Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lin Lin Is A Streaker Just Like His Dad

Fourth World: Lin Lin Is A Streaker Just Like His Dad

0Wen Qinxi tried to pull Qie Ranzhe along with him but the man remained unmoved. "Go!" yelled Qie Ranzhe in an overbearing tone that terrified Wen Qinxi. He could only obey and ran a few feet before he heard a loud bam sound and a snake hissing while flying a great distance.     

Just like that, the threat was neutralised but it didn't mean that Qie Ranzhe would hang around and wait for the snake to take revenge. Without thinking much, he caught up with Su Xin and grasped his elbow before leading him further away from the crime scene. Wen Qinxi who was a head shorter than Qie Ranzhe found it hard to keep up that he had to scurry along, not that he was complaining.     

If it were up to him, he would have preferred they run instead. It was only after reaching a clear brush of land did Qie Ranzhe let him go. The two tried to catch their breath while maintaining a level of vigilance. The forest was indeed beautiful but it contained a lot of hidden danger making the experience less interesting.     

"Now,..... we are even," said Qie Ranzhe with both his hands resting on his knees.     

Wen Qinxi who had his hands resting on his lower back on either side asked, "What? You.... fine, fine. Whatever.... we are even."     

He didn't think that rescuing Qie Ranzhe from the Su family was comparable to this situation but when he thought of that terrifying creature, he changed his mind. If it was anyone else who had saved him, he would have sworn eternal servitude to show his appreciation. Yes, that's how terrified he was of snakes.     

"It's getting late and we won't be able to reach the villa before sunset," said Qie Ranzhe looking around at the area they were currently standing at.     

Wen Qinxi didn't respond with his body still shivering from the previous ordeal. He must have owed Qie Ranzhe in his previous lifetime otherwise how would one explain his terrible luck? He had been shot, burnt to ash and now he even had to face his worst enemy all in the name of saving this overbearing CEO.     

While Wen Qinxi was cursing his boss internally, Qie Ranzhe had found a small secluded waterfall with a stream flowing gently downhill. It seemed the little stream was one of many streams that fed water into the big river they had almost drowned in.     

Wen Qinxi followed in Qie Ranzhe's footsteps only to be met by such a serene scenic view. The small waterfall was surrounded by lush greenery creating a priceless beauty that can't be bought by money. It was so hard for him to believe that this dangerous forest had such a hidden gem undisturbed by human activity.     

Along the banks of the clear stream, Qie Ranzhe found a small cave big enough to fit four grown men. After careful inspection, he said, "Will stay here tonight," in a matter of fact tone that made it clear that this wasn't up for discussion.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't bothered by it so he began to collect some twigs around the area to light a fire. He had just survived an encounter with a venomous viper, wouldn't it be funny if he dies by being frozen to death. While Wen Qinxi was busying himself picking up twigs, he didn't notice Qie Ranzhe disappear. When he did notice, he had already finished lighting the fire.     

He was anxious at first but recalling how that man had casually kicked a snake's ass, Wen Qinxi didn't worry any further. After checking the water depth which only reached his thighs, Wen Qinxi decisively took off his clothes and went in for a quick wash intending to soothe his nerves and wash away the sweat from all the running.     

He even went as far as washing his clothes which would easily dry in the hot sun that was about to reach the horizon. After washing his sweaty clothes and left them in the sun to dry, Wen Qinxi dipped a toe testing the water temperature before slipping-in in complete nudity. A bright smile crept up his face as the refreshing water washed away the turbulent feelings from being angered by Qie Ranzhe earlier on.     

The subject of his anger finally returned after searching around for some prey that could serve as dinner for the both of them. His mood was already in a terrible state because he had searched around but still didn't manage to find anything. He decided to go back and catch some fish but who would have expected he would find Su Xin taking a bath in full nudity.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

No wonder his son would streak around the Villa naked, it was because his dad did the same thing. Qie Ranzhe meant to go over there and yell at Su Xin to put on some clothes but he found his entire body frozen refusing to obey him.     

His eyes lingered unable to look away. The slender muscular man had exceptionally fair skin that made it hard for anyone to look away.     

The water droplets caressing his skin was so tantalizing that Qie Ranzhe felt like licking them all away. This urge had his throat dry up with an inextinguishable thirst causing him to swallow hard. Realising his own dirty thoughts Qie Ranzhe turned to leave and decided to go wash his face further downstream.     

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't come to terms with his reaction after sleeping with Su Xin only once. That one time ruined him forever as there was no one else on planet earth that could make him feel this way. One look at that naked body was enough to drive him insane with a big bulge growing on his lower half.     

He had tried with several people in the past to quench this thirst and recreate that special night but it wasn't comparable. After that, he gave up and rarely slept with anyone. He didn't expect that after so many years he would still be wrapped around Su Xin's finger and have such a reaction. To be precise, his problem had only gotten worse.     

Angry at his body and himself he left. Qie Ranzhe meant to wash his face and cool down but the heat didn't recede after washing his face so he had to take off his clothes and let the cool water restore his usual demeanour. He had no choice but to admit that the vixen was too dangerous. It would be better if he stays away from Su Xin in the future.     

By the time Qie Ranzhe came back, Su Xin was fully dressed roasting fish with a campfire. He refrained himself from talking or looking at him sitting at the edge of the cave while watching the sunset. It would be better this way, at least nothing unusual would happen.     

He only found out later that he had miscalculated. His cold indifference didn't deter Su Xin. In fact, the man wouldn't stop talking no matter what he did.     

But that wasn't the worst of it. As the wonderful scent of roasted fish wafted in the small space, Qie Ranzhe's tummy grumbled loudly despite him refusing Su Xin's fish earlier on. Qie Ranzhe was so embarrassed he wanted to angrily storm out but it was already dark outside and he didn't want to attract unnecessary trouble.     

He could only endure and accept the man's kindness. After some internal struggle, he finally looked at Su Xin and thanked him while receiving the roasted fish on a stick. But as soon as his eyes landed on him, Qie Ranzhe's mind envisioned the naked Su Xin. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of that image, it wouldn't go away. He could only look away to hide his embarrassment leaving Wen Qinxi confused.     

'What on earth did I do to anger this ancestor,' thought Wen Qinxi eyeing Qie Ranzhe suspiciously.     

There was only one thing they could both agree on that it was going to be a long night.     

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