Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Wen Qinxi's New Hobby

Third World: Wen Qinxi's New Hobby

0Qie Xieling retracted his gaze while silently shaking his head. He never had a toy before and the one time he asked Grizzly he was locked in the closet for an entire day so he dared not ask again. Wen Qinxi didn't know what this cute kid had been through under that greedy treasure hunter but the boy's eyes spoke volumes. Without thinking twice, he immediately bought the plush toy and crouched down in front of Qie Xieling with a bright smile.     

Adjusting his voice into a high pitch animated version Wen Qinxi asked, "Hey weirdo, would you please take me with you?" while moving the plush toy in front of him, "I need a new home so will you take me with you?"     

Qie Xieling thought it was silly but he let out a cute laugh whilst covering his mouth. Seeing that the kid didn't respond, Wen Qinxi adjusted his voice again while moving the plush toy right into the kid's face saying, "Pleaassssseeeeeee."     

With the toy right on his nose, Qie Xieling couldn't refuse enthusiastically grabbing the plush dragon while muttering, "Thank you," with a smile that reached his eyes.     

Wen Qinxi pat his head and wanted to say something else but he was interrupted by a familiar voice hovering above him. "Zi-ge what the hell? Did you kidnap the General's kid...wait the general doesn't have a kid or....huh.....does he?" said Airen who had been awkwardly watching this scene. The similarities between the general and that kid was just too obvious but the general was a bachelor with no scandals trailing behind him.     

"His not his, he just looks like him," hurriedly denied Wen Qinxi while picking Qie Xieling up and placing him in Airen's arms, "this is auntie Airen. She will be watching you when I am busy."     

Qie Xieling looked at the strange woman who was as tall as a skyscraper and said, "So I can call her aunt but l can't call you uncle?"     

"Yes because she's old," said Wen Qinxi with a smirk on his face.     

Airen whacked Wen Qinxi's shoulder complaining, "Who are you calling old?"     

"Aiyo...sorry Airen-jie. You are-," he said but couldn't finish his sentence when he spotted a group of soldiers sifting through the crowd. It was obvious what they were looking for which meant it was time to hit the road.     

Wen Qinxi lowered his head guiding the two out of the market but he had just taken two steps when he heard someone yelling, "Feng Zi stop right there!"     

"Take him away. I will distract them," said Wen Qinxi shoving them into a dark alley before vanishing into the crowd. Airen wanted to say something but Feng Zi had already disappeared.     

"Will he be okay?" asked a concerned Qie Xieling as Airen walked over to the end of the alley.     

"He will be fine. Hold on tight," she said moving Qie Xieling to her back before skillfully climbing over the wall.     

While the two were making their escape, Wen Qinxi was pushing through the crowd with a group of soldier chasing him. He was grateful for the character's fit physic otherwise if this was his nerdy self he would have been caught already.     

The group of soldiers couldn't keep up with him and could only request backup and that backup could only be one person. Qie Ranzhe appeared out of nowhere and shot his firearm in the sky with the loud bang causing the crowd to disperse. Wen Qinxi who had heard the resounding sound of gunfire subconsciously ducked only to see General Qie holstering his weapon running towards him.     

"Crap!" swore Wen Qinxi kicking a cart full of watermelons to block the General's path. Like this he bought himself time dragging various things into the narrow path to block his pursuer but who would have thought the General would take off his pendant and turn into a huge black dragon soaring into the sky to catch him. "What the fuck!" yelled Wen Qinxi looking up while running. How was this fair?     

Left with no choice, Wen Qinxi dashed into the nearest building without even looking. Breathing heavily he leaned on the closed door while swearing internally. He knew it wouldn't take long before the soliders caught up with him and he still had an angry dragon hovering above the building. He cautiously walked deeper into the building only to find a group of women putting on makeup and costumes preparing for the town festival.     

Because everyone was busy preparing, Wen Qinxi didn't hesitant grabbing a few clothes and make up before closing himself off in a closet.     

Just as he was trying to figure out what sort of ridiculous costume he had grabbed, he heard the system poking fun at him again. "Cross dressing again? Hahaha, boss do you have this kind of hobby?" said the system recalling the first world acting saga but Wen Qinxi didn't care. He would rather dress like a woman than get caught by that asshole.     

"Would you rather that dragon roast me to ash?" he said putting on the world's most complicated outfit. With great difficulty he powdered his face and released his hair before asking, "how do I look?"     

"Like an ugly girl," said the system as Wen Qinxi packed up his clothes in a plastic bag. He was grateful, the costume had long sleeves otherwise his tattoo would sell him out. In under ten minutes Wen Qinxi left through the back door and as expected a group of soldiers heading into the building actually passed him and didn't recognize him. Even the sharp eyed dragon hovering above the roof didnt notice a man dressed in a green costume walking down the street.     

Pleased with himself, Wen Qinxi hot wired a car and made his escape heading for the mountains to look for Banhen's base of operations.     

It was only after Qie Ranzhe had personally searched the building did he realise Fong Zi had already escaped. A dark cloud loomed over the building with the General flinging a chair into the wall in anger. He was about to flip the table when Machu showed up with some good news.     

He had been stationed at headquarters when Qie Ranzhe ordered him to join the hunt and in less than a day he had reunited with the General with a detailed investigation into Feng Yu's known associates.     

After saluting the general he said, "I know where his headed," placing a file on the same table Qie Ranzhe was about to flip.     

"Where?" asked commander Zhao Huangzhi who had been standing by enjoying the show. She had insisted on joining the General in apprehending Feng Zi of course, with hidden intentions.     

"Banhen, a gang boss's territory in the mountains. Each month these gang members pay a sum of money to an offshore account which traces back to another one of Feng Yu's associate. Maybe they know where Feng Yu is," said Machu giving a summarized report of his findings.     

"Good, I need you to stick around," said Qie Ranzhe patting Machu's shoulder before heading out the door.     

"Great job geek," said Zhao Huangzhi in a condescending tone, "come on boys let's go hunt ourselves a bald chicken," before following in Qie Ranzhe's footsteps with a menacing grin.     

"Yes Commander," said the rest of the team leaving behind an annoyed Machu. He really didn't like Zhao Huangzhi and had stayed behind at headquarters because of her but he was now being forced to endure it.     

"Sigh*.....I need a fuckin raise," he said gathering up his files before exiting the room.     

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