Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Su Long's Stupid Decision

Fourth World: Su Long's Stupid Decision

0"I am sure you know my title. I am the moderator of this meeting so I naturally have to be here. Now, please leave," said Machu his impatience evident on his face as he moved in closer with a terrifying dark aura. Internally he was hoping this idiot would carry on acting the fool. He was so thirsty for blood that he just couldn't wait to turn Su Yi into mincemeat.     

"Yi-er get the fuck out. Didn't I tell you to stay put," said Su Long trying to talk some sense into the only qualified heir in the Su family. He naturally had other means to deal with Qie Ranzhe and this kid was exposing them.     

Machu grinned maliciously as he said, "Why don't you listen to your uncle and run along like a little bitch." This was bait and according to Su Yi's character, he would most definitely bite.     

Su Yi was incredibly pissed off but just as he was about to say a sentence that could ultimately lead to his death, Qie Ranzhe raised his hand gesturing to Machu to stand down. This made Su Yi even more brazen as he strolled in puffing up his chest. "That's right. How can my in-law refuse me? We are family, aren't we?" said Su Yi before placing his arm on Qie Ranzhe's shoulder.     

The entire room froze watching that hand touch Qie Ranzhe's shoulder. The man had broken two rules in under a minute and judging from his expression he had no idea.     

Firstly, no one should ever mention Su Xin in front of Qie Ranzhe unless if they wanted to be kicked overboard. Secondly, no one should ever touch Qie Ranzhe without permission even the president of the United States wouldn't be spared. Yet this dumbfuck dared to casually place his dirty paws on Qie Ranzhe.     

The old men were all holding their breath, with one even dropping the spoon he had been holding mid-air this entire time. But Su Yi didn't read the situation. Like a blind fool, he carried on, "If my cousin keeps giving you trouble you can bring him back to the Su family. Will tame him first then bring him back to you...if all else fails will just give you one of my sisters they are.... fuck!"     

Su Yi didn't get to finish his sentence as his arm was twisted dislocating from his shoulder with a loud crack. This was only the beginning of Su Yi's ordeal as Qie Ranzhe proceeded to clobber him with no reservations.     

Su Yi was crying out for help at first but when he saw no one coming to his aid he knew he was finished. Su Long didn't even bother looking his way because he had specifically sent an entire folder with all the rules and emphasized that he reads and re-reads all the information till it was engraved in his heart but of course, his goodwill fell on deaf ears and this was the end result.     

By the time Qie Ranzhe was done with him, Su Yi was barely recognizable. He was still breathing but didn't make a sound. Qie Ranzhe pulled back his stray strands of hair before taking out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his hands.     

"Like you said we are in-laws. That's the only reason I am letting you live... for now. Old man Su, take your piece of shit with you when you leave my yacht," said Qie Ranzhe before sitting back down as though the guy who just beat someone half to death wasn't him.     

A group of men walked in and carelessly carried Su Yi out while Su Long addressed Qie Ranzhe, "We as the Su family accept the punishment, we will be sure to compensate you for your troubles." His words were undoubtedly insincere but Qie Ranzhe let him go.     

Today wasn't the day to bring down Su Long. He already had a plan to deal with this old man but now that Su Xin wanted to make a deal with him, he had to hold off his plans. That is to say even without Su Xin he planned to punish the old man for old grudges.     

After this gruesome event with the floor painted red with Su Yi's blood, no one was in the mood to party so the crime bosses left one by one till Qie Ranzhe was the only one left in the room, his thoughts running rampant.     


In the white yacht named Santana King, Su Long was angrily tossing things around as Su Yi's screams filled the entire yacht. Qie Ranzhe was too ruthless breaking his heir's legs like this. He was planning on holding off on his plans but he couldn't wait any longer.     

Now that he didn't have an heir left, his mind thought of another possibility and that possibility was Qie Xieling. The kid had Su blood running in his veins which meant he would make a suitable heir.     

The anger on Su Long's face melted replaced by a cunning smile. He would not only have an heir but also the entire Hei Xue organisation after killing Qie Ranzhe. This was a win-win scenario no matter how you looked at it. With a lively smile, he ordered for them to keep Su Yi quiet before closing his office door to make some phone calls.     

It was about time he met his grandson.     


While grandpa Su was concocting a horrible plan, Wen Qinxi was putting stuff in the panic room of the Villa while Qie Xieling was looking it him funny wondering what his dad was up to.     

"Why do I need this much snacks, I don't eat a lot?" asked Qie Xieling as he watched the once spacious room slowly getting packed up with a lot of miscellaneous things.     

Wen Qinxi turned to look at him while packing away some dried meat. "Remember what I told you? Dad just wants to be prepared for any possible scenario... now pass me your books," replied Wen Qinxi pointing at the pile of books at the entrance of the panic room. Maybe his actions were a little excessive but he couldn't help treat this like the apocalypse. He didn't want his son to suffer any kind of grievance while locked in here when the Villa goes under attack. Like moms, dads worry too.     

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