Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Failed Seduction

Third World: Failed Seduction

0After stuffing their mouths with cake, the three people became restless and started playing with the balloons flicking them all over the place. The two adults were getting tired out but Feng Xieling was only getting started. He was bouncing on the bed flicking the balloons towards Feng Zi and Feng Zi would flick them towards Airen thus the beginning of a repetitive game.     

This game went on for such a long time lasting until Qie Ranzhe returned from investigating Feng Zi's ex. The masked expression he had conjured up with great difficulty crumbled to pieces when he saw Feng Zi frolicking like a kid with a joyous smile that played Qie Ranzhe's heart strings. 'This is ridiculous,' thought Qie Ranzhe clenching his fists using the pain to deter himself from this weird feeling.     

Just like that, Qie Ranzhe stood at the door with a lost expression without uttering a single word. Wen Qinxi eventually noticed him and walked over with a radiant smile asking, "Are you looking for me?"     

Qie Ranzhe blinked a couple of times, zoned out while staring at that smile. His throat ran dry at this sight so he gulped hard to moisten his throat but it was pointless. Had he had just experienced a hypnotic suggestion or something? Why was he suddenly fascinated by certain things about Feng Zi that never use to fascinate him before?     

The man was knee deep in his trance that he didn't even realise when Feng Zi had led him out of Airen's room towards his. By the time he came back to himself they were already alone in a room. Feng Zi placed a piece of cake on the table and said, "This is for you," before licking some cream off his finger.     

This simple action was purely harmless and Qie Ranzhe would have probably thought the same a few hours ago but now he was thinking, 'Is he trying to seduce me?'     

Wen Qinxi who had been wrongfully accused just sat on the bed and took off his shoes exposing his smooth well shaped ankles and asked, "What happened?" before massaging his feet.     

Qie Ranzhe who was trying to look away assuming this young man was trying to seduce him and responded in a panic, "Wh-what are you talking about?" He thought Feng Zi was talking about the confession. He didn't know what the consequences would be for rejecting Feng Zi. Would Feng Zi refuse to help him find Feng Yu if he directly rejected the man's advances?     

While Qie Ranzhe was cooking up a plan of rejection in his mind, Wen Qinxi said, "I mean the whole Zhao Huangzhi issue. What happened?" The general who had his imagination running wild had his face slapped hard falling back to earth.     

'Is this what you call seduction? Note to Feng Zi, you can't seduce a man by mentioning their ex,' he thought but his face was now expressionless as he leaned against the wall and began to explain what was going on.     

"My aunt will be supervising the mission from tomorrow onwards but you don't need to worry, I will protect you," said Qie Ranzhe without thinking through his words.     

Hearing the words "I will protect you', Feng Zi couldn't help but smile timidly while nervously biting his lower lip.     

"Okay, then I will be counting on the General" he said. Seeing this kind of reaction, the dear general with barely any dating experience felt his face turning hot. He had to go wash his face before he resembled a ripe cherry.     

"Sure," said Qie Ranzhe before leisurely strolling into the bathroom. He deliberately slowed his steps to cover up his nervousness and closed the door behind him. With no regard to water conservation, he ran the tap while blankly staring at the mirror. He couldn't help replaying the scene when Feng Zi took off his shoes. It puzzled him why he was nervous? Wasn't it just ankles? There was nothing special but when he did look, he had the urge to stare which was OOC at its worst.     

"Fuck!" he muttered before splashing his face with cold water to cool down his overheating brain. This stage could only be described as denial. Thinking he was being ridiculous, Qie Ranzhe decided to share a bed with Feng Zi once more and prove his point.     

Thus tonight, Qie Ranzhe would be running an experiment with the hypothesis: sharing the same bed with Feng Zi has zero effect on Qie Ranzhe.     

With that decided, Qie Ranzhe confidentally left the bathroom only to find the person he left in the room had vanished. He couldn't help but feel disappointed dialing Feng Zi's number. It turns out the three people had left him behind and went downstairs to have dinner.     

Qie Ranzhe looked around for his cake only to find that Feng Zi had covered it with another plate and left it in the minibar. He felt somewhat glad that Feng Zi thought of him improving his mood.     

Dinner was extremely harmonious with the General barely saying anything. His mind was straying towards bedtime eager to prove his hypothesis as fact.     

After a pleasant dinner with no Zhao Huangzhi in sight, the four people went upstairs and got ready for bed. Airen volunteered to help Feng Xieling get ready for bed so Feng Zi went to take a shower. When he came out, he found Qie Ranzhe sitting on the bed seemingly more decent than the previous night with a buttoned up pyjama top barely showing any skin like a nun.     

Disappointed, Wen Qinxi felt like kicking him out thinking, 'What the fuck are you doing here if you can't even show me a collarbone?' but of course, he wouldn't say that aloud.     

"Ran-ge aren't there other rooms you can sleep in instead of squeezing in with me?" asked Wen Qinxi crawling into bed.     

Qie Ranzhe would have loved to get another room but he had an experiment to conduct. Who knew when else he would get this opportunity so he put a stern facade and said,     

"What if you disappear on me? Hunting you down would be troublesome."     

Wen Qinxi found his excuse funny but kept a straight face and said, "You can sleep here if you want but there is a minor issue."     

Qie Ranzhe turned to face him and asked, "What?" with a raised brow.     

Wen Qinxi didn't utter a single word raising his five fingers and began a silent count down. Baffled, Qie Ranzhe stared at his fingers wondering what was going on. Once Wen Qinxi folded his pinky finger he pointed at the door which was suddenly opened.     

Feng Xieling walked in holding his dragon plush toy and as soon as the two dragons locked eyes, raging sparks began to fly accompanied by the smell of gun powder. "What are you doing here?" asked Qie Ranzhe fanning the flame.     

"I should be asking you that question," replied Feng Xieling closing the door before lying next to Feng Zi.     

Qie Ranzhe was forced to sleep at the furthest left side with Feng Xieling sleeping in the middle. He tried to coax himself saying this counts as sleeping in the same bed and so tried to close his eyes and sleep, that is until he heard the little dumpling say,     

"Dad, I can't sleep," to Feng Zi who scrolling through his phone.     

"Ran-ge can I have your phone?" asked Wen Qinxi and without thinking twice, Qie Ranzhe passed over the phone but turned around just as he recalled it had a password. When he turned around, he witnessed Feng Zi unlocking his phone with ease before passing it to Feng Xieling with the sound of cartoons coming from it.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

"How did you?" asked Qie Ranzhe but Feng Zi didn't look at him and simply chuckled without an explanation.     

How could he ask his wife such a silly question?     

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