Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Psychopaths and The Crazy

Second World: Psychopaths and The Crazy

0In the dark vast of space a lavish warship travelled at warp speed heading to an unknown location. Inside were two Zhao family omegas one abducted and the other not even sure why Prince Yao decided to drag her into this. Every day Zhao Huangzhi was forced to share the same table with this conniving man who was meant to be her husband. Plenty of times she wanted to simply knock him out and turn this warship around back to Valim but it was only wishful thinking.     

On her charade of a wedding day this alpha was flirting with Zhao Xieshu and even dared to challenge the Marshal for him which worsened the burning hatred in her heart. She hated Zhao Xieshu with a every fibre of her being and every bone in her body. Her hatred had reached a point of no return with a strong desire to erase her half brother's very existence but she couldn't even get close to the unconscious Zhao Xieshu. Sipping on her tea she imagined how easy it would be to strangle that delicate neck of his with a smile. In her eyes, Zhao Xieshu was the problem and once he's gone everything will naturally fall back in place. With this chain of thought she decided to try and get along with Lin Yao using her charms so she could get to her enemy.     

While he was busy being plotted against, Wen Qinxi was in a vegetative state and could only pass his boredom chatting it up with Xia Bai, Hei Bao, Jolie and Machu awaiting for this body to final move again. "Next world, I need a character that doesn't attract psychopaths and the crazy. Seriously how many times have I been kidnapped?" said Wen Qinxi while they were playing online mahjong.     

"Says the guy who has no pursuers in the real world. Do you know how badly I want to be you right now? Women or men I pretty much don't care right now I will take it.....ouch," said Hei Bao that is until Xia Bai ruthlessly pinched his thigh under the table, "What was that for? And why are you sitting so close? like a sticky puppy."     

Xia Bai was simply unfazed by this with a smirk at the corner of his mouth creating an awkward atmosphere that the doctor just wanted to escape from.     

"What about that girl who baked you cookies and forbade everyone to eat them apart from you? She was obviously pursuing you," said Wen Qinxi carefully studying his tiles.     

"She's been avoiding me a lot lately and I don't know why....I say doc, what does it mean if someone who usually showered you with goodies suddenly starts avoiding you like the plague?" asked Hei Bao with a serious expression.     

Machu knew he had been mistaken for a different kind of doctor but didn't hesitate to answer. "Wrong doctor Hei Bao, I am not a psychologist but maybe.....," he said taking a glimpse of Xia Bai who was pursing his lips tightly pretending to be studying his tiles seriously on his tablet, "there are some outside forces tampering with fate."     

"Ahem....," said Xia Bai loudly clearing his throat as though preventing the doctor from carrying on with this discussion.     

"Whatever it is you better be fuckin grateful. That psycho has been coming to me every night and kissing my forehead saying some bullshit like I will only mark you in this life like that's even fuckin poss- ....AAAAAHHHH shit!" yelled Wen Qinxi when his in game body suddenly drew his consciousness back into the game. He was suddenly awake.     

Everyone, "..."     

"Oh, carry on. He was drawn back into the game. I will replace him," said Jolie taking over Wen Qinxi's account.     

"No!!!!" shouted everyone simultaneously unwilling to let this dubious AI gamble with them. They already lost so much money and didn't dare to gamble with it anymore.     

Wen Qinxi's heavy eyes suddenly opened with his pupils constricting tightly adjusting to the bright white light hung above him. Just as he sat up straight to find a comfortable position a wave of nausea overwhelmed him.     

'Shit!' he cursed internally rushing over to bathroom to puke his guts out but since his stomach was empty he could only vomit bitter gastric juices. His body became limp as his discomfort vanished into thin air. He rinsed his mouth and walked out of the bathroom only to be met with Lin Yao's grim face.     

"Are you pregnant?" he asked staring at him like a prisoner on death row.     

Wen Qinxi for the first time in his life felt like rolling his eyes but held back and said, "Of course, I am fuckin pregnant. I am a marked omega for heaven sake yet you had the balls to abduct me. What the fuck were you thinking?" said Wen Qinxi scolding him like an angry aunty at a fish market.     

Lin Yao seemed dispirited for a moment but his eyes soon regained a beautiful luster saying, "That's fine too. I can wait and severe the relationship you have with your alpha after the baby is born." He moved a step closer only to have a heavy punch greet his face. It wasn't as powerful as the Marshal's punch but it was more painful considering his feelings towards Zhao Xieshu. Each time he was close to him he felt the urge to mark him grow even more which was unnatural considering he had never had the urgency to mark anyone before.     

"Such a fucking dickhead," said Wen Qinxi walking out of the room heading for the cafeteria. He wasn't the least bit worried because in his body was a tracker he had every member of Xianxi team installed especially after he was abducted the last time. This tracker was undetectable and could only work when activated by him so he activated it while picking up some familiar food in the cafeteria.     

He had to fill his stomach otherwise the little ancestor in his belly will become restless and bothersome. He had been sleeping for a week already and it was about time he needed the Marshal's pheromones to soothe his belly otherwise he would have painful abdominal pain which was like hell to this omega.     

Just as he sat down to eat a familiar scent filled his nose only to find Zhao Huangzhi staring at him from afar. Her face was riddled with disgust and pure hatred that was difficult to hide. Wen Qinxi didn't continue staring back in her direction choosing to focus on his food. To be honest, regardless of how powerful he was in this world he was still terrified of Zhao Huangzhi. This beautiful goddess was unpredictable and ruthless.     

A shadow was suddenly cast over him and sure enough when he raised his head, he found her standing before him looking like she was going to attack him at any second. Fortunately for the both of them, she didn't do anything but sat opposite him her piercing gaze fixated on him.     

"Why are you so fuckin selfish? The Marshal wasn't enough for you so you also stole my husband's affection. You are such a slut," she said slandering him expressing her deep hatred for Zhao Xieshu.     

Wen Qinxi suddenly lost his appetite and attempted to leave. He would rather wait for the Marshal somewhere else but he was grabbed by the shoulder and forced to sit back down.     

"You haven't eaten anything and had to feed you through the IV fluid these past couple of days. I brought you this," said Lin Yao as a group of servants delivered some dishes that were pleasing to the eye, "and don't come here next time. You can join me in the captain's cabin."     

Prince Yao began to carefully placed food in his bowl showing a pampering side that had his servants dying in shock thinking 'what the fuck was this situation'. To make it worse his newly wedded wife was seated right opposite to them watching such an affectionate scene. Even though the prince had a black eye which was obviously the handiwork of Zhao Xieshu he didn't seem to care as long as he could possess this person.     

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