Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Welcome To The Family Feng Xieling

Third World: Welcome To The Family Feng Xieling

0Being defended like this Qie Xieling felt a layer of ice melt from his heart. When they first met, he could tell Feng Zi was a good person who harboured no ill intentions so he decided to follow him. He didn't expect much, simply clinging to Feng Zi hoping he wouldn't be left behind but as they spent time together he desperately wanted this man to accept him and become his father.     

Earlier on at the reception he couldn't bear hearing people insult Feng Zi and so he decided to teach them a lesson. But he didn't think through what sort of reaction Feng Zi would have mainly because he didn't think he would get caught. When he did get caught, he was terrified out of his mind but had to gather his courage and put on a brave facade. Whatever punishment Feng Zi would have in store for him he would kindly accept it.     

What he didn't expect was for Feng Zi to side with him and even expose the foul mouth manager and receptionist. This made him feel secure, Feng Zi truly cared for him. He was so happy that he couldn't help but tighten his hold on Feng Zi's neck.     

"Uh.....Lin-er you are strangling dad," said Wen Qinxi as the skinny arm tightened around his throat. He didn't know what this kid was thinking but he couldn't wait to show him a surprise.     

Because Qie Xieling's name would bring trouble, he had Airen change it to Feng Xieling during the adoption procedure. Though Qie Xieling's origins weren't clear he feared trouble in the future as he looked too similar to Qie Ranzhe. With the kid having the surname Qie wouldn't that invite unnecessary trouble?     

He couldn't wait to show Qie Xieling the certificate and so picked up pace heading towards Airen's room. As soon as they opened the door, Qie Xieling was surprised. The room was filled with helium colorful balloons floating in the air with a small cake decorated with a picture of him sleeping in the car. The words 'welcome to the family' were written in purple surrounding the picture and a sparkler at the centre.     

It wasn't only Qie Xieling who was surprised even Feng Zi was also surprised. He had told Airen to print the finalized adoption certificate and frame it then buy cake but didn't expect her to go the extra mile.     

Qie Xieling was surprised to tears and instantly began to cry. No one had ever done this for him which stirred up his emotions to the point of bursting into tears. Wen Qinxi was taken by surprise and coaxed him while wiping the tears away. He didn't see this coming and didn't know what to say to comfort Qie Xieling.     

"Look," said Wen Qinxi showing the teary boy the certificate, "Don't cry anymore. See, your name is now Feng Xieling and we are now officially a family. Thank auntie Airen for taking care of everything."     

This didn't seem to help as the little dumpling cried some more. It only took a slice of cake to stop the tears but even then, Qie Xieling was sniffling stuffing his face with cake while clutching Feng Zi's t-shirt like he was going to disappear at any moment.     


A floor below, Qie Ranzhe had just regained his calm demeanor after throwing a fit. What's done is done, what's left was to accept it. All he had to do was stop his aunt causing trouble with Feng Zi otherwise this mission would be pointless. Just as he was about to exit the conference room, one of his men came running with some news. He had asked them to interrogate Feng Zi's ex but didn't expect the man to come back early. To be honest, he had assumed the lady would be tight lipped about it and only speak with great difficulty. Who knew she did open her mouth willingly with no trouble.     

Qie Ranzhe sat back down and said, "Report," while massaging his temples to alleviate the throbbing headache.     

The solider stuttered a couple of times not sure how to say it. He had interacted with Feng Zi during the trip here. The man had saved them from the attack by those gangsters and treated the sergeant's wounds. In his eyes, Feng Zi wasn't as vicious and cruel as described which was unbelievable if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes.     

But this piece of information was too ridiculous. He suspected the woman was crazy and felt like this information wasn't worth mentioning to the General. If it was up to him he would have chosen not to tell General Qie but unfortunately he had to report.     

"Sir...I interrogated her and, and...she said...Sir, I promise there was no hint of deception in her response but I think she's just crazy so don't take her response to heart," said the solider trying to psychologically prepare Qie Ranzhe but who was he kidding. If anyone had strong mental strength it would be the General, the man had seen far worse things.     

"Just say it," said Qie Ranzhe supressing the irritation in his voice. He had already grown numb from all the bad news so whats one more.     

"Fen-feng Zi likes...ahem Feng Zi likes you," said the solider feeling like the stupidest man on earth.     

Qie Ranzhe's actions froze staring blankly at the man in front of him. He must have heard wrong? Maybe it was a different kind of like and the young solider had misunderstood. "Maybe you misunderstood her?" said Qie Ranzhe feeling slightly suffocated.     

"Sir, I asked her several times and her answer was the same. I would never come to you with this unless I am certain," exclaimed the solider wishing he could just dig a hole and bury himself. This situation was a little ridiculous.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't believe it. Considering their past this possibility was too absurd so he said, "Take me to her, I need to hear it from the horse's mouth," before exiting the room. What the general meant when he said he wanted to hear it from her mouth was that he was going to torment her till he was certain she was telling the truth. These kind of jokes weren't amusing and he intended to teach her a lesson if she was lying lest she dares play such a stupid prank again.     

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