Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Fighting For Su Xin's Attention

Fourth World: Fighting For Su Xin's Attention

0Wen Qinxi was extremely anxious for Qie Xieling who had refused to open the door of the panic room for Machu. The kid was as stubborn as an ox, better yet as stubborn as Qie Ranzhe refusing to open the door for anyone other than Su Xin. Wen Qinxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.     

The kid was obviously intending to use this as a means to protect Su Xin just in case Qie Ranzhe decided to punish his dad for robbing the armoury blind and escaping. He refused to open the door unless he saw Su Xin alive and well. Good thing he didn't have to worry about his daddy laying a hand on Su Xin. Well, apart from the bruise on his nose.     

Wen Qinxi approached the isolated room with a thick wooden door and smiled while tapping on it. Qie Xieling was lying on his back reading with the book hovering above his head when he heard a light tapping sound. Curious, he put his book down his limbs sprawled on the bed while asking, "Who is it? Anyone short of Su Xin isn't welcome here."     

Wen Qinxi snickered at his words with a sweet feeling flooding his chest. He suddenly had the urge to tease the little dumpling. He stood away from the camera leaning against the wall while saying, "Oh, then I will just leave."     

Qie Xieling was about to pick up the book again when he heard the familiar voice. He abruptly sat up straight, hopped off the bed and put on his slippers before dashing towards the door. In a few taps, he checked the camera but didn't see Su Xin. Panicked, he placed his palm print on the tablet and the iron door slid open.     

The little boy's brows furrowed when he didn't see Su Xin. He peeped his head out to check barely able to restrain his heavy breathing. What would he do if he chased away his dad? He took a step forward about to call out his dad's name but he was suddenly lifted from the ground with a fast swoop.     

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Qie Xieling being carried like a sack of potatoes.     

"Hahahahahaha..... Lin Lin look at you screaming like a little girl... hahahaha," said Wen Qinxi spinning around while teasing his son.     

Qie Xieling stopped struggling when he heard Su Xin's voice. His scream was replaced by a loud childish giggle that could warm anyone's heart. With his head hanging upside down, Qie Xieling became even more excited yelling, "Faster..... Hahahaha," referring to the swinging.     

Wen Qinxi didn't disappoint, only stopping when both of them were getting dizzy. This unusual event was naturally witnessed by not only Qie Ranzhe but Machu and a few other bodyguards including the chief of security.     

A scream in this villa could only mean one thing which sent them flying over in a panic. But it turns out the young master was being a regular kid for once. The bodyguards felt like they were intruding on this sweet reunion so they left leaving Qie Ranzhe and Machu standing there stupefied.     

Qie Ranzhe couldn't even recognize his son who seemed like an entirely different person. He wasn't sure how to react to this unforeseen event but he knew one thing for sure. He didn't want the two to be so close. One reason was that Su Xin was more fickle than a migratory bird. He was the kind to say one thing only to turn around and do the unexpected. That is to say, he didn't know how long this doting dad act would last.     

With that, he broke the pair's sweet reunion calling out, "Xieling! Come to daddy," with an imperative tone.     

Wen Qinxi's back stiffened hearing that tone that sounded grim. He resolutely placed Qie Xieling on the ground and straightened his clothes with a mobile expression. Qie Xieling didn't disobey his daddy but walked over in slow steps while nervously biting his finger.     

He was an obedient child who never disobeyed his father but for once he felt like being a rebel. If Qie Ranzhe forbade him from hanging out with Su Xin then he would have to apologize in advance because that's not going to happen. The two people, one short and one tall stared at each other wordless for a minute.     

The smell of gunpowder filled the air almost choking the two onlookers. The pair of father and son were too similar with neither of them willing to concede. Good thing Qie Ranzhe was a tad bit mature otherwise there wouldn't have been a peaceful resolution.     

Qie Ranzhe crouched down and stretched his hands out asking for a hug. Qie Xieling's expression softened as he obediently reciprocated. In a gentle action, Qie Ranzhe stroked his son's hair while asking, "Are you okay? Did you miss daddy?" before planting a kiss on his son's hair. Machu and Wen Qinxi relaxed as the tense atmosphere dissipated. Watching this scene they felt so bad for assuming that things would end in tears.     

"I am okay and I did miss daddy. Did you catch the bad guys?" asked Qie Xieling and once this question fell on Qie Ranzhe's ears he subconsciously glanced over to Su Xin for a brief moment before looking away.     

Qie Ranzhe lightly chuckled and said, "Not all of them but I won't rest till I find them all."     

"Okay," replied Qie Xieling before parting with his dad, "then I will leave you to it. I have things to do."     

Qie Ranzhe, "....." who had just been chased away by his son. As expected, it's all Su Xin's fault. How could he let them cultivate a tight-knit relationship when there was a high chance that Su Xin would run off again?     

"You must be idle... I will hire a music teacher for you so you can polish your violin skills. Don't play around with Su Xin for the entire vacation," whispered Qie Ranzhe making it hard for Wen Qinxi to hear him clearly but Machu who was close by heard everything.     

"No need, I am the best in school when it comes to the violin. Anyway, got to go. We have a lot of things to do," said Qie Xieling before walking away without even looking back.     

Machu stifled his laughter while aimlessly moving his gaze around to prevent himself from staring at Qie Ranzhe's dumbfounded expression. Talk about being dumped by your own son. "Yikes!"     

Qie Ranzhe slowly stood up while watching his son run over to Su Xin. "Well, then you will learn the piano," said Qie Ranzhe as his childish side finally re-surfaced for all to see.     

To which Qie Xieling replied, "I know how to."     

"Then the flute," said Qie Ranzhe feeling flustered.     

"That too," replied the boy who was now holding hands with Su Xin.     

"Then the tuba. If not that then you will learn the French horn, the guitar, even the tambourine. In fact, you can learn all of them," yammered the disgruntled father. Machu wanted to tell his boss to stop embarrassing himself but before the words escaped his mouth they heard Qie Xieling say,     

"Su Xin let's go take a bath together," while swinging their entangled hands.     

Qie Ranzhe, "...."     

Machu, "Pfft....."     

Qie Ranzhe took his hands out of his pocket and strode forward following after the pair. Before Wen Qinxi could even respond, Qie Ranzhe interjected, "No bathing together. I forbid it." But before he could part the pair that was ignoring him, Machu blocked his path and said,     

"Boss, boss... this is too embarrassing," and the last part was said in a whisper. His boss was actually fighting for attention with a little kid.     

"I know you like him but this, this is too embarrassing... you can't fight for Su Xin with, ouch!" yelled Machu who had been smacked upside his head twice in one day.     

"Do you still have something to say?" said Qie Ranzhe with a raised brow. As expected Machu shook his head vigorously wishing he could slap his mouth for spewing nonsense without thinking.     

"I thought so," said Qie Ranzhe before striding away towards his office.     

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