Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Penalty Of Falling In Love

Second World: Penalty Of Falling In Love

0Wen Qinxi couldn't believe his ears. He sincerely hoped Qie Ranzhe wasn't like this in reality, it really wasn't befitting with his overbearing demaour at the office. "If you dare to strip I will leave you here to do it by yourself," replied a flustered Wen Qinxi trying calm himself down.     

Qie Ranzhe obediently lay down with a gentle smile looking up to the angry Zhao Xieshu as he muttered, "Baby, I am sorry. I won't cause anymore trouble," but there was no response, "I can put my pants back on if you want," yet again no response. He knew the reason why Zhao Xieshu was angry with him it was because he was concerned for him and his teasing just now was a bit ill timed.     

Short of how to coax Zhao Xieshu, he bit lower lip seeming remorseful while wordlessly brushing the back his hand aganist his omega's hand with a loving tender gaze. Even an ice queen wouldn't be able to resist such a look let alone Wen Qinxi so he said, "Didn't you say you wanted me to check if your legs aren't broken? Then don't put them back on," he said averting his gaze while thinking, 'I am fuckin finished. What's the penalty of falling in love with your boss?'     

Wen Qinxi used a hot towel to rub Qie Ranzhe's body as the equipment scanned for internal injuries that is after he felt up his boss' chest a couple of times. Surprisingly, Qie Ranzhe actually fell asleep while being given a rub down and so Wen Qinxi let him have a peaceful rest as the skin-healing equipment did its job.     


While the two were playing house in space, Emperor Zhao was dealing with one blow after the other. Someone was definitely gunning for him indirectly stripping off his power but he couldn't for the life of him figure out who it was. He knew it couldn't be the Marshal as that troublesome hound dog was already missing so who else had he offended?     

His nightmare began two days ago when each of the four powerful families had their secrets leaked out to the public the kind of secrets that were detrimental to their businesses with no means of recovery. From sex trafficking to money laundering all their dirty laundry had been aired out to the public for all to see. It was the emperor's job to supress this kind of news and shield the prestigious families from prosecution but the way this news blew up was impossible to suppress like a California wildfire during fire seasons. No amount of foam retardant or control lines could put out this blazing heat spreading throughout Valim Network exposing their shady business deals.     

In a day, their companies declared bankruptcy with some of their family members imprisoned as the emperor had no direct influence on the judicial system. Even if he could bribe someone to provide a way out without jail time, it wouldn't help the situation. The information was too public with countless perpetrators.     

The emperor had lost his entire backing overnight and had to act fast. He ruthlessly distanced himself from these families and speed up his plan to take over UPSF fleet by making it public that the Marshal was missing and that the zerg were responsible for it.     

As expected the announcement came as a surprise to the entire empire rousing the people's rage calling for the zerg race's complete annihilation. With the entire population's backing him, Emperor Zhao brazenly called upon the council of Ambassadors to gain total control of UPSF fleet. Such a meeting should have included the six generals but of course, the emperor used the excuse of it being an emergency to exclude them but he yet again underestimated who exactly he was dealing with.     

Emperor Zhao was seated at the head of the table looking down at the Ambassadors who were in dispute over the emperor's request forming two factions one fore the request the other unwilling especially due to the absence of the generals. They couldn't in good conscience vote to shift UPSF fleet's command to the emperor when there were six highly qualified generals next in line. This disagreement went on for over an hour with the emperor not moving a single finger his expression that of man lost in thought.     

After determining the ring leader from the faction opposing his take over, he invited the cloaked man in who silently handed over a file to the so-called ring leader.     

"Ambassadors Fei how can you argue at such a critical moment?" said Emperor Zhao with a wolfish expression sending chills down the Ambassador's spine, "I am sure that file would make you see things my way." Emperor Zhao didn't feel the need to hide it, he was openly blackmailing Ambassador Fei twisting his arm to supress the opposition.     

Each and everyone of them had a secret even if they didn't he wouldn't hesitate to frame them and this was his way of simply showing them that none of them were safe. With trembling hands, Ambassador Fei opened the file only to find a scrupulous account under his name with ten times his savings. The multple transfers were from the now unoperational Offset pirate organization. This was to say Ambassador Fei got funds from the criminal organization in exchange for Xianore transportation cargo intel so they could attack it during transit.     

This was obviously fabricated evidence but the man's forehead was laced in a layer of cold sweat his face a sickly pale looking at his acquitances who were also glancing over the file with interest.     

"I am sure this will help you make the right decision," said the emperor lazily slouching into his chair like a boss.     

The Ambassadors were struck dumb petrified at the extent Emperor Zhao was willing to take things just to get his hands on UPSF fleet the most powerful army in the entire universe. Scared out of their minds the men shakily raised their hands in support of the emperor but before they could pass the vote the screens in the conference room suddenly lit up with six generals making their appearance.     

Emperor Zhao had specifically instructed the Royal guard to block any incoming communication requests to prevent such a situation but in the end the imperial palace was hacked with six angry generals making their appearance.     

"Aiyoo.....will you look at that. The emperor and his minions are having a fuckin tea party without inviting me. I got to feelings are hurt," said the sixth General in a sarcastic tone. These generals had no ounce of respect towards the emperor mainly because the man was shady and harbored ill intentions towards the Marshal. They never respected him from the start.     

"Watch your words," said Emperor's bodyguard scowling at this alpha who dared to disrespect the emperor.     

" apologies for insulting His Majesty but we came here to say one thing. You can vote all you like but you will never gain control of this fleet. So get your fuckin head straight and get with the program," she said with a condescending tone aimed at the pale faced emperor.     

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