Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Feeding Each Other In A Cave

Third World: Feeding Each Other In A Cave

0Qie Ranzhe had his heart in his mouth the entire time he was sitting opposite Feng Zi. The dream had spooked him making him more jumpy than usual. Though his countenance remained unreadable his body language spoke volumes. It now made sense to him why Feng Zi liked him, maybe he remembered the kiss and just didn't say anything. But what was up with the years he relentlessly chased after Zhao Huangzhi? None of this made sense.     

"You eat up first and replenish your energy. We can try and fly back up when you feel better," said Wen Qinxi handing over some roasted fish to Qie Ranzhe. He didn't notice that Qie Ranzhe accepted but remained absent minded. It would be suprising if he actually heard what Feng Zi was saying.     

"I checked it out just now. You can't even see the top of the cliff because its covered with dark clouds," said Wen Qinxi before blowing some air on his roasted fish.     

Seeing those pink pouting lips, Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but stare recalling his dream and the accidental kiss in the mobile home. Blood rushed to his face as he bit his lower lip remembering the sweet sensation.     

His line of sight didn't shift, staring at Feng Zi nibbling on the fish like a timid girl eating in the presence of her crush. A smile cracked on Qie Ranzhe's face as a warm spring sprung in his chest.     

Maybe it was because Wen Qinxi felt Qie Ranzhe's gaze on him that he asked, "Are you undressing me with your eyes? You can do it with your hands as well. I really don't mind," as his smile broadened. As expected Qie Ranzhe averted his gaze having been caught which made Wen Qinxi pleased with himself.     

Qie Ranzhe was the shameless one in the second world tormenting and teasing him non-stop but in this world he had turned into a paper tiger fascinating Wen Qinxi. He loved teasing this man till his face was as ripe as cherries.     

"Why aren't you eating?" asked Wen Qinxi before moving in closer settling right beside Qie Ranzhe with their bodies glued together, "Here, hold this." Wen Qinxi handed Qie Ranzhe his fish and took the one that belonged to the general. Before Qie Ranzhe could say anything, Wen Qinxi began to peel off the fleshy parts of the skin removing bones from it before lifting his fingers towards Qie Ranzhe's lips.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't immediately react thinking how many rules of his that Feng Zi broke. But he didn't seem bothered by it from the get go. Why didn't it irritate him when it was Feng Zi? If it was anyone else they might have had their hand chopped off by now.     

"Ran-ge, eat. There are no bones...I promise," said Wen Qinxi trying to encourage the general who was wearing a meaningful expression. For a second he actually thought Qie Ranzhe wouldn't eat from his hand.     

Qie Ranzhe suddenly lowered his head and ate the white fleshy parts in between Feng Zi's fingers accidentally licking Feng Zi's fingers in the process. Wen Qinxi beamed joyously, his face burning while licking his own fingers in turn. The atmosphere turned heavy with sparks flying were their bodies touched.     

Qie Ranzhe felt a burning desire wailing up within when he saw Feng Zi lick the same fingers that were in his mouth. The kind of burning desire that wouldn't go away unless taken care of.     

He obediently ate whatever Feng Zi put in his mouth his affectionate gaze fixated on the man. Like this, Wen Qinxi fed the both of them till both fish were gone. Qie Ranzhe felt a tinge of disappointment when the fish finished but he knew they had to get back up the cliff otherwise Feng Xieling, Airen and Machu would worry. If it weren't for that he would have gone fishing immediately and roast the fish with his dragon flame so Feng Zi could feed him again.     

"There....done. Are you full?" said Wen Qinxi asking the most ridiculous question. Of course, Qie Ranzhe wasn't full but he didn't want to go fishing again. Fishing was too troublesome and he was worried for Feng Xieling. They had to go back.     

As though he read his mind, Qie Ranzhe said, "We have to go back. I think I am well enough."     

"Are you certain?" asked Wen Qinxi rising to his feet. As much as he liked spending some alone time with Qie Ranzhe, they had to go back. Besides Feng Xieling, he also had a score to settle with those gangsters. How dare they hurt his man.     

Outside the cave, Qie Ranzhe transformed to his majestic dragon form and had Feng Zi ride on his back. Petrified of falling off, Wen Qinxi wrapped his arms around Qie Ranzhe's neck and held on so tight. He enjoyed the feeling of Qie Ranzhe's scaly skin on his palm so he stroked it with no reservations before they took off.     

If he weren't in his dragon form right now, Wen Qinxi would have noticed Qie Ranzhe's blushing face. To cover up his nervousness, Qie Ranzhe soared the skies both elegant and precise as expected of a majestic beast.     

Wen Qinxi who was caught by surprise held on much tighter with the wind brushing against his body. This was exactly what Qie Ranzhe wanted, being held tightly by Feng Zi felt so good. Like a powerful missile, Qie Ranzhe cut through the clouds before emerging out of the clouds painting an artistic scene in the blue skies, a scene that was hard to miss.     

The soldiers that had been planning a rescue mission were surprised, immediately putting down everything looking up to the sky in astonishment. If it weren't for the delay in passing down an order by General Qie Guaiwu they would have left to search for Qie Ranzhe a long time ago. Just as they had gotten her approval, Qie Ranzhe showed up unharmed with Feng Zi on his back.     

To express his displeasure, Qie Ranzhe's roar permeated the skies with a blazing stream of flames escaping his mouth. He was completely different from how he was with Feng Zi a minute ago. After terrifying his subordinates to death, he landed on the ground and patiently waited for Feng Zi to get off his back before transforming back to his human form.     

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