Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Xieling's Art Of Manipulation

Third World: Xieling's Art Of Manipulation

0Having successfully ran off with Qie Xieling, Wen Qinxi felt his stomach grumbling followed by a twisting pain. He had just taken a shot of vodka on an empty stomach which wasn't good so he scouted around for a restaurant but stumbled upon a hotel. Judging from its appearance it could be rated three star at best but Wen Qinxi didn't mind so he walked in with Qie Xieling in his arms.     

Seeing the pair of mother and son enter, the friendly stuff were all smiles with the female employees fawning over the cute dumpling, Qie Xieling.     

"He's so adorable. Miss how old is he?" asked the receptionist with a look of admiration struggleling to hold back from pinching the cutie's plump cheek.     

Wen Qinxi stared at the seemingly obedient dumpling who was wrapping his arms around Wen Qinxi's neck and suddenly had a moment of realization. He had got it all wrong in the past. If he wanted to attract women's attention all he needed was an adorable kid or pet and they would all flock around to talk to him. Too bad he was already bent. 'Would that method work on Qie Ranzhe in the real world,' he thought with a sly smile.     

"I am six years old and my dad is not a miss," corrected Qie Xieling with a displeased look. He didn't like his dad being identified as a woman even though he was wearing a dress.     

The receptionist's eyes widened in surprise, it was unclear what she was thinking. That once genuine smile had turned stiff staring at that flat chest that seemed robust. "Sorry sir, how may I help you?"     

Wen Qinxi didn't give a rat's arse what this woman was thinking and immediately asked for a table in their restaurant. The receptionist called over someone to send them away and as soon as Wen Qinxi left she immediately began to gossip with her coworkers.     

"How can a man with such a hobby raise a child? What kind of influence would he have on him?" said the receptionist pointing in the direction of the dinning hall.     

"It should be made a illegal for people like that to raise kids," replied the gossipy manager with a look of disdain.     

Lucky for them Wen Qinxi didn't hear what they said otherwise they would be accompanying Fui Gen in death. He was already seated with Qie Xieling looking through the menu.     

"Lin Lin you should stop calling me dad," said Wen Qinxi with the menu covering his face. He actually wouldn't mind being called dad as it was way better than being called uncle but the kid was just too similar to Qie Ranzhe which would only bring unnecessary trouble. "Call me Dage, try it with with me," he said putting down the menu but he was met by tear filled doe eyes making Qie Xieling's appearance look more pitiable.     

"You don't want to be my dad?" asked Qie Xieling his lips downturned as a solo tear flowed down his cheek.     

Seeing this, Wen Qinxi felt guilty, his heart feeling like it had been scratched deeply leaving behind a scar. He didn't think Qie Xieling would cry. Without thinking twice, he embraced Qie Xieling and said, "Okay.....okay, shhhhh don't cry. I am sorry I was wrong," suddenly feeling like that one mom who has a crying kid on a plane with everyone giving off judgy looks.     

" you don't want me? Am I too ugly to call you dad," said a tear faced Qie Xieling sniffling but he was actually grinning like the Grinch behind Wen Qinxi's back.     

The art of manipulation was an inborn talent for Qie Xieling and lucky for him Wen Qinxi hadn't discovered it yet.     

"Its fine you can call me dad, okay. Just don't cry," said Wen Qinxi stroking the child's hair but just as he said that Qie Xieling parted from him and said,     

"Good, then let's eat. I am hungry."     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

'Did this brat play me? He most definitely played me,' thought Wen Qinxi his brows knitted together while staring at the now calm Qie Xieling. Wen Qinxi didn't have much time to interrogate him because Airen suddenly showed up and joined them for dinner which reminded him of his panda joke.     

"Airen-jie, let me ask you something...hahaha.....are humans that transform to pandas protected under conservation laws?" he boldly asked crossing his fingers that Airen would find it funny but to his surprise she said,     

"Boss, you are a freaking pheonix. You transform into a mythical species so should you be protected by conservation laws?"     

'Fuck!' thought Wen Qinxi not confident enough to mention his panda diplomacy joke. "You couldn't even save your boss some face, huh!" said a dejected Wen Qinxi picking up his menu once more. That's when he heard childlike giggles coming from Qie Xieling who was sitting beside him.     

"Good job, Lin Lin. You are off on a good start to being a filial son," said Wen Qinxi patting his head.     

Just as food was served, Qie Ranzhe and Zhao Huangzhi happened to show up right on time and didn't hesitate to join them. This instantly made the once harmonious atmosphere tense with the two party crashers staring at Qie Xieling with interest.     

Between the two of them Qie Ranzhe was the most confused because he knew he hadn't bedded anyone so how could there be a kid who looked exactly like him. His bewildered expression fell in Feng Zi's line of sight as though seeking some kind of explanation and Wen Qinxi obviously noticed.     

"Ran-ge don't overthink it. The fact that he looks like you is just pure coincidence. I found him in the desert and took him in," explained Wen Qinxi with a nervous smile on his face. What was he supposed to say. General this is our love child from another world? Boy, wouldn't he look stupid saying that.     

Qie Ranzhe easied up a little. He was actually suspecting that Feng Zi stole his sperm found a surrogate and had them give birth to a kid who happened to look exactly like him. If that was the case then Feng Zi must have missed their friendship and decided on this method so he can regain what they lost. But that kind of scenario would be pure lunacy, right? Feng Zi is crazy but not a lunatic.     

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