Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Vaccum Bot In Exchange For A Kidnapee

Third World: Vaccum Bot In Exchange For A Kidnapee

0Jolie moved a safe distance away forgetting it was invisible and said, "Boss, I lost all my authority. Some form of virus or bug his screwing with m-."     

"You fuckin with me, aren't you? How is that fuckin possible? Now initiate a log out sequence otherwise you will regret it," threatened Wen Qinxi in a menacing voice.     

The system felt incredibly wronged so it initiated the log off sequence and as expected a general warning sign made of a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside popped up. "This action is currently unavailable please refer to technical support to solve the problem!" was the automated message that followed after which had Wen Qinxi scratching his head.     

The system was right something was overriding the system but how could that be possible? Flagship was mounted with layers and layers of cybersecurity that he personally oversaw. He had the best hackers crack into it and personally fixed the gaming system's vulnerabilities so what was this situation?     

Now he and the system were stuck with neither the authority to go back to the second world nor initiate a communication channel to communicate with the outside world. Defeated, Wen Qinxi sat cross legged on the floor wiping away the tears with the back of his hand sniffling away like an abandoned preschool child.     

Seeing this the system couldn't help but comfort him. "Boss you don't have to worry. It will all fix itself," pretending to pat his head in comfort.     

Wen Qinxi didn't say anything for a while staring at his fingers with an absent look. The images of Qie Ranzhe dying in his arms replayed in his mind bringing back a flood of tears. "If he dies in a world will it affect his consciousness?" he suddenly asked wiping away his tears once more.     

"I don't think so but that reminds me, he spoke and even moved in the gaming room. Machu is actually examining him right now. You should see how tight he grasped Hei Bao's arm. He was like iron ma-," said the system but again it was interrupted, its boss erupting like a volcano under massive pressure.     

"Why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place! If I don't demote you after this then my name is not Wen Qinxi. Such a fuckin prick," yelled Wen Qinxi but didn't expect the system to talk back.     

"I wonder who I got that from," whispered the system but in the quiet dark abyss, Wen Qinxi's other senses were heightened so he heard it.     

"You dare to talk back! Oh, you are so dead...vaccum bot, remember that. You are going to be a.....," with the last of his sentence stuck at the tip of his tongue as he was suddenly pulled into an unfamiliar world, "vaccum bot."     

By the time he finished his sentence he was already in a foreign body sitting in front of a control panel that resembled that of a nuclear power plan with a big screen showing several leaders who were staring at him in disbelief.     

Wen Qinxi had his brows knitted together trying to grasp his bearings when a system notification popped up. 'Congratulations for succeeding the second world_.....Welcome to the third world_'     

The man was still trying to figure out what just happened. Why wasn't he back to the second world? Multiple unanswered questions had his mind spinning but before he could even figure out what was happening he heard sounds of laughter coming from behind him. He turned his head only to find a giant looking woman and some men snickering while pointing at him.     

"Excuse me? Did you just say you want to exchange Commader Zhao for a vaccum bot?" said a man wearing a green military uniform staring at him with a perplexed expression. Wen Qinxi was confused but he recalled the words he spoke when he reached this world.     

He had to come up with a way to fix this situation but what could he do? He didn't even know his own name in this world. He was walking blind not sure how to proceed. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Qie Ranzhe appearing on another camera feed joining a woman dressed in white. His face didn't seem pleased to see him with a clenched jaw as though holding back some emotion but Wen Qinxi didn't care saying, "I will trade the commander if I can have five minutes with you."     

Wen Qinxi said this pointing at Qie Ranzhe, he was just too excited to see him and wanted to hug him that he didn't read much into the situation. But the person behind him didn't seem pleased sending a message to his phone.     

Airen-jie: What are you doing? I thought you wanted to keep the commader?     

But Wen Qinxi didn't respond saying, "Yes, I will give him to you as long as you agree to meet up with me," he continued but which surprised Qie Ranzhe but he did a good job hiding it with his face remaining expressionless.     

"Fine, send the details. Make sure to bring her along otherwise.....," replied Qie Ranzhe before turning his heel to leave with his group of minions dressed in black suits like penguins. Because the pronunciation of him and her were the same Wen Qinxi didn't realise they were speaking of different genders.     

Wen Qinxi assumed the commander was a he but the commander was actually a she, the she he shot in the previous world. He was yet to realise that but for now he was as blind as bat excited to meet Qie Ranzhe.     

The screens turned black signifying the end of the conference call and so Wen Qinxi turned to the people behind him who seemed to be holding back their laughter but the woman known as Airen wasn't laughing scrutinizing him.     

"Vaccum bot...hahahaha boss you are so fuckin funny," said one man slapping his thigh in laughter. The rest of the group laughed along with him seeming amused but Airen suddenly took out a gun from who knows where and shot up in the air followed by a loud bang with debris from the ceiling following on the men.     

"Fuck off!" she said terrifying the men into silence. They left the room with their tails in between their legs like terrified dogs that had just met an alpha. As soon as they left she affectionately pat his head and said, "Are you certain you want to let her go? This is the only opportunity you have to capture her heart."     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

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