Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Feng Zi's Cute Tooshie

Third World: Feng Zi's Cute Tooshie

0"What the hell?" yelled the recruit as they watched the man bite through his skin.     

"Shit!" swore Qie Ranzhe when he realised what was about to happen, "Send the guards in." He immediately ran out of the surveillance room darting towards the sick bay but just as he turned the corner, he bumped into Zhao Huangzhi who coincidentally came looking for him to have lunch.     

"General Qie, where you coming to look for me? Let's go I made an appointment at your favorite restaurant," she said with her palm pressing against his chest to stop him. He suddenly felt irritated, he had agreed to try dating but Zhao Huangzhi was too high maintenance and wouldn't back down till she got what she wanted. This time he couldn't tolerate her as he couldn't afford to lose Feng Zi.     

"I can't right now. Feng Zi is trying to escape," he said gently pushing her aside but who knew Zhao Huangzhi would refuse to move out of the way blocking his path.     

"There is over ten men guarding him. They are more than capable to handle him," she said her tone sounding as though she had just been bullied. Qie Ranzhe was about to respond when the alarm began to sound all over the entire base. A group of armed guard passed by saluting them in the corridor before rushing towards the sick bay to hunt Feng Zi down.     

While trouble was brewing in the happy couple's paradise. Wen Qinxi had just single handedly taken down four men after freeing himself. He was now running down the passageway with a gun in hand while following the system's guidance. But that wasn't the highlight of this action scene taken straight from a blockbuster movie. It was the open back hospital gown parading his tooshie or in a more vulgar term, his ass.     

'Why the fuck did I have to wear such a vulgar thing? I can feel the cold air going up my butt crack,' complained Wen Qinxi trying to cover up his shame.     

'Shhh....stop complaining someone is coming,' said the system struggling to hold back its laughter.     

Wen Qinxi had to change out of this things as he was uncomfortably showcasing his butt to the entire base so he knocked out the incoming soldier and dragged them into the supply closet.     

It was only then did he realise it was a female soldier further complicating the situation. What was he supposed to do? Wait for a male soldier to pass by so he could knock them out? How long would that take? What if she woke up before he could find a male soldier?     

Running out of options, he wanted to take her clothes as they were almost the same height but couldn't bring himself to strip an unconscious woman.     

'Fuck! If I steal her clothes does that mean I am a pervert?' he asked nervously pacing up and down.     

The system facepalmed itself and scolded him, 'They are hunting you down and you care about that. Just look away and steal her clothes before they find you. Unless you wish to escape with your privates hanging out for all to see?"     

Wen Qinxi sighed and looked away while undressing the female soldier with his sweaty palms. 'Don't you fuckin dare tell anyone about this,' he said his face beet red with embarrassment.     

'I...can't promise that,' said the system finding this situation laughable.     

'Such an asshole,' said Wen Qinxi putting on the pants that seemed a little tight on the hips. Looking away he covered the lady with his hospital gown muttering, "I am sorry," after putting on the jacket.     

'Haha, I say how are your balls?' asked the system unable to take its eyes off Wen Qinxi's tight crotch.     

Wen Qinxi felt his ancestral line being squeezed out of existence with each step he took which made him quite irritable. 'Piss off!' he said but couldn't hear the system's laughter when a shriek flooded his ears. The female solider had just regain consciousness and began to scream her lungs out before grabbing a pack of eighteen two ply tissues and began to whack him with it.     

"Ma'am, ma'am please calm down....uh shit.....," he said protecting his head from the surprisingly painful brick of tissues. Wen Qinxi wanted to strong arm her to stop her irritating shrieks but who would have thought the hospital gown would fall off leaving her in her underwear and bra.     

"Crap!" said Wen Qinxi not knowing where to go.     

'Use the vent!....hahaha use the vent,' said the system having the time of its life. Wen Qinxi quickly climbed the shelves while the woman was making a poor attempt to cover herself up screaming, "Pervert! Help! Pervert!"     

Wen Qinxi began to crawl through the vents struggling to calm himself down which proved difficult as the system didn't restrain itself laughing itself to tears. "I am glad you are having a good time at my expense," he said gritting his teeth in anger.     

"'s just too fuckin funny.....hahaha turn left hahaha," said the system in wheezing laughter.     

Wen Qinxi reached the end of the vent and ruthlessly kicked the screen venting out his anger before emerging out of the building landing in recyclable waste. He completely ignored the system hiding away from the soilders rushing around the base looking for him.     

It didn't take him long to find the vehicles including Qie Ranzhe's black suv. Filled with vengeance he sneakily punctured Qie Ranzhe's tyre with a screwdriver he found on a workbench. "Take that you fuckin asshole," he whispered stabbing into the tyre with so much force imagining himself stabbing Qie Ranzhe's thigh, "that will teach not to fuck with me."     

After venting out some more on a tyre, he punctured every other car's except the one he was going to drive away in. 'Did you have to wreak the tyre to that point?' asked the system feeling for the poor tyre on the black suv. There was no way that tyre was going to be patched up.     

'I was imagining Qie Ranzhe's face while I was doing it,' he said before sneaking into the only vehicle that had all four tyres working. He immediately started the engine drawing attention to himself and stepped on the accelerator heading for the closed gates. Two guards manding their post at the fence gate began to fire their weapons yelling for him to halt but Wen Qinxi wasn't messing around pressing hard on the accelerator while slightly ducking his head.     

Most of the soldiers and been inside the building searching for him but once they heard the commotion outside with bullets flying all over the place they immediately ran outside heading for their vehicles. Qie Ranzhe was among them and as soon as he spotted Feng Zi who was driving past him, he aimed his weapon but couldn't bring himself to shoot.     

Why couldn't he shoot the tyres or something it was because he was dumbstruck. Feng Zi actually stick his tongue out while raising a middle finger at him before changing gears. For some reason Qie Ranzhe smirked his blood rushing as though he had been injected with chicken blood thinking, 'Let the games begin,' as the vehicles crashed into the fence gate speeding off base.     

If Feng Zi wanted to play a cat and mouse game with him then he would gladly oblige. He dashed towards his suv only to find his tyre shredded beyond recognition. "Fuck!" he swore kicking the tyre which was of no use because Feng Zi now had a head start.     

Qie Ranzhe barked out orders to get the vehicles running before marching to the surveillance room thinking he had missed something but he soon regretted his decision when he found a group of female recruits staring at the monitor while giggling like little schoolgirls.     

"I must say, Zi-ge has a cute tight ass," said one of the blushing girls which was followed by timid giggles from the rest of the group.     

"Shamless!" yelled Qie Ranzhe before slamming the door with a loud bang.     

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