Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Drunk Indulgence (Slight NSFW)

Third World: Drunk Indulgence (Slight NSFW)

0Feng Zi frowned as though he was about to wake up but he didn't, with his creased brow smoothing out. This made the general even more brazen. With his slender fingers he touched Feng Zi's eye gently caressing it with his thumb before caressing his cheek followed by his slightly parted lips. Once his thumb touched Feng Zi's lips, Qie Ranzhe's eyes darkened with a glint of obsession. With his heart pounding against his chest, he made a resolute decision. He wanted to kiss those pink lips till their swollen. He would only be satisfied until he lives a lip hickey on those gorgeous lips and let the whole world know Feng Zi belongs to him.     

He shuffled closer as silently as possible but his actions were soon discovered as Feng Zi finally rose from his slumber.     

Wen Qinxi who had been dreaming a pleasant dream murdering Qie Guaiwu was shocked when he opened his eyes only to find Qie Ranzhe staring at him. "Fuck! Ran-ge, what the fuck!" cursed Wen Qinxi trying to calm his rattled heart. Was this becoming a thing? It surprised him that he hadn't woken up earlier. Wen Qinxi began to scold himself for sleeping like the dead with no vigilance. As to how Qie Ranzhe got his room key, who knows? If Feng Xieling could get the room key what of Qie Ranzhe?     

Soon the smell of alcohol reached Wen Qinxi's nose so he said, "You are drunk, aren't you?"     

Qie Ranzhe hurriedly denied while drawing Feng Zi into his arms. "I am not, you test me. I am definitely not drunk," said Qie Ranzhe with their foreheads stuck together.     

Wen Qinxi glared at him with a hint of skepticism. Wasn't this guy shy a moment ago now he was taking the initiative. Wen Qinxi couldn't help but be suspicious. "If you aren't drunk then go take a shower," he said testing to see if the man was really drunk or not.     

To his surprise, Qie Ranzhe obediently got off the bed and in sober steady steps, he walked to the bathroom. The sound of water running was soon heard which was surprisingly soothing to the ear inciting Wen Qinxi to drift off to sleep once more. Ten minutes later, the not so drunk man exited the bathroom and put on some slacks before crawling into bed once more.     

This time he confidently kissed Feng Zi's neck which was followed by Feng Zi's sleepy mumbles and lewd kissing sounds. Wen Qinxi who was awoken once more pushed Qie Ranzhe away and as soon as Qie Ranzhe fell back on the bed, he said, "You are definitely drunk. Be good or I will kick you out."     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't at all threatened by his words and said, "Didn't you ask Feng Xieling to sleep in Airen's room so we could have some alone time," while gently rubbing Feng Zi's neck as though contemplating on whether to kiss Feng Zi or not.     

Wen Qinxi who had been seen through didn't deny it saying, "Yes, I did but you are drunk so what's the point? You won't even remember what happened tonight the very next morning," removing Qie Ranzhe's hand that felt like scalding iron on his skin. Like he said before, he doesn't take advantage of drunk people and Qie Ranzhe's eyes spelt drunk though the man seemed to be behaving normally.     

A sweet smile crept up on Qie Ranzhe's face asking, "Wait, so you wanted to do something with me tonight?....Then let's not waste this opportunity." The last sentence was spoken when Feng Zi didn't respond.     

Qie Ranzhe took the initiative to plant a gentle kiss on Wen Qinxi's lips. The familiar sweet taste made his entire body tingle. Seeing that Wen Qinxi let him, Qie Ranzhe kissed him again. The kiss that began as gentle and tender suddenly turned fervent and passionate like a sudden gash of cravings exploded and came rushing out. Like a vampire that hadn't had a single drop of blood for more than a century, Qie Ranzhe had his way with those sweet lips till they resembled a rosebud.     

With a touch of his lips, Wen Qinxi could feel Qie Ranzhe's hot breath mixed in with a minty taste presumably from the toothpaste. A wave of excitement spread across his body as his smooth lips opened at the brush of Qie Ranzhe's tongue welcoming his intrusion. His body eagerly responded teasing Qie Ranzhe's moist tongue with his inciting a familiar intense feeling.     

Unbeknownst to himself, Wen Qinxi moaned driving Qie Ranzhe insane. Qie Ranzhe shifted his body till he had Feng Zi pinned against the bed. His lips didn't part from Feng Zi's, his teeth tugging at those lips while his tongue sloppily licked inside Feng Zi's mouth. The temperature between them was getting heated as Qie Ranzhe sucked on Feng Zi's bottom lip with his unruly hands grasping the man's hips.     

Wen Qinxi had most definitely lost his mind at this point with his stray hand moving downwards before rubbing against Qie Ranzhe's bulging rod inside the slacks. Being touched at this place Qie Ranzhe couldn't hold back a groan whispering, "Ah, that feels so good."     

Wen Qinxi didn't need further convincing as he untied the pants' string with a hint of urgency but before he placed his hands inside he asked, "You sure you aren't drunk? You promise you will remember this tomorrow morning?" with his hot breath brushing against Qie Ranzhe's ear making him gasp with pleasure.     

"I promise I am not. I will definitely remember this now touch me," said Qie Ranzhe urging him on to touch his erection.     

With his mind at ease, Wen Qinxi let go of his restraints while his hand wiggled its way into Qie Ranzhe's pants. In his hand he now held the stiff member that was scolding to the touch.     

With his past experience he worked magic with his hands with Qie Ranzhe's occasional moans and groans flooding the room. "Ah.....faster baby.....right there....ah just like that," said the lustful Qie Ranzhe as an electric feeling spread all over his body with the rhythmic motion of Feng Zi's hand.     

Paired with the fact that Qie Ranzhe was intoxicated and Wen Qinxi's skilled actions, it didn't take long for the CEO to shoot all over Wen Qinxi's hand crying out his name, "Ah.....Zi-didi...ah that's so good, ah."     

Wen Qinxi's smile was barely visible in the dark as Qie Ranzhe's body convulsed above him releasing in his hand. Feeling weak, Qie Ranzhe collapsed on top of Feng Zi with his face buried in Feng Zi's neck.     

After giving him enough time to recover, Wen Qinxi said, "Shall we continue," but Qie Ranzhe didn't respond.     

Wen Qinxi helped him up only to find the man's breathing had evened out and his eyes were shut. "What the fuck! He actually fell asleep?" mumbled Wen Qinxi helping him lie back down. "Shit!" he swore feeling like he had just been tricked by the drunk Qie Ranzhe. Wen Qinxi had no choice but to settle his affairs in the bathroom vowing to get even with Qie Ranzhe tomorrow morning.     

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