Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Vile Couple From Hell

Third World: Vile Couple From Hell

0Qie Ranzhe holstered his weapon while calling for backup but when he made a move to approach Feng Zi, Zhao Huangzhi held on to his arm biting her lower lip looking so pitiful. In her heart she was happy jumping with joy. The result was much better than expected. She sincerely hoped this bald chicken would die today that is why she put on a pitiable expression begging Qie Ranzhe with her watery eyes seeming like a traumatized victim.     

"I have to," he said gently removing her arm before walking over to Feng Zi who was grimacing in pain on the ground but the moment he reached him, Feng Zi crawled backwards with tears streaming down his cheeks.     

'What the fuck? Is he actually crying,' thought Qie Ranzhe scowling at the fearful man on the ground. Qie Ranzhe had blown up his base, shot at each other in the past and even went as far as burnt his feathers but the man never cried neither did he look at him like he was beast ascended from hell.     

Wen Qinxi was in pain not only physically but emotionally. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest and crushed to pieces by the person he loved. He struggled to stand up and staggered away trying to create some distance between them but he didn't go far as he came crashing down to the ground before blacking out in a pool of blood.     

It took three days for Wen Qinxi to finally wake up. These three days were spend watching tragic series in his mind while cursing out Qie Ranzhe to high heaven. He couldn't believe he actually cried for that asshole when he got shot in the second world only to get shot by him in the third world. Three days wasn't enough, in fact he wanted to log out and climb up Mount Everest's highest summit and scream his lungs out but couldn't as this was a crucial point for the CEO.     

Wen Qinxi slowly open his eyes with his pupils painfully constricting as a bright light shone down on him. After five minutes of recalibrating his vision, he found himself in a sick bay with his wrist chained to the bed. He immediately began to panic as he swore, "Shit!" while tugging at the chain but he only aggravated his wound making him grimace in pain.     

'Jolie, where am I?' he asked the system looking around for anything he could use to break the chain.     

' are at one of the small army bases. Qie Ranzhe brought you here,' replied the system that had been incredibly silent these past three days obediently doing as asked as it didn't want to aggravate an already unstable Wen Qinxi.     

'I need to get out here and search for Feng Yu and get the crystal. I can't deal with Qie Ranzhe right now, I don't even want to fuckin see him,' said Wen Qinxi still looking around in a daze completely unaware that he was being watched.     

In the control room, two recruits were staring at the monitor curiously scrutinizing the so-called world's most dangerous man. "I must say he doesn't look the least bit intimidating. I think his cruel image is over exaggerated," said the male recruit zooming in on Feng Zi's face.     

The female recruit blushed a little when the camera zoomed in on Feng Zi's handsome face. She couldn't take her eyes way from this unattainable male god. "He's so handsome. I heard that he likes the commander that's why he kidnapped her. Gosh, why didn't he just kidnap me? I wouldn't mind being his prisoner, " said the female recruit reaching out to carass the man's face through the screen.     

While she said this, the door was suddenly opened with Qie Ranzhe walking to hear such a statement. He had just come from being berated by his father in front of several leaders in a conference call and he wasn't in a pleasant mood. His mood dampened further when he heard the female recruit's words. How can a woman be willing to be captured and assaulted just because Feng Zi was handsome? It didn't make sense to him.     

These past few days he had to comfort Zhao Huangzhi and stabilise her from the traumatic experience yet someone actually desired to be in her shoes. "Recruit, don't speak such careless words," he said with the two recruits standing up to salute him.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't bother with them watching Feng Zi through the monitor wondering how he was going to get him to talk but what happened next was not to his expectation.     

Wen Qinxi had been frantically scanning around the room looking for anything to loosen his restraints when the system couldn't help but mention. 'Boss you already have something that can pick the handcuffs',' said the hesitant system.     

'Just say it,' said Wen Qinxi running out of patience. He had to get away from the vile couple from hell otherwise he would either die by their hand or choke out of jealousy. He didn't plan on dying from poisoning by consuming too much vinegar.     

'Its inside your wrist, see that scar?' asked the system. The lunatic Feng Zi actually hid a bobby pin under his skin. It was pointless to put it in his hair as they searched that too but they didn't xray criminals as none of them expected someone to stitch something under their skin.     

'Are you fuckin serious?' asked a distressed Wen Qinxi while staring at the scar.     

'Yep, you have to bite yourself and tear the skin,' said the system curious to know whether Wen Qinxi would actually do it.     

Wen Qinxi felt his scalp go numb with beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead. He, the guy who feared paim was shot and now had to bite himself just to set himself free.     

After hesitating a couple of times, Wen Qinxi finally made up his mind swearing out loud, "I fuckin hate him right now," and nibbled on his skin a couple of times. Frustrated he decided to bite the bullet and used his canines to tear through the skin. Blood began to trickle down with his eyes stringing because of the pain but it was all worth it as he found what he was looking for.     

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