Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Guide To Ruin Your Own Wedding

Second World: Guide To Ruin Your Own Wedding

0Seeing that Zhao Xieshu didn't accept his polite gesture he carried on speaking, "I see, so these are the poor manners of the people of Valim I have heard about? That's fine. Seeing how pretty you are I will forgive the disrespect and ask if I can join you."     

Wen Qinxi almost lost it saying, "Who the fuck you calling pretty?" his fists clenched tightly at his sides.     

Seeing this Qie Ranzhe immediately stood up heading towards the two but he suddenly had guns pointed at him by six men who were presumably guests but judging from their response time they were obviously part of Nibiru's armed forces.     

The Marshal's men responded quickly drawing their weapons towards the armed forces instantly turning the once boisterous and merry atmosphere volatile. The tension in the room was so thick that one could almost cut it with a knife.     

Prince Yao stretched his beautiful fingers to touch Zhao Xieshu's face but Wen Qinxi skillfully dodged with a look of disgust but Ling Yao didn't seem bothered proceedings to say, "Emperor Zhao I will give you want you want but I would like to revise the terms."     

"Xiao Yao don't take it too far," yelled Emperor Lin who was obviously powerless against his willful son.     

Prince Yao lightly chuckled before responding to his father. "I am merely fulfilling my duty as a son. You benefited from this union so why can't I?"     

"You!____" yelled the furious Emperor Lin but soon fell silent unable to refute these impudent words. He had indeed pushed his son towards this to gain the precious Xianore mineral from Valim as they were still the biggest supplier even through it was depleting at a visible rate each year.     

"Speak," said Emperor Zhao already foreseeing victory. UPSF fleet was right by his doorstep and by the end of the night it would be in his hands.     

Prince Yao tactfully pointed at Zhao Xieshu and said, "I want him as a reward." Though he had obviously sensed the lingering alpha scent on Zhao Xieshu he didn't seem to care as all he had to do was kill Qie Ranzhe and this omega's undying loyalty to the Marshal would be severed. As to the fact that he has just married Zhao Huangzhi, he didn't care. All he wanted was that interesting blonde back at his palace once this was over.     

Hearing this Qie Ranzhe went biserk drawing his weapon aiming it in Lin Yao's direction his fingers on the trigger with every intention to kill but Zhao Xieshu turned to his direction and shook his head with a comforting smile making the Marshal holster his pistol.     

"Fire at will," he whispered to his team who immediately responded by gunning down Prince Yao's men hiding in the shadows outside the palace with their sniper rifles that had a silencer fixed at the end of the muzzle. One by one they dropped like flies barely making a sound. In less than two minutes they were completely wiped out.     

"Drop your weapons otherwise I will have your Marshal gunned down where he stands," said Prince Yao his line of sight back to Zhao Xieshu staring at him like he wanted to swallow him whole.     

The Marshal's men reluctantly put their weapons down and took a step back as ordered but remained vigilant awaiting the Marshal's instructions.     

"Do you agree?" asked Prince Yao addressing Emperor Zhao but his eyes remained drawn to Zhao Xieshu.     

"Sure whatever you want," replied Emperor Zhao hoping to witness Marshal Qie's death tonight. After that he would have Nibiru's army suppress the generals and finally attain full power.     

"You hear that, your father agreed to let me have you. No need to fight it because soon you will belong to me entirely," said Prince Yao with a beaming smile but what happened next wasn't completely expected.     

"Ah, fuck it," said Wen Qinxi taking out a laser beam pistol from who knows where and aimed at Lin Yao's temple with a confident smile standing behind the adulterous prince his arm strangling his neck. Prince Yao naturally wanted to struggle free as Zhao Xieshu was an omega and half a head shorter than him but he was soon discouraged when he heard him say, "Omegas have itchy trigger fingers so don't move otherwise I might accidentally shoot you."     

The entire room of wedding guests were shocked seeing an omega holding a firearm and even dared to threaten an alpha. Something was definitely wrong with this picture. Firstly omegas were weak by nature and prohibited to be in the army let alone handle firearm. This wasn't actually a problem as no single omega would even dare think of breaking the law but apparently Zhao Xieshu was an exception. He was not only into drinking and partying all night in night clubs but was also using dangerous weapons, a horrifying scene in their eyes.     

But no one was as shocked as Emperor Zhao. He knew his son was into so many things but weapons actually never crossed his mind. Thinking the kid was bluffing, he said, "Zhao Xieshu put it down. Do you even know how to use that thing."     

Wen Qinxi didn't waste anytime firing a red laser beam in the emperor's direction striking the wall right behind the old man before aiming it right back at Prince Yao's temple. The emperor's face turned pale in utter disbelief but his face soon turned red in anger with purple veins bulging on his forehead pointing at him with a trembling finger. "You!______," he yelled choking in anger.     

"You are right, I don't know how to use it. I intended to blow your head off," said Wen Qinxi walking backwards to stand beside the Marshal. "Still not lowering your weapons," he said to Prince Yao's men who were still pointing their guns at Qie Ranzhe.     

"Lower your weapons down!" yelled a petrified Emperor Lin afraid his son will accidentally get shot. The men obediently listened while Qie Ranzhe's men tired them up.     

"You think I wouldn't come here without backup huh? You little omega truly underestimate me," said Prince Yao with a malicious smile not at all like a man who had lost.     

Qie Ranzhe swapped places with Zhao Xieshu that is before he ruthlessly strike Prince Yao's face with the grip of the pistol causing the man to tumble to the ground bleeding from his nose.     

Prince Yao was in pain but didn't show any signs of it laughing like a deranged mental patient which made Wen Qinxi suspicious. As expected, he heard Xiao Hua's panicked voice coming out of the earpiece ordering them to duck down. Just as that happened a drone randomly opened fire in the banquet hall tearing the curtains to shreds as shards of broken glass flew all over with the guests screaming on top of their lungs. The scene instantly turned chaotic with guests running around in confusion. Wen Qinxi and Qie Ranzhe ducked down scanning around for a way out.     

According to the sound coming from the firing drone, the Marshal could easily determine which one it was and said, "It will reload in five seconds. Activate your mecha then and let's get out of here."     

Wen Qinxi's eyes lit up nodding his head in agreement his heart pounding hard aganist his chest in excitement. It was about time to do his favorite thing.     

"Then will blow shit up," he said with a thrilled smile while rubbing his pendant where Meng Huangse was safely stored.     

With an elegant duchenne smile, Qie Ranzhe kissed Wen Qinxi's soft lips in a passionate yet possessive manner parting from him reluctantly. "Mn, let's go."     

The two followed by the Marshal's men activated their Mechas exiting the room without a trace. Leaving behind the chaotic scene that was of Prince Yao's design.     

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