Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Robbing Old Man Su Blind

Fourth World: Robbing Old Man Su Blind

0While Qie Xieling was enthusiastically filling the big tub with water and pouring a generous amount of bubble bath, Wen Qinxi had caught wind of Qie Xieling's laptop on the desk. He was tired of wearing these uniformed clothes like a prisoner and so decided to do some online shopping. Besides he also wanted to buy some miscellaneous things for Qie Xieling.     

The laptop was running on parental control software but to Wen Qinxi it was simply an insult. He cracked the software in a matter of seconds and checked his bank balance based on the information in the game files. As expected, Su Xin was dead broke with no cent to his name.     

Wen Qinxi rubbed his forehead in frustration. He was strapped for cash despite being a member of the Su family. In under a minute, his look of frustration took a turn for the better when he recalled he was from the Su family. It was time to rob the old man blind. The price for calling Su Xin a freak and ousting him despite being the rightful heir.     

"Su Xin, the water his ready," yelled the enthusiastic Qie Xieling standing at the bathroom door. Let's try to understand this poor dumpling. He never got to do this when he was younger and could only make up for it now. Even if it was going to be for this one time, he would gladly accept it.     

"Oh, okay," replied Wen Qinxi typing a few keys before standing up. Across the screen, a bar was loading with the numbers increasing at light speed. In a matter of minutes, the numbers shifted to six figures and kept on rising.     

When Wen Qinxi walked into the bathroom he was struck dumb when he saw the tub filled with so much foam that no one could see the bottom. He couldn't help but suspect Qie Xieling poured out the entire bottle so he asked, "Did you use the whole bottle?" while taking off his t-shirt.     

Qie Xieling shook his head with a smile before raising two fingers from under the water. It was then that Wen Qinxi noticed the two empty bottles on the floor. It's a good thing the bathtub was huge otherwise the entire floor would be covered in foam. Though it would have been nice to have a DIY foam party.     

While Wen Qinxi was making himself a billionaire, somewhere in the middle of downtown at the Su family headquarters, Su Long's accounting director barged into the boardroom in a frenzy.     

"Sir, sir! There is something wrong with our accounts!" yelled the accounting director feeling like his hairline was receding at a visible speed because of this.     

Su Long was initially irritated after being interrupted but judging by the man's appearance he swallowed his reproach and said, "Speak! What is it?"     

"It's, it's," he said watching all the board of directors seated on the round table, "we are being wiped clean!" Just as he said that he turned the tablet screen over and showed them the amount that was fast approaching zero. The boardroom was filled with murmurs but Su Long didn't even get to calm them down when numerous ringtones and vibrations came from the shareholders' suit jackets.     

The men simultaneously swiped their phones with some receiving phone calls from banks or their subordinates. Su Long was as confused as them and he was about to yell at the accounting director to stop whatever was happening when his phone also rung.     

With trembling hands, Su Long took out his phone. Before he even unlocked it, the screen went blank before a message appeared on the screen word for word.     

Rome wasn't built in a day_     

But it was destroyed in one_     

You fucked with the wrong freak_     


These four lines appeared one after another. As one vanished another one appeared and with each sentence, the old man's face paled even more.     

"Su! Xin!" angrily bellowed the old man before tossing his already useless phone. This was only the beginning of his nightmare.     


Wen Qinxi who had no idea that he was being cursed by Su Long was currently in a foam-filled bathtub lazing around with Qie Xieling. The two went as far as blowing bubbles in the entire bathroom while giggling that they didn't hear the bedroom door open.     

Because the bedroom door was closed, they didn't even bother closing the bathroom door so whatever was happening in there reached Qie Ranzhe's ears. He had tried to watch the monitor but couldn't see or hear everything. He didn't want Su Xin planting ideas into his son's head pushing him out. It was obvious that Su Xin was more fun than himself which might prompt Qie Xieling to choose Su Xin if they part ways. So this control freak decided to eavesdrop which is why he snuck in.     

Qie Ranzhe stood outside the bathroom door for a second listening carefully while watching a few bubbles escape from the bathroom. It was then that he heard a beeping sound coming from Qie Xieling's laptop. Curious, he walked over and the on-screen notification shocked him. It turns out Su Xin had cleaned out Su Long's bank accounts.     

He sat down and carefully scrutinised the information. In just under a minute, Su Xin had stripped the Su family clean taking everything. Qie Ranzhe felt enlightened. He had seriously underestimated Su Xin which was truly concerning. If he can do it to the Su family then didn't it mean he can do it to Hei Xue despite the organization's cybersecurity.     

Qie Ranzhe was so immersed in his snooping that he didn't notice the two had exited the bathroom wrapped in bath towels. The two had soaked till their fingers were pruny which meant Qie Ranzhe had been snooping for a very long time.     

Wen Qinxi and Qie Xieling silently stood at the bathroom door watching the intruder who was so engrossed in his unethical behaviour. "Seen enough?" asked Wen Qinxi with a raised brow while leaning against the door frame.     

Qie Ranzhe who had been caught in the act, pursed his lips feeling regretful. He lost himself in the information forgetting he could get caught at any moment. In his guilt, he realised one thing. Besides bringing down the Su family was there any other reason for Su Xin to get this much money? Was he planning on leaving?     

He slowly raised his head and slammed the laptop shut with his wolfish gaze fixed on Su Xin. It seemed the little bunny was planning on running away after nibbling on the farmer's cabbages. How could he let that happen?     

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