Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Daddy Robbed Lin Lin's Fudge

Fourth World: Daddy Robbed Lin Lin's Fudge

0In the dim lighted kitchen, the pair cut the fudge into cubes before having a taste. Since it was almost bedtime, Qie Xieling could only have one which he wasn't too pleased about. It was only after much convincing did Qie Xieling let it go. He could have some tomorrow anyway. If he only knew that his fudge would vanish in the next three hours, Qie Xieling would have fought for his rights.     

The father and son pair brushed their teeth together ready to retire after a busy day. Wen Qinxi wanted to send Qie Xieling to his room but after what happened in the morning the boy refused to leave. No matter what Su Xin said, he was going to sleepover tonight. Qie Xieling decided to shamelessly sell meng and sure enough, Su Xin agreed to it despite his apprehensions. He knew Qie Ranzhe wouldn't be too pleased but he didn't want to disappoint Qie Xieling so he caved in.     

This was the start of the countdown to the disappearance of Qie Xieling's fudge that his dad had taught him to make.     

Two hours and thirty minutes to fudge disappearance, a convoy of black jeep wranglers drove into the property with their brakes screeching loudly. The bodyguards rushed over to open the door but Qie Ranzhe didn't wait for them, getting off the car with an oppressive aura that could send a rottweiler running away with its tail in between its legs.     

Everyone was walking around on eggshells. It was evident that their boss was pissed off and any slight mistake would set him off. They didn't want to be caught in the crossfire so they kept to themselves. Qie Ranzhe head straight for Qie Xieling's bedroom on the second floor. He had rushed over hoping to find his son awake and ask him what Su Xin did.     

He already heard from his chief of security what transpired in his absence and what led to the phone call he received from Qie Xieling but he didn't believe it. He wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth so he rushed up the stairs and opened the door to Qie Xieling's room.     

The room was dark with the night light that's always on every single night as cold as ice. Qie Xieling wasn't in his room. His eyes widened in shock as his heartbeat quickened. He stared at Machu who was standing behind him. Machu understood and spoke into his walkie talkie.     

"Code red, master Lin is missing. Deploy all personnel, over," said Machu followed by static sounds. The head of security responded and deployed his men to search every nook and cranny of the property.     

Enraged, Qie Ranzhe stormed over to Su Xin's room intending to beat the truth out of him. Livid, he kicked the door in and charged like an angry bull but his footsteps froze when he found Qie Xieling huddling with Su Xin like a newborn puppy cuddling with its mother.     

His rash movements didn't seem to wake the two up only that Su Xin drew Qie Xieling closer in his sleep in a protective stance. Machu also walked in and his jaw dropped to the floor staring at this unnatural scene. He immediately walked out and called off the search before returning by Qie Ranzhe's side.     

"This....," said the speechless Machu in a whisper, "Should I get the body bag. We can get rid of him while Qie Xieling is still asleep and make up an excuse when he wakes up."     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond but walked over and tried to move Qie Xieling out of Su Xin's arm. Who would have thought Qie Xieling would hold on tight murmuring some incoherent words. Sensing Qie Xieling's restlessness, Wen Qinxi rubbed the child's back in a soothing motion.     

This action was done in his sleep making it seem like it was a natural thing he was used to doing. Qie Ranzhe felt his anger rise to his throat as he stared at the two people huddled together. This situation was unfathomable but he didn't have the heart to wake up Qie Xieling. He left the room in pent-up anger and instructed Machu to find someone to guard the door.     

Two hours to fudge disappearance, Qie Ranzhe had all his staff downstairs yelling at the top of his voice venting out his anger while demanding an explanation. He didn't want Qie Xieling aggrieved in any way yet these servants failed at the one job he left for them.     

It was then that he found out his son had deliberately set Su Xin free from the chain and all the shenanigans they had been up to while he was away. He only dismissed them when his voice felt hoarse from all the yelling which was one hour and fifty minutes later.     

Ten minutes to fudge disappearance, Machu strolled in holding a Tupperware container with a smirk on his face. He placed the bento on the table and said, "Maybe he repented... he's broke and has nowhere else to go soooooo.....," sitting down next to Qie Ranzhe.     

Qie Ranzhe inhaled and exhaled deeply attempting to quench the fury reigniting at the depths of his heart. "A leopard can't change its fuckin spots... that behaviour of his is engraved in his DNA," said Qie Ranzhe gritting his teeth.     

"Aiya..... who knows.... maybe he wants money," said Machu followed by the popping sound of a lid opening, "Found these in the fridge. They are pretty good."     

Qie Ranzhe's brows furrowed slightly staring at the container filled with fudge. Ten seconds to fudge disappearance, Qie Ranzhe asked, "Why does it have so many sprinkles?"     

Machu shrugged his shoulders pushing the container over while biting into the tiny piece of fudge in between his fingers. Just as countdown struck zero, Qie Ranzhe took a bite telling himself he will just eat one. Boy was he wrong. Qie Ranzhe hogged the entire container and took it with him to his office.     

Machu, "..."     

"I found the fudge first but you are letting me eat only one?" complained Machu watching the gluttonous pig run off with the tasty fudge.     

"I am the boss and this is my house. That one that you ate was good enough. Go rest," said Qie Ranzhe before walking up the stairs while biting into his third piece. Like this, the entire container vanished as the countdown to Lin Lin's tantrum began.     

Countdown to Lin Lin's tantrum: 8 hours 45 minutes.     

Lighting a candle for Qie Ranzhe.     

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