Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Captain Obvious

Second World: Captain Obvious

0Lin Yao knew it would be a herculean task to beat the UPSF fleet so he didn't hesitate having his entire army appear in Valim's exospace. In a matter of seconds dozens of warships appeared right before the people's eyes showcasing a magnificent and majestic aura but not to the people of Valim. To the citizens this seemed like a clear declaration of war as they scattered like ants towards all available transport facilities but unfortunately for them Emperor Zhao sent out a decree that no one was to leave Valim closing off all exit points.     

Just as the crowd began to panic with chaos erupting in all four corners, the emperor finally showed his face addressing his people in an attempt to soothe them. "________ as long as the Marshal hands over the UPSF fleet to my command there did be a peaceful resolution. I am fairly certain that the Marshal won't let any harm befall Valim and surely make the right decision_____," was part of the emperor's speech but it didn't appease the people but rather riled them up accusing the emperor for selling out the empire to Nibiru and that he was a traitor.     

"Your Majesty doesn't look good," said the terrified Royal advisor soon after the emperor finished his broadcast.     

Emperor Zhao seemed the least bit concerned questioning him with a scowl on his visage, "What are they saying?"     

"Th-there are talks of you selling out the empire an-an-,"     

"Shut up! They don't know what's good for them," interjected the emperor yelling at his servant with no reservations. He was about to carry on with his tantrum when Prince Yao himself hacked into Valim Network and began another live broadcast calling out the Marshal.     

"Your emperor is right. I am not here to cause any trouble, all I want is your Marshal to surrender to me and this little nightmare will surely come to an end," he said while languidly sitted in the captain's chair rubbing his lips with his thumb with commanding yet iridescent eyes that could dazzle anyone who looked at them for too long. "Tell you what, I will give you five minutes to come and i-," he carried on but he was soon interrupted by another incoming transmission.     

"I am sorry to disappoint you but that's not going to happen," said a radiant dazzling beauty who suddenly appeared with unforgettable lustrous blonde hair, "from now on you will be dealing with me so don't even bother mentioning him."     

This majestic beauty could only be one person, the controversial prince who stole the hearts of many and disgusted some. They couldn't fathom why it had to be the omega prince speaking up against Nibiru's crown prince instead of the Marshal.     

"Ah future wife. I find it erotic that you can use a firearm and apparently fly a top grade mecha but come on sweetheart you sho-," he said but didn't even get to finish his statement when a clear hissing sound followed by a loud explosion searing one of Nibiru's warships ripping it apart to shreds. Their protective shield was of little to no use unable to fend off White Baine's attack.     

"Call me sweetheart one more time, I dare you," said Wen Qinxi displeased by this form of address.     

"You are indeed audacious. You dare be on the offensive when you only have two warships on your side. Give it up, by the time back up gets here it would be too late," replied Prince Yao with a hint of irritation in his tone. He was right, currently on Valim's side there was only White Baine and Dark Scourge warship facing the entire army of Nibiru. At this point they were obviously outnumbered and any regular person would concede but this was all done on purpose as part of Wen Qinxi's plan.     

"Now be good and give yourself up like an obedient omega," said Prince Yao but he didn't expect Zhao Xieshu to cut off the broadcast before firing powerful laser cannons towards Lin Yao's warship. Prince Yao's warship had a reinforced shield so it was only natural that the laser cannons didn't breakthrough immediately but the shields was weakening with each strike which was a cause for concern for Nibiru.     

Smaller warships began to form a defensive wall around Prince Yao's warship while smaller spaceships exiting the warships launching an assault on White Baine and Dark Scourge.     

"Time to up the stakes. Suit up and let's send them back to Nibiru in coffins," said Wen Qinxi addressing the rest of Xianxi. Excited, the four omegas left the command bridge exiting White Baine in their mechas. It was about time they fought in real combat.     

"You sure are sexy when you talk like that," said Qie Ranzhe through the communicator making Wen Qinxi blush but he couldn't linger on these words focusing his attention on the screen. Xianxi mechas were light years ahead of Nibiru's technology putting them at an advantage.     

"No flirting, daddy is working," said Wen Qinxi changing the trajectory of the laser cannons towards the warships guarding Prince Yao's warship.     

Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but lightly chuckled while aiming at another warship before blowing it up to ash. "Are you sure you don't want me to bring the rest of UPSF fleet? Once they make their appearance it would be easy suppress this puny army," said the Marshal feeling a bit unease about this plan.     

Zhao Xieshu wanted to prove that omegas are powerful enough to handle such grave situations and this was the opportunity he was looking for thus explaining why he had UPSF fleet on standby. It's not that he was underestimating Zhao Xieshu's strength it was just that he couldn't stop himself from worrying.     

"I just need to get to prince loud mouth then you can finish them off," replied Wen Qinxi as soon as another explosion erupted causing a powerful after shock that hauled away some of the smaller spaceships.     

Meanwhile on Prince Yao's warship, the prince was tightly clutching his fingers on his armrest till his knuckles turned white. As luck would have it, captain obvious decided to make an appearance.      

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