loosened he heard Su Xin's charming voice say, "I am not fuckin with you... I just want you to fuck me." The last sentence dropped the exact moment when the knot was untied. Just like unwrapping expensive chocolate the process was slow and left the onlooker brimming with anticipation.     

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