Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Cleansing The Marshal's Filthy Mind

Second World: Cleansing The Marshal's Filthy Mind

0Just outside the geospace of the planet occupied by the zerg, White Baine was stagnant with its bright lights illuminating the dark silent space. Why this warship remained unmoving was puzzling to the zerg wondering exactly how long they intend to hover within their geospace? But the two people inside the warship didn't see anything wrong with it indulging in a heaven transcendent kiss that could easily ignite a seething passion in anyone.     

The Marshal wasn't the least bit polite disregarding his own injuries as he pressed his dry bruised lips on Zhao Xieshu's tender lips sending sparks flying all over Wen Qinxi's body straight to his head. This kind of rough yet gentle, sweet yet forceful kiss drove Wen Qinxi insane. Though Qie Ranzhe's lips were rough leaving a metallic taste in his mouth from the blood on the Marshal's wound, he didn't dislike it or maybe he just didn't care as a euphoric feeling overwhelmed him making him carefree experiencing an intense feeling of pleasure that could only come from kissing this man. Sensing Zhao Xieshu's intense reaction to his actions, Qie Ranzhe grasped either side of his lover's waist and pressed him against the wall unrestrainly deepening the kiss. His moist tongue explored to its heart's content gently teasing the prince's soft tongue while caressing searchingly the rest of his mouth tasting his sweetness mixed in with a dash of his omega pheromones. There was no use in denying, this addictive heightened sense of pleasure and excitement that came with kissing Zhao Xieshu always left him craving for more.     

The two were immersed in their passionate entanglement their hands caressing and groping everywhere with occasional moans and groans escaping their throats. This carried on until Wen Qinxi in his moment of passion sucked on Qie Ranzhe's lips forgetting the man's injury causing the Marshal to slightly flinch before hurried restoring his usual demeanor as though nothing happened. The Marshal knew if Zhao Xieshu recalled his injuries the prince would end their erotic session right then and there thus he quickly recovered but it was already too late. Wen Qinxi felt Qie Ranzhe's body tense up and gently pushed him away recalling Qie Ranzhe's injuries. He felt so selfish engaging in his own desires when the man was obviously in pain.     

"Let's take care of you first," said Wen Qinxi in hoarse voice trying to clear up his fogged up mind but Qie Ranzhe wasn't obedient drawing his face closer his dark amorous eyes fixed on Zhao Xieshu's red moist lips. His was undoubtedly craving more of that sweet taste. With one hand on the wall the other caressing the side Zhao Xieshu's neck he drew closer for another dose like an addict that had been starved for an entire week.     

Wen Qinxi felt his heart skip a beat being looked at like that. He had never seen someone yearn for him like this in his entire dating history however short it was. Someone who stubbornly craved for him this much with a face that exuded an inexplicable hunger with the Marshal's eyes staring at his lips like he wanted to devourer them whole.     

"Ran-ge," he called out his hand pressed aganist Qie Ranzhe's chest blocking him from proceeding with whatever lewd thoughts running around in his mind.     

"Mn," replied Qie Ranzhe barely attentive to what Zhao Xieshu was saying. His face alone sold him out, he was obviously stuck in some sort of trance.     

"Let's take care of your injuries first," said Wen Qinxi in an unmistakably coaxing tone though he wasn't certain who exactly he was coaxing, himself or Qie Ranzhe.     

Qie Ranzhe finally shifted his gaze to look at him with such dreamy eyes that made Wen Qinxi's face tingle as a flush crept up his face. The two locked eyes for a second as though looking into each other's souls in an intimate way.     

Wen Qinxi knew righy then that he was finished. He was in love Qie Ranzhe and there was no use in denying it. At that realization his heart twisted in a complicated way as he spoke these words, "Let's go," while gently pushing him backwards.     

Qie Ranzhe sighed with a flirtatious smile on his face complying with Zhao Xieshu's request. In all honesty, he actually wasn't feeling well but because of his burning desire he had suppressed that feeling to satisfying his burning urges. Wen Qinxi took his hand and silently led him to the medical bay equipped with fast skin-healing equipment. As long as the injuries sustained were skin deep then the Marshal's wounds would be easily treated.     

"Take off your shirt and lie down," said Wen Qinxi recalling how to use this sophisticated yet effective piece of equipment that closely resembled a capsule. After a three minutes of following the steps Wen Qinxi realised that Qie Ranzhe still hadn't lied down so he turned around looking in his direction with a puzzled expression that is until he saw the Marshal was about to remove his underwear.     

"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked trying so hard not to look his face literally on fire clearly expressing his emotions.     

Qie Ranzhe put on straight face saying, "What if there are injuries on my little brother? Don't you need to check?"     

Wen Qinxi felt defeated dealing with such a shameless person and so he said, "Is that all you ever think about? Do you need a fuckin daoist priest to cleanse your filthy mind. I said take off your shirt, just your shirt so I can check if your ribs are not broken so why are you taking off everything?"     

"Huh?.....My thoughts were pure when I stripped off my clothes. Don't you also need to check my legs for broken bones oh and this," said Qie Ranzhe pointing at his impressive crotch bulging inside his underwear, "resembles a bone when it's standing so don't you need to check it as well? Now who between the two of has dirty thoughts?"     

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