Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lin Lin Streaking Outside The Villa

Fourth World: Lin Lin Streaking Outside The Villa

0Wen Qinxi was normally all for gun control and anti-gun violence in the real world which is why he was never a god player when it came to pubg but going through these past two worlds, he had to adapt. Plus, when it came to Lin Lin he had to do whatever it takes to protect him. If anything happened to that kid, he might consider ending it all and re-start the world.     

This might seem pretty selfish but the nerd had sacrificed a lot so yes, he deserved one selfish thing. So this papa bear managed to get into the armoury after using Qie Xieling as a diversion. He wanted the boy to throw a fake tantrum or something to draw the bodyguards' attention but who would have expected Qie Xieling to take off all his clothes and run around the property naked.     

This shocked the hordes of servants who were forced to chase after their little streaker of a master which was extremely comical. This could be considered the perfect distraction because based on Qie Xieling's character, this was major OOC that even the bodyguards snickered while jeering for their young master. Qie Xieling was overly mature for his age and seeing him act like a kid for once was truly refreshing.     

Because of that Wen Qinxi had ample time to raid the armoury. By the time the streaker show had ended, Wen Qinxi was already back in his room arming his entire body as though going to war. Bulletproof vest and all.     

Curious, Qie Xieling extended a hand to touch a flash grenade lying on the table. Just before he touched it, a loud smack resounded in the room. "Ouch!... Su Xin, why did you hit me?" he said with teary eyes playing the pity party.     

Who would have thought Su Xin would read him clearly while glaring at him fiercely. "Stop acting pitiful... it won't work on me. You aren't supposed to touch that.... better yet you aren't supposed to touch any of this stuff and you know that," said Wen Qinxi reprimanding Qie Xieling for the first time.     

Qie Xieling hung his head low looking dejected while hiding a radiant smile. He had just been scolded but he was happy Su Xin was finally showing care towards him. In the past, he had tried to rouse Su Xin's care by doing something his daddy would reprimand him for but Su Xin didn't seem to care.     

Like the one time he was hanging on the balcony to try and get Su Xin's attention but the man had looked up and immediately looked away disinterested. It was Machu who gave him a good scolding and he was grounded by his daddy for an entire week. From then on he didn't try this again till today.     

Wen Qinxi thought he was still upset so he sat next to Qie Xieling and raised the kid's chin saying, "Dad is just worried about you..... this stuff is dangerous. Now don't be upset, let me see your hand." Qie Xieling felt a warm spring suddenly spread all over his chest, his eyes reddening.     

He tightly embraced Su Xin without thinking and the two stayed like this for a very long time. "Don't go," whispered Qie Xieling hoping to convince his newfound dad to stay. Su Xin had already explained to him why this was important but he just couldn't get himself to accept it.     

"If I don't go, bad people will harm your daddy. You don't want that do you?" said Wen Qinxi with his chin resting on top of Qie Xieling's fluffy soft hair.     

"But daddy has Uncle Machu and I will have no one to protect me," replied Qie Xieling feeling aggrieved. This wasn't necessarily true but you can't blame the boy for trying.     

"Remember what I said, as soon as your watch flashes red get to the panic room and lock it till you see either me, your daddy or Machu. Do you understand?" asked Wen Qinxi in a serious tone. This was a precaution that was put in place by Qie Ranzhe a long time ago. His Villas had sensors surrounding the compound alerting the security guards of an impending attack. But Wen Qinxi managed to tinker with Qie Xieling's smartwatch to sense changes in the sensors serving as a warning.     

Qie Xieling didn't say much, he just nodded his head in agreement and further nestled into his dad's embrace. "I promise will do more fun things when I come back, okay?" he said coaxing the boy before kissing the little one's forehead.     

"Oh and no more streaking, it's too weird," he said stifling his laughter. Qie Xieling seemed to find it funny as well, snickering while hugging his dad. He couldn't help but recall the steward's expression when he saw him in full nudity. The old man's jaw dropped to the ground thunderstruck and as he took one step to run after the nude boy, he lost his footing and fell. Qie Xieling almost gave the old man a heart attack.     

The two snickered like this for a good minute but it was about time Wen Qinxi left.     


Fifteen minutes later, Wen Qinxi strutted down the stairs with a backpack on his back looking like a protagonist from a blockbuster action movie. The servants immediately noticed something off about Su Xin but none of them had the balls to approach him. Though cowardly they were rather great at tattling, to be more exact they were pros at snitching. By the time he exited the front door, his pathway was blocked by a group of armed men with the chief of security standing at centre stage with a malicious smirk on his face.     

"Ah, and here I was thinking you were a changed man... you know I lost a lot of money betting on you. Well, that's on me for believing a leopard can change its spots," said the chief of security while languidly folding his arms across his chest.     

They never had to guard the armoury because it was a hundred times more secure than a bank vault. It required a retinal scan, fingerprint scan and voice activation coupled with a passcode but who would have thought Su Xin would rob them blind without a hitch. It seemed they had underestimated him.     

Wen Qinxi chortled while taking out a remote detonator his expression rather calm for a man left with no way out. He cursed himself internally before saying, "Do you see this?..... I am sure you know what it is. Why don't you go and check on your little young master... hmm?"     

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