Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: One Last Time (NSFW)

Second World: One Last Time (NSFW)

0The long awaited grand event was finally here. It was all the entire empire was talking about and news of Prince Xieshu's pregnancy spread around like wildfire across Valim Network which was just a speculation as the empire's favorite couple hadn't made an official announcement.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't certain when this world would be considered conquered but he knew he was running out of time so he decided to make the best out of it. Who knows if Qie Ranzhe would have the same feeling for him in the next world as he did in this world. With that in mind he made the conscious decision to hold on to it as long as he could.     

In the past few weeks he was busy preparing for the big day paying great attention even to littlest things. He had never cared for anything as much as he cared about this wedding slash inauguration. His efforts didn't go unnoticed with Jolie having to remind him several times that it was only a game but each time he saw Qie Ranzhe's joyous smile it encouraged him to work harder and make this day memorable.     

Even if Qie Ranzhe didn't remember all this when he woke at least Wen Qinxi would have this one memory. A beautiful memory that could get him through a lifetime.     

Time flew by quickly with the big day beginning as early as three in the morning. Qie Ranzhe had suggested they separate for a night so that he wouldn't disturb Zhao Xieshu's preparations but who would have guessed the prince would be so stubborn and refuse to part with him. To be honest, Wen Qinxi was afraid he did wake up in the dark with the message 'congratulations for successfully completing the second world' without cuddly Qie Ranzhe one last time.     

The two woke up at the sound of the alarm and Qie Ranzhe didn't dwindle in bed like he usually did. He just stood up after lightly perking Zhao Xieshu's lips saying, "Goodmorning baby."     

Wen Qinxi was still drowsy with his eyes half-lidded responding, "Mn," but as he watched Qie Ranzhe strolling away he sprung up from bed with his mind jolted awake asking, "Where are you going?"     

Qie Ranzhe was amused by this question and turned around to face him saying, "Is that meant to be a rhetorical question? Have you forgotten I have to go to my parents house and get ready?" lesuirely pacing back to the bed, "Its only for a couple of hours then you and I can spend the rest of our lives together." The last part was said as he crawled into bed his piercing luscious gaze set on his lover like he was sampling with his eyes this appetizing meal.     

Wen Qinxi felt his body heat up in excitement as the thought of never having this kind of passion again flashed in his mind. Like a philanderer, Wen Qinxi unbuttoned his pajama top exposing his smooth supple skin inviting the Marshal for some early breakfast.     

Qie Ranzhe was stunned had never seen Wen Qinxi this enthusiastic before and couldn't help but conclude that the man was probably messing around but that conclusion was tossed out the window when Zhao Xieshu's satin pajama fluidly slid of his arms like a gentle waterfall during the dry season.     

For once he wanted to refuse because he really had to go but how could he resist this little lamb that willingly lay itself on the alter to be sacrificed. "Xie, are you serious?" he asked moving in closer his heart pounding hard against his chest like he was about to suffer a heat stroke. His entire body especially his lower region was already on fire with a strong urge to press this man down and fuck him hard.     

Wen Qinxi didn't respond, he guided Qie Ranzhe to lie down beneath him before lowering himself to fervently kiss the Marshal's lips.     

Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but groan with Zhao Xieshu's crotch on his exponentially increasing the heat emanating from that region. Wen Qinxi was so skilled in his actions licking the Marshal's lips before eagerly exploring the man's mouth as though looking for something. Once he found it, he didn't stop playfully licking Qie Ranzhe's tongue and palate sending waves of pleasure in both men. Wen Qinxi was so excited that he began to grind against the Marshal while panting heavily with lewd sounds of pleasure escaping his throat.     

Being treated like this, Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but gasp for air groaning while moving his waist to Zhao Xieshu's rhythm. He was losing his mind with his arms grabbing both of the prince's butt cheeks guiding him to grind harder.     

"Oh, fuck baby.....ohhhh," he said in a barely audible voice as his pheromones began to fill the room weakening Wen Qinxi who was grinding on top of him.     

"Ran-ge hold back your pheromones for me....ahh, I want to...oh feels so fuckin good," whispered Wen Qinxi in jagged heavy breathing. Though he didn't get to finish his statement, Qie Ranzhe understood his meaning and held back his pheromones while stretching out his hand to the pedestal to grab the remote to switch on the extractor fan. After a few seconds, Wen Qinxi's movements sped up again with both their bottoms stained with conspicuous wet patches.     

Qie Ranzhe was already shirtless so Wen Qinxi only had to remove the man's bottoms followed by his own before returning back to his original position only this time he was naked with their hot skin brushing aganist each other. The Marshal swept his gaze over his lover's tempting body towering above him and asked, "Baby, what do you plan to do to me?"     

Wen Qinxi showed a flirtatious smile and said, "I am going to fuck you of course."     

With that said Wen Qinxi really inserted Qie Ranzhe's hot rod into his pin sized hole that was seeping up a good amount of slick. He slowly swallowed the man's entire length till it hit the entrance of his womb. Qie Ranzhe could feel the hole tighten around his member sucking him in making him groan in pleasure. "Fuck me baby," he said holding back his desire to plough deeper into his omega and make his lover scream in pleasure.     

Wen Qinxi didn't have to be told twice as he began to move up and down with his member seeping out some pre-cum in excitement. His entire body felt a wave of numbness spreading to his brain cells causing him to cry out in pleasure, "Yeah, ah, ah.....daddy Ran....ohhh.....fuck!"     

Qie Ranzhe who had a front row sit to such a beautiful alluring scene couldn't help but gulp placing his hands on either side of Zhao Xieshu's waist guiding him. Zhao Xieshu's cries drove him to insanity but even then he held back letting his omega do as he pleased.     

Wen Qinxi felt the itchy feeling in his hole and member amplify as the Marshal's powerful weapon struck his sensitive part continuously. His toes curled up as the sexual tension reached a plateau followed by rhythmic contractions as an intense pleasurable warmth spread throughout his entire body.     

He wanted to cry out in pleasure but Qie Ranzhe's lips stopped him and kissed him to the point of suffocation with his body still convulsing in pleasure. A milky white fluid spewed on Qie Ranzhe's abdomen as his omega climaxed. After it was all over, Wen Qinxi collapsed into Qie Ranzhe's chest. He was obviously spent but Wen Qinxi's naughty hole hadn't had enough with an unbearable itch building up once more.     

"I want more," he said as he began to move again with Qie Ranzhe's hands caressing his chest,     

"Eat till you are full baby....ah, yes fuck me," replied Qie Ranzhe with his speech incoherent at the latter part of the sentence falling into a trance. It was only after Zhao Xieshu had gotten there two more times did he turn his lover over and took him from behind.     

Wen Qinxi had his butt propped up in the air as the thrusts became deeper and faster followed by loud pa pa pa sounds were their skin came into contact. He was clearly enjoying having his hole filled up but at this rate he was going to be fucked unconscious so he pled with the Marshal. "Ah!....not too hard.....we....ah.....have, have to go," said Wen Qinxi but Qie Ranzhe ignored him thrusting deeper as he leaned down to bite Zhao Xieshu's back.     

"You are the one to complain when you provoked me...ohhh shit. You taste so good," replied Qie Ranzhe with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.     

"Ah....ah I was wrong.....daddy please spare me," said Wen Qinxi in a croqutteish voice.     

"Mn," responded Qie Ranzhe as he continued to plough his lover like a mad man. Fortunately for Wen Qinxi, the Marshal was very understanding reaching his climax earlier than usual.     

Wen Qinxi could feel the man behind convulse in pleasure grasping his two butt cheeks tightly while groaning like a beast as he reached his peak. A warm fluid filled up Wen Qinxi making him feel gratified as he fell back on the bed panting.     

Qie Ranzhe lay right next to Zhao Xieshu ad drew him into his arms saying, "Are you satisfied?" while interlocking their fingers together. Wen Qinxi was still breathing heavily and could only nod his head in response. "But I am not. I want more.....I will surely get you tonight," speaking right by Wen Qinxi's ear that he could feel the vibrations from Qie Ranzhe's voice through his skin.     

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