Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: The L-Word

Third World: The L-Word

0The excited Qie Ranzhe shot a silly smile at Feng Zi while rubbing the man's cheek with his thumb. He lifted Feng Zi's chin and planted a lingering soft kiss on his lover's lips. This kind of kiss couldn't be described as provocative or sensual but rather the type of kiss that expresses love, the love for the other person. This kiss didn't need words to explain its meaning, the message was thoroughly conveyed at the point of contact.     

Wen Qinxi dazedly watched Qie Ranzhe exit the room with a beaming smile. He was instantly ridden with guilt. If it wasn't because it was for Qie Ranzhe's good he would have stayed. He didn't want to go through the excruciating pain but for Qie Ranzhe he would do anything which is why he had to leave.     

With the general gone, Wen Qinxi left the room and went to wake up Feng Xieling. He didn't know if he would ever see this cute dumpling ever again so despite himself he went over to see him one last time. When he got to the room, Machu was standing outside rather flustered, his face as red as a cherry. Wen Qinxi wanted to ask but stopped himself as he reached for the handle. It was Machu who spoke first asking, "Does Airen like me?"     

Wen Qinxi didn't feel like inserting himself in their business but Machu had enlightened him in the past so he replied, "Airen is a serious person with a strong personality but if she's teasing you to the point of turning that red then I did say... you have a chance," responded Wen Qinxi before turning the door handle to get inside the room.     

As expected, Feng Xieling was fast asleep probably dreaming about something pleasant. Airen was sitting on the other bed playing with her phone. When she saw Feng Zi she stood up and gave them some space but Wen Qinxi dropped a weird sentence. "Thank you so much Airen, thank you for everything you have done for me," said Wen Qinxi in a sincere tone.     

This statement had Airen vexed. She had known Feng Zi for a very long time and there was never any need for thanks between them. They took care of each other like a family. His words had her suspecting that this was serving as goodbye but how could that be? The enemies were dead and they had nothing else to worry about.     

While Airen was contemplating the meaning of Feng Zi's words outside, Wen Qinxi was stroking Feng Xieling's hair hesitant. The boy was sleeping soundly and he didn't have the heart to wake him up. Since he was officially bent, there was no way he was going to have his own kids. Not to say he had a problem with adoption but Feng Xieling was special to him even though he was just an NPC. This boy held a special place in his heart.     

As though sensing his dad, Feng Xieling slowly opened his eyes and called out to the man who was sitting on his bed with red-rimmed eyes. "Dad, what's wrong?"     

Wen Qinxi held back his tears and forced a sweet smile saying, "Nothing, nothing... I was just checking on you... you know dad loves you, right?" he said pausing for a while. He continued to rub Feng Xieling's hair, his eyes brimming with tenderness.     

"Mn, I know. I love dad the most," replied Feng Xieling rubbing his eyes.     

Wen Qinxi smiled and slept beside Feng Xieling coaxing him back to sleep. The little dumpling was too tired so he fell back to sleep quickly.     

As soon as Feng Xieling slipped back into la la land, Wen Qinxi kissed his forehead before silently walking out of the room. He didn't expect to find the two bonafide babysitters engaged in what could be confused as bullying. Machu whose head was lowered in between Airen's arm and torso was having his fluffy head of hair rubbed vigorously by the assassin.     

Hearing the sound of the door close, the two of them paused their actions staring at Feng Zi in shock. Wen Qinxi felt like laughing but he couldn't laugh in front of them as it might affect Airen's self-esteem so he pressed his lips in a thin line and suppressed his laughter before saying, "Carry on... don't mind me," then slowly walked away. Airen wished the ground could open up and swallow her whole but unfortunately, it was just wishful thinking.     

While Airen was feeling so embarrassed, Wen Qinxi grabbed one of the scientists to the crystal chamber and asked, "Can you handle the extraction process by yourself?"     

The scientist was a rank below the head researcher so of course, he knew how to do it. It's just that with the president gone he couldn't understand why the so-called underworld boss would willingly sacrifice himself.     

"Yes, yes," he said but he went on to ask, "Why... though? I mean."     

Wen Qinxi wasn't in the mood to deal with him and answer his questions so he said, "None of your business now start the machine."     

The scientist shut his mouth and obediently started the extraction process. The mechanical sound had Wen Qinxi startled with his palms sweating in nervousness. He did some breathing exercises before entering the machine. He hated it so much but he had to do this. Determined to complete the task, he gave the scientist a go-ahead sign and in a matter of seconds, a light beam descended upon his body making his eyes sting in pain.     


Feng Yu had left the three women wallowing in a pit of snakes for more than twenty-four hours. He expected them to be begging for mercy but as it turns out, they were all dead. He called out his right-hand man to explain this situation but it turns out, they had killed themselves out of agony. As to how they did that? Banging their heads against the concrete wall.     

At that Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders before calling Qie Ranzhe. He wanted to know if his son was okay which is why he called.     

When he called, Qie Ranzhe was busy addressing the world leaders so his call wasn't answered. Qie Ranzhe finished his conference call thirty minutes later and immediately returned Feng Yu's call. While it was ringing, Airen came in a frenzy and asked, "Is Zi-ge with you?" while looking around for Feng Zi.     

Qie Ranzhe was confused by her question. Wasn't Feng Zi in their room but before he could question her any further, Feng Yu picked up the call and said, "Is Ah-Zi okay? Can I speak to him?"     

Qie Ranzhe didn't understand his question as well and said, "Of course, why wouldn't he be okay?"     

The man on the other end of the phone sighed in relief and said, "Phew... I thought he was going to go through with the extraction process. Why would he sacrifice his life for this useless planet.....," the rest of the words Qie Ranzhe didn't hear it as the both of them rushed over to the crystal chamber but they were too late.     

Feng Zi's body had already been reduced to ash and Wen Qinxi was floating in the darkness crying out in pain.     

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