Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: The Marshal's First Born Child

Second World: The Marshal's First Born Child

0For three days straight Wen Qinxi was stuck in a repetitive cycle, not that he was complaining. He would wake up his body already cleaned up, eat well, to be more exact fed, do some heavy duty sexercise and sleep again that is if he was lucky enough not to black out. On the contrary, Qie Ranzhe was a ball of energy walking around as though what was going on in that warship had nothing to do with him.     

The Marshal took meticulous care of his omega bathing him which was one of his favorite things to do and feeding him as Zhao Xieshu could barely lift a finger but because Qie Ranzhe couldn't cook he could only make instant food which only required him to follow the instructions on the packet. He did feel bad that he couldn't even make bowl of plain congee for his omega constantly apologising but Wen Qinxi didn't mind happily eating instant food even though it tasted bland. He was really understanding of the Marshal, besides knowing that this food was prepared by the CEO especially for him gave him a great sense of satisfaction making the bland food leave a sweet taste in his mouth.     

Wen Qinxi's estrus period had finally come to an end with the lewd red and purple marks on his body remaining as the only evidence of what occurred these past three days. When he rose from his slumber, he wanted to stand up and go wash up but he found that his body was sore in all places with his legs refusing to comply. He was still useless and could only fall back into bed waiting to be served like a pampered young master from a rich family. Since he had nothing else to do he decided to study the cube box with the Gu family insignia again. The sooner he figures out how to open it the faster he tips the scale of power in their favor.     

While Wen Qinxi was sprawled on the bed playing with his cube shaped box, Qie Ranzhe was at war fighting with his biggest enemy which is cooking. Growing up whatever activity he tried he would always excel at it all except cooking. That was his weakness.     

Normally, he didn't mind eating instant food but he knew Zhao Xieshu's food preferences and instant food wasn't on the list. These past few days he could only feed him that because they had no choice but he was beginning to feel guilty and wanted to make something delicious for Zhao Xieshu so he was hard at work searching recipes on Valim Network to make some breakfast for his lover but it was off at horrible start.     

"Oh, don't choose that recipe it's too difficult," said Meng Huangse suddenly appeared out of nowhere after disappearing for three days. Actually, the AI was there but it was in a docile state giving its parents some privacy. It only came out now after seeing how distraught the Marshal was and decided to land a helping hand.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't surprised with Meng Huangse's sudden appearance. In fact, he knew the AI had been watching him for over an hour but pretended not to notice so as not to scare it away. "Which one should I choose then?" he asked while scrolling down the sea of recipes that could give one a headache just by looking at them.     

"Don't worry dad, I have watched mommy cook so many times so l can give you instructions while you cook. Mommy is very picky when it comes to food," said Meng Huangse forgetting that Zhao Xieshu had constantly scolded it for using the m word as a method of address.     

Unbeknownst to him, Qie Ranzhe's lips curved into a foolish smile pleased to know that even Zhao Xieshu's AI recognized itself as his unbegotten son. This further proved how much Zhao Xieshu loved him.     

"Who taught you to say that?" he asked taking out some chicken from the freezer. White Baine was always fully stocked up with food just in case Zhao Xieshu decided to venture out into wild space at a moment's notice.     

"Mommy did ever since he got me. He showed me an image of you and said that is dad but I never got to see you till now," confession Meng Huangse spilling it's boss' secrets to the big bad wolf who was more than happy to tease Zhao Xieshu later. Meng Huangse carefully instructed the Marshal step by step making chicken congee not forgetting to divulge some personal secrets to it's estranged dad while at it. A meal that should have taken thirty minutes to prepare took a long gruesome hour but the results were not half bad.     

The two proud patriots marched to the captain's cabin ready to present their masterpiece to Zhao Xieshu. This was the first thing Qie Ranzhe ever made so one could understand why he was this excited over a bowl of congee. When he arrived at the cabin, Zhao Xieshu was limply lying in bed fiddling with a cube shaped box looking lost. His naked lower half was covered in the silk sheets but Qie Ranzhe could clearly see the outline of his body under the sheets.     

"Baby I brought you food," he said sitting right next to him his piercing eyes fixated on Zhao Xieshu's chest. He had satisfied his desires these past three days thrusting into this sweet omega countless times but at this moment an unquenchable thirst was surging within him once more. When it came to Zhao Xieshu he could never get enough leaving him craving for more.     

Wen Qinxi put down the cube when he smelt the delicatable aroma of delicious congee making his stomach growl in excitement.     

"Here, try it," said the Marshal blowing some air on the porcelain spoon before feeding it to Zhao Xieshu. This scene if seen by the generals better yet if seen by Machu he would definitely faint from shock so it was a good thing they were in deep space with only Meng Huangse serving as a witness.     

Wen Qinxi's eyes widened in surprise, the congee was actually palatable way better than Wan Danzhe's standards. "Did you make this?" he asked his mind in utter disbelief. This man couldn't even tell apart ginger and garlic so how could he have made such a delicious meal.     

Qie Ranzhe was the least bit insulted as he was well aware of his own cooking skills which were ranked in the negative values. "I did with the help of my first born child," he proudly stated feeding his sweetheart another spoonful of congee.     

Wen Qinxi choked hearing the word child and began to cough violently with his eyes tearing up in an instant. Qie Ranzhe passed him a glass of water while gently patting his back. It was only after he had managed to calm down did Qie Ranzhe explain futher while wiping away his tears. "I was talking about Meng Huangse. Weren't you the one who taught it to call me dad? Isn't it a good thing that I am taking responsibility and accepting my role as a father? Don't worry my love even though we had a child out of wedlock I will definitely take responsibility," he said with a roguish smile that made Wen Qinxi's scalp go numb.     

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