Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi vs A Black Mamba

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi vs A Black Mamba

0Wen Qinxi couldn't believe he could be that shameless in his unconsciousness forgetting that he pulled off the same stunt in the first world. Back then the situation was different. He had been chased by a herd of wild boars and Qie Ranzhe had done the same protective action and dove into the water disregarding the fact that he couldn't swim. This situation led Wen Qinxi to kiss his boss and now he had done the exact same thing. Different situation, same scenario.     

Wen Qinxi was feeling guilty but as the pain slowly crept up on him, he began to question himself. Why was he feeling guilty when he was not only a benefactor but was also punched in the face. "I saved your ass. Not only that but you also broke my nose...and, and tried to drown me.....ouch you fucker...aaaaaahhhhh," screamed Wen Qinxi after Qie Ranzhe squeezed his nose that was partially swollen. For a guy like him who feared pain, this was simply torture. He grimaced in pain before smacking Qie Ranzhe's arm twice.     

Qie Ranzhe who had been smacked out of nowhere rubbed his arm and said, "It's not broken."     

"If it's not broken then why is it so painful? Hey, hey, where are you going?" asked Wen Qinxi when Qie Ranzhe expressionlessly stood up and walked away in large strides. "Shit!" said Wen Qinxi bustling to stand up and follow the heartless man.     

Wen Qinxi was in so much pain but he was forced to endure it as they walked deeper into the thick dense forest. He wanted the system to come out and distract him from the stinging pain that made his eyes watery but who was he kidding. The unreliable system had ditched him as soon as Qie Ranzhe showed up.     

The only other way he could divert his attention to deal with the pain was chatter none stop. He didn't care if Qie Ranzhe was listening or not as he yammered on. He was still angry that this man didn't apologize for striking his face so in his infinite chatter he swore a couple of times.     

Qie Ranzhe who was being scolded to high heaven was half-listening. When they got attacked they were close to the villa so all they had to do was walk northeast and they would reach the villa. He knew Qie Xieling would be safe in the panic room but he just wanted to get back quickly which is why he was walking at a fast pace.     

His face was cold and aloof but his mind was in turmoil. Based on Su Xin's past behaviour, he just couldn't understand what was going on with this man. He was wracking his brain trying to figure out Su Xin's motive. Bringing down the Su family was a good enough motive but would it be motivating enough for Su Xin to disregard his own safety and come rescue him. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't make sense.     

And what was up with that kiss? The only time they were this intimate was that special night that sent sparks flying for this crime boss. But who would have expected that the one person who made him feel this way would suddenly ask for them to pretend like nothing happened?     

Since then, everything went downhill but just as he got over Su Xin and moved on, the man now suddenly wanted to stay with no plans of running away whatsoever. These yoyo kind of feelings weren't his style but he had to admit that kiss stirred up something within him, however brief it was.     

Irritated by his complicated feelings, Qie Ranzhe swiftly turned around and Su Xin almost bumped into him. "Ssshhh," he said placing his index finger on his lips with a solemn expression.     

Wen Qinxi who had just been shushed stared at Qie Ranzhe with a terrified look on his face. Thinking Qie Ranzhe had heard something in the bushes, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but panic. His imagination ran wild after being led by the nose by the heartless crime boss.     

"What, what is it? What did you hea-?" asked Wen Qinxi but Qie Ranzhe interjected and shushed some more. This time Qie Ranzhe went as far as covering Su Xin's mouth with his hand while whispering,     

"Ssshhh, listen..... Do you hear that?" asked Qie Ranzhe but Wen Qinxi who had perked up his ears heard nothing. There weren't even sounds of birds despite it being a forest. Wen Qinxi silently observed Qie Ranzhe who was scanning around as though he had truly heard something.     

Wen Qinxi's brows furrowed when Qie Ranzhe turned back to face him and said, "That's the sound of peace and quiet. I would prefer it if you keep it that way," before shoving him away.     

'Heartless bastard,' thought Wen Qinxi as he watched Qie Ranzhe steadily disappear into the thick bushes. Wen Qinxi was so infuriated that he didn't follow behind, instead he vented out his rage by angrily kicking a shrub.     

Little did he know that the shrub he was kicking was home to a black mamba. Having been disturbed from its late afternoon nap the snake wasn't too pleased. It slid out of its hole ready to teach whoever had the balls to disturb it, a lesson.      

Wen Qinxi had already vent out his pent up anger and was preparing to follow Qie Ranzhe when he heard a menacing hissing sound. Wen Qinxi didn't need to turn around to know which grandmaster he had offended. His hair stood on end as he slowly turned around. Sure enough, it was a venomous slithering creature staring right at him baring out its fangs. He had two options, fight or flight and there was no way in hell Wen Qinxi would pick fight so he made his decision dashing like an athlete at the Olympics.     

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" swore Wen Qinxi jumping over bushes like a professional athlete sprinting along a track with hurdles. "Snake! Run..... it's a fuckin snake," yelled Wen Qinxi when he saw Qie Ranzhe who was walking back to get him.     

Qie Ranzhe had only realised after walking in tranquillity for five minutes that something was off. When he turned around, his brows knitted together realising that the vixen was no longer following behind him. He had just taken a few steps when there were rustling sounds from the nearby bushes followed by a grown man's screams.     

Hearing the word snake, Qie Ranzhe grabbed a thick broken branch and held it tightly in his hand ready to swing at a moment's notice.     

Wen Qinxi who had been running for his dear life was shocked to find Qie Ranzhe still standing there despite all his repeated warnings. In as much as he wanted to stay beside his CEO and help fend off the snake, Wen Qinxi wasn't brave enough. Even if he was as powerful as Superman, he wouldn't casually face a snake one on one.     

His fear was embedded in him from childhood. When he was young, his mother took him and his brother to the zoo. While hanging around in the reptile house, Wen Dazhe decided to tap on the thick glass with his finger which agitated a cobra that was taking a nap. Wen Dazhe had always been curious and naughty but he didn't think his actions would leave a psychological shadow on his brother.     

The agitated cobra lashed out and struck the glass two times slithering around looking for a way out to teach this human a lesson. Wen Qinxi was so mortified that he ran away leaving his mother and brother behind. But no matter where he ran he couldn't find the exit and he was surrounded by snakes in glass cubicles from either side. His mother only managed to find him thirty minutes later hugging his knees in a dark corner while crying.     

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