Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Expired Morning After Pills

Second World: Expired Morning After Pills

0Qie Ranzhe was sitting in the back seat reading through some documents with a stern face but as soon as he saw his beloved walking in he immediately put them down with a satisfied smile.     

"You look handsome," he said fixing Zhao Xieshu's collar in an overly affectionate way that had the driver looking away in embarrassment. He wasn't the only one, even Wen Qinxi was embarrassed his cheeks flushed red.     

"I don't like it, it's so constricting," said Wen Qinxi swatting his hand away before tugging at the collar to give himself more breathing space.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't seem to see anything wrong with it gently removing Zhao Xieshu's hands from the collar before fixing it again for him. "This is for my eyes only so bear with it," said the Marshal but once those words escaped his lips he couldn't shake the feeling of having said or thought that before just in a different setting. He didn't dwindle on that strange familiar feeling for long kissing Zhao Xieshu's forehead leaving behind a lingering gentle caress on Wen Qinxi's skin.     

As soon as Qie Ranzhe dropped him off at Xianxi's base, Wen Qinxi immediately unbuttoned his collar making it easier to breathe again but that stifling feeling soon returned in just ten minutes of entering the base. Well, this was mainly because a certain group of individuals wouldn't leave him alone.     

Everything seemed normal at first exchanging warm greetings with his omega team before sitting down to start his work but he soon felt pairs of eyes boring through his skin. After a gruesome minute of being stared at Wen Qinxi couldn't stand it anymore about to reprimand them but Xiao Hua beat him to it asking, "Xie Xie, have you...have you taken your suppressant?" a question that had Wen Qinxi perplexed but he answered truthfully     

"My next injection is in three months, why?"     

"Nothing," replied Xiao Hua smelling an intense milky cream omega scent that was obviously coming from Zhao Xieshu making him suspicious.     

Wen Qinxi began to seriously look through his work thinking it was over but he was wrong. "Anyone wants to go to the bathroom?" asked Xiao Hua gesturing with his head to Teng as though silently coding him to follow.     

Teng, "Surrrreeee, let's go."     

"Me tooooo," said Hauidan after being repeatedly beckoned by Xiao Hua to follow. Soon everyone including Tong were all standing at the door accompaning each other to the bathroom.     

Wen Qinxi suddenly stood up saying, "I actually do want to go," but Xiao Hua hurriedly stopped him.     

"No!....You stay and go after we come back," while gently pressing him back down into his chair.     

Wen Qinxi found this behavior suspicious but didn't investigate any further thinking they would tell him if it was something important. The team of omegas left for a good five minutes and when they did come back they didn't go back to their respective work stations instead sitting around Zhao Xieshu like a flock of birds staring at him weirdly.     

"What?" asked a puzzled Wen Qinxi feeling like a caged animal at the zoo faced with so many gawking eyes.     

It was Teng who elbowed Xiao Hua to speak and so the pink haired omega was forced to ask a personal most definitely sensitive question. "Xie Xie did you and the Marshal....ahem.....did yo-," said Xiao Hua obviously struggling to ask the question that is until Hauidan cut in.     

"Did you get marked by the Marshal," interjected Hauidan asking an obvious question as they could all clearly sense the lingering alpha pheromone.     

Wen Qinxi's brows knitted together wondering why they would suddenly ask such a question but he still answered honestly, "Yes, why?"     

"Did you take the um....morning after?" asked Tong with the last part said in a whisper his face bright red in embarrassment.     

"Yes, I did? Why? What's wrong?" he asked still vexed to which direction this conversation was headed. The four people looked at each other before Teng took out a box and asked.     

"Does it look like this?"     

Wen Qinxi nodded his face ridden with confusion that he couldn't help but ask yet again, "Seriously, guys you are scaring me. What is it?"     

Hauidan stood up while inquiring, "Is the box still in White Baine?"     

Wen Qinxi nod his head again. Ever since Qie Ranzhe marked him completely during his estrus the Marshal didn't dare thrust into his womb ever again so he didn't take the pills along leaving them in his warship. Hauidan soon returned with the box but his face didn't look so good silently handing over the box to Zhao Xieshu. "Check the expiry date."     

Wen Qinxi checked the date his entire body trembling as a bad premonition loomed above him like a grey stormy cloud. These pills had expired reason being, Zhao Xieshu wasn't having intimate relations with anyone hence the morning after pills were left untouched in White Baine for emergency situations but it never crossed these omega's minds to replace the box which meant, "Xie Xie we think you are pregnant."     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

Jolie, "....."     

'What the %@$#&$#&##@%@&#$$@@$$, that's some f#$@%&*#@#$@@,' he swore to high heaven his hands trembling while holding the box that betrayed him.     

'Boss calm down they are probably wrong,' said the system that didn't forsee this plot twist. The nerd and the overbearing CEO actually had an in game pregnancy. How exciting news but Wen Qinxi was obviously freaking out having Meng Huangse run a test immediately.     

"No... I am not having a baby. You are all wrong," said a panicsticken Wen Qinxi not certain who exactly he was trying to convince. His friends tried to comfort him but it was of no use as Wen Qinxi kept on staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes waiting for the results.     

A few seconds later, "Congratulations mommy you are pregnant," said an excited Meng Huangse unable to read the situation.     

Wen Qinxi felt his blood run cold his mind blank staring at the positive result. "Shit!" he cursed before exiting the base in a complicated mood. Everyone tried to reason with him but it was a futile task. They could only secretly light a candle for their dear Marshal.     

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