Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Martyr and Sacrifice

Third World: Martyr and Sacrifice

0Jolie, "...."     

God knows how badly it wanted to lift a middle finger at Wen Qinxi but it couldn't.     

When Wen Qinxi entered the room, Feng Yu was feeding his goldfish that was happily swimming in the fish tank. When his son entered the room, Feng Yu already knew who it was so he didn't turn around but broke the ice instead. "You love him that much?" was the question this father asked his estranged son.     

Wen Qinxi didn't respond immediately and ambled over to the liquor decanter. He deliberately opened a 60-year-old bottle of whiskey in the display case to Feng Yu's horror. "You!..." said the speechless man with purple veins protruding on the side of his neck in anger. That was a rare find and this kid just opened it like it was nothing. "Hahaha..... I see what you trying to do..... you are trying to anger me to death," said Feng Yu in nervous laughter.     

Wen Qinxi placed a glass on Feng Yu's desk and slummed right into the man's comfortable office chair before putting his legs up on Feng Yu's desk like a proper hooligan.     

Feng Yu didn't lose his temper, on the contrary, he was happy to finally have a conversation with his son so he sat on the office couch with the glass in hand. The two men took a sip of the whiskey and their faces immediately scrunched up simultaneously, seeming dissatisfied. "What the fuck is this?... Who had the balls to scam you," said Wen Qinxi after swallowing the bitter liquid that tasted nothing like 60-year-old whiskey.     

Feng Yu's face darkened with his eyes resembling that of a viper that had just got its tail stepped on. This kind of face resembled a psycho in berserk mode. "I am going to kill him..... I am going to kill Banhen," said Feng Yu slamming the glass on the table.     

Wen Qinxi laughed while taking his feet off the desk before leaning in while staring at Feng Yu. "I already killed him so no need to trouble yourself." He did kill Banhen when they kidnapped him to blackmail Feng Yu.     

"You did but when I meant to kill, I meant wiping out his entire clan. Tsk, that capybara had balls," said Feng Yu while rubbing his lips with his thumb as though thinking of something, "You didn't answer my question."     

Wen Qinxi heaved a deep sigh and leaned back into his chair. "Yes, I love him that much... hope that's not a problem," before taking another sip of the counterfeit liquor.     

Feng Yu observed him for a while before speaking out of his heart, "I don't have a problem with you liking men but why does it have to be Qie Ranzhe?.... You can co-parent, there is nothing wrong with that. I say this not to oppose you, hell I don't have the balls to stop you but water and oil don't mix... this thing, this thing won't end well," with their gazes locked.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't upset he could understand what Feng Yu was seeing. To outsiders, it would seem like they had burnt all bridges and their relationship was based on love and hate but that was after all from an outsider's perspective. They loved each other and wouldn't hurt each other. He didn't want to argue over insignificant things so he went straight to the point.     

"How do I get this thing out of me?"     

Feng Yu's face turned sickly pale, his expression agape. What did this brat mean by taking it out? Did he even know what he was asking? Feng Yu could give a rat's ass about the earth. It can die for all he cares. Feng Zi's mansion was a paradise in itself and with the crystal in his body, it would remain green and lively. He had spent billions building an impenetrable shield protecting Feng Zi's mansion so no one could ever invade his son's territory.     

As for his life, he didn't care. At least he could join his wife in Valhalla but his son had to live. There was nothing wrong with his plan so why did his son want to take out the crystal?     

"Do you know what you are asking?" asked Feng Yu his eyes reddening from all the suppressed emotions, "Such an inconsiderate bastard!"     

Wen Qinxi furrowed his brows in confusion. How was he being an inconsiderate bastard? "I did all this for you, to keep you alive but you trample on it and break my heart. There is only one fuckin way you are taking that thing out of you!... Damnit!" yelled Feng Yu before slamming the table with a loud bang!     

The enraged man paced up and down the room in a frenzy while rubbing his forehead. He was trying to hold back the urge to lock up his son. "Who the fuck are you trying to be a martyr for? My family has already sacrificed enough. That bastard Qie and that pig Zhao used us but turned around and abandoned us when your mother fell ill.... No, no, no, I have sacrificed enough. My wife died for this stupid planet and I won't let you do too," said Feng Yu at the brink of losing his mind.     

Wen Qinxi kept hearing the word martyr and sacrifice echoing in his mind so he asked to clarify further. "So what? To get it out I have to be cut to pieces?"     

Hearing his son say this, Feng Yu stopped pacing and placed both his hands on the desk saying, "No..... they place you directly into the device and let the machine suck the essence from that crystal inside your body. That's equivalent to you being burnt you understand?"     

Wen Qinxi felt his heart sink at the pit of his stomach as Feng Yu's words replayed in his mind. 'What the fuck!'     

"Just take Qie Ranzhe and Lin Lin back to the mansion and let time run its course.... it's not worth it, it's not worth it," said Feng Yu but Wen Qinxi wasn't listening digesting this revelation.     

While the two were conversing, Nu Shen who had been hiding in her room this entire time, came over to speak to Feng Yu. Who would have expected her to eavesdrop on such a conversation? This world was dying and Feng Yu had prepared a paradise for Feng Zi and her but because she had been kicked out of her seat by Qie Ranzhe she wasn't qualified to enter this paradise.     

Her droopy face turned malicious as a devious plan came to mind. She might not have Feng Zi's love but she could make the two lovers pay for breaking her heart. Not only that but with Feng Zi gone she can officially claim that mansion. Love is great and all but it can never surpass survival. She disappeared as quickly as she came not even realizing the flaw in her plan as she only eavesdropped on part of the conversation.     

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